What are deadliest viruses on earth?
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What are deadliest viruses on earth?
Humans and viruses have constantly struggled to survive throughout history.
For some viral illnesses, we have invented an effective vaccine to prevent it, such as the smallpox virus, but not all viruses have the vaccine. Therefore, this war is still persistent, continuous in the future.
In the United States, the NIH has classified it as a type A priority virus. This virus can be transmitted by contact with a fruit bat or it can be transmitted between people through body fluids.
Scientists identified the Marburg virus in 1967 when a number of infections occurred in laboratory workers in the cities of Marburg and Frankurt, Germany. These people were exposed to infected monkeys brought from Uganda. The Marburg virus has a similarity to the Ebola virus in that both types cause dengue, meaning that an infected person has symptoms of high fever, hemorrhage leading to shock, organ failure and death.
The death rate in the first outbreak was 25% but by the 1998-2000 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the death rate had reached 80% (according to the World Health Organization - WHO).
Ebola is spread primarily through contact with blood or other body fluids or tissue from infected people / animals. Common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, rash along with impaired liver and kidney functions, and internal and external bleeding.
The disease has a high risk of death, killing 25-90% of those infected with an average rate of about 50%. The reason is that blood pressure drops due to blood and water loss when the patient is bleeding and usually occurs after 6 to 16 days when symptoms appear. Fruit bats are believed to be the source of the infection of Ebola virus to humans.
Although rabies prevention virus was introduced in the 1920s, making it rare in developed countries, it is still a serious problem in India and parts of Africa.
It is estimated that up to 90% of Native Americans die from the smallpox virus brought by Europeans. In the 20th century alone, smallpox claimed the lives of 300 million people.
According to WHO, an estimated 453,000 children under the age of 5 died from Rota virus in 2008. Currently, there are 2 effective vaccines that help protect children from Rota virus.
The disease causes fever, chills, and body aches and often progresses to pneumonia - a serious condition in which the lungs become inflamed and filled with pus, so far there is no effective treatment. However, in recent years, no new cases of SARS have been recorded.
The death rate is estimated at 2.3%. People who are older or have a history of more severe disease and are at higher risk of death if infected with the virus. Until now, researchers are still trying to find effective treatment regimens and preventive vaccines.
E daaaa....
For some viral illnesses, we have invented an effective vaccine to prevent it, such as the smallpox virus, but not all viruses have the vaccine. Therefore, this war is still persistent, continuous in the future.
The most dangerous viruses in history
Marburg virus
Marburg virus causes dengue in humans and primate. This virus is considered to be extremely dangerous. The World Health Organization considers Marburg virus to be one of Group 4 risk agents (protection requirements equivalent to biosecurity level 4).In the United States, the NIH has classified it as a type A priority virus. This virus can be transmitted by contact with a fruit bat or it can be transmitted between people through body fluids.
Scientists identified the Marburg virus in 1967 when a number of infections occurred in laboratory workers in the cities of Marburg and Frankurt, Germany. These people were exposed to infected monkeys brought from Uganda. The Marburg virus has a similarity to the Ebola virus in that both types cause dengue, meaning that an infected person has symptoms of high fever, hemorrhage leading to shock, organ failure and death.
The death rate in the first outbreak was 25% but by the 1998-2000 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the death rate had reached 80% (according to the World Health Organization - WHO).
Ebola virus
The first Ebola pandemic in 1976 was warned to have a high mortality rate - about 90% of people infected. A pandemic occurs for the first time in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola virus disease, also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a viral hemorrhagic fever in humans and other primates.Ebola is spread primarily through contact with blood or other body fluids or tissue from infected people / animals. Common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, rash along with impaired liver and kidney functions, and internal and external bleeding.
The disease has a high risk of death, killing 25-90% of those infected with an average rate of about 50%. The reason is that blood pressure drops due to blood and water loss when the patient is bleeding and usually occurs after 6 to 16 days when symptoms appear. Fruit bats are believed to be the source of the infection of Ebola virus to humans.
The virus causes rabies
Rabies is caused by the rabies virus of the genus Lyssavirus, the Rhabdoviridae family, is transmitted from animals to humans. Rabies caused by the classic rabies virus has a death rate of almost 100% in humans. Rabies has no specific treatment so far. The disease is transmitted from animals to humans through secretions, usually saliva infected with rabies virus through the bites or licks of rabid animals.Although rabies prevention virus was introduced in the 1920s, making it rare in developed countries, it is still a serious problem in India and parts of Africa.
Smallpox virus
In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox was eliminated but before that, people had lost thousands of years of fighting smallpox. The death rate of this disease is very high, 1 in 3 people infected die. Even if not killed will leave pitted scars, even blind.It is estimated that up to 90% of Native Americans die from the smallpox virus brought by Europeans. In the 20th century alone, smallpox claimed the lives of 300 million people.
Seasonal flu virus
During the flu season, around 500,000 people worldwide can die from the disease (according to WHO). The most deadly flu pandemic, the Spanish flu, started in 1918, infecting 40% of the world's population and causing 50 million deaths.Rota virus
This virus causes severe diarrhea in infants and young children. This virus can spread through human feces. Children in developed countries rarely die from the Rota virus but the mortality rate for this disease in developing countries is high.According to WHO, an estimated 453,000 children under the age of 5 died from Rota virus in 2008. Currently, there are 2 effective vaccines that help protect children from Rota virus.
SARS virus
The virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) first appeared in 2002 in Guangdong province, China. The virus was thought to emerge from bats, then spread to nocturnal mammals, eventually infecting humans. After causing an epidemic in China, SARS has spread to 26 countries around the world, infected more than 8,000 people and caused 770 deaths (9.6%).The disease causes fever, chills, and body aches and often progresses to pneumonia - a serious condition in which the lungs become inflamed and filled with pus, so far there is no effective treatment. However, in recent years, no new cases of SARS have been recorded.
Also known as the COVID-19 disease virus, was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan City, China. The virus is thought to originate from bats, transmitted by intermediate animals before infecting humans. Since its inception, the virus has rapidly spread in China and other countries around the world.The death rate is estimated at 2.3%. People who are older or have a history of more severe disease and are at higher risk of death if infected with the virus. Until now, researchers are still trying to find effective treatment regimens and preventive vaccines.
E daaaa....
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
fali virus komunizma...
taj je pobio više nego svi ostali zajedno...
taj je pobio više nego svi ostali zajedno...
T.- Posts : 17557
Age : 83
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
to je zato jer se najopasniji drze debelo pod katancem..nikom nije u interesu da se zajebaje sa njime..סמאל wrote:
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
uglavnom kad te marburg ili ebola dograbe,mrtav si..
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
vjerski virus je debelo pregazi sve ostale viruse,pa tako i virus komunizma i nacizma.T. wrote:fali virus komunizma...
taj je pobio više nego svi ostali zajedno...
IL Risorto- Posts : 11215
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
da,ali je birao.T. wrote:fali virus komunizma...
taj je pobio više nego svi ostali zajedno...
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
Ma to kad neznalice rangiraju. Ona prva dva jesu smrtonosna u smislu da ubiju bolesnog, ali nisu najsmrtonosniji jer bolesnog ubiju pre brzo pa ne stigne se zaraza sirit plus modus sirenja je ogranicen i zapravo ih je vrlo tesko dobit i zarazit se s time. Za bjesnocu imamo cjepivo, a male boginje zapadnjacima nisu toliko smrtonosne. Velike boginje vec jesu. Ali ni boginje nisu problem jer su iskorjenjene i postoji cjepivo. Dakle opet fake news...
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
brkas smrtonosnost,virulentnost..poanta jest,AKO ga popusis,nema ti lijeka niti ozdravljenja u postotku od otprilike 98%.. O tome se ovdje prica..ne o zaraznosti niti virulentnosti(sirenju),nego o tome,koliko je SMRTONOSAN,ako se zarazis..kujis??Leteca Pegla wrote:Ma to kad neznalice rangiraju. Ona prva dva jesu smrtonosna u smislu da ubiju bolesnog, ali nisu najsmrtonosniji jer bolesnog ubiju pre brzo pa ne stigne se zaraza sirit plus modus sirenja je ogranicen i zapravo ih je vrlo tesko dobit i zarazit se s time. Za bjesnocu imamo cjepivo, a male boginje zapadnjacima nisu toliko smrtonosne. Velike boginje vec jesu. Ali ni boginje nisu problem jer su iskorjenjene i postoji cjepivo. Dakle opet fake news...
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
Ne brkam ja nista, clanak govori o najopasnijim virusima na svijetu, takav ti je naslov. A ti nisu najopasniji jer ne umire puno ljudi od njih. A smrtnost ili smrtonosnost je ovisi kako gledas: ako gledas odnos zarazenih/umrlih, onda da ovi su smrtonosniji, ako gledas ukupan broj mrtvih onda nisu. U svakom slucaju je ovo fake news jer to nisu najopasniji virusi, jer ili ima cjepivo protiv njih (cak i za ebolu imas cjepivo) ili nisu virulentni nesto puno. Ovaj clanak i je nastao ocito kad je neka budala koja se pali na smrtnost i umiranje procitala samo o stopi smrtnosti (broj umrlih:broj zarazenih) bez da gleda brojke ili razumije ista o virusima, tako da sto se najopasnijih i najsmrtonosnijih virusa tice, Jeyeva tablica je puno bolja za procjenu toga...
Guest- Guest
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
spanjolska groznica?
gdje su jos oni labarotirijski virusi koji su najmjenjeni kao bioloska oruzja ima toga oho ho
gdje su jos oni labarotirijski virusi koji su najmjenjeni kao bioloska oruzja ima toga oho ho
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
iskreno, ako se cega treba ekipa plasit, to je samo ova ekipa koja nema Bozji pecat na celu kad dodje mutiran korona virus nakon sto grune zjalo...
pa kad vec ekipa toliko svrsava na viruse i smrt, onda eto, bit ce im zeljha uslisena. I ako neko misli da se moze zastiti samoizolacijama i ostalim kikijima krivo misli. Stiti samo Bozji pecat na celu...
pa kad vec ekipa toliko svrsava na viruse i smrt, onda eto, bit ce im zeljha uslisena. I ako neko misli da se moze zastiti samoizolacijama i ostalim kikijima krivo misli. Stiti samo Bozji pecat na celu...
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
Takozvani Liberalni Kapitalizam je tu ipak znatno superiornijiT. wrote:fali virus komunizma...
taj je pobio više nego svi ostali zajedno...
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
poanta svega...jel..ako te virus dohvati,nema t izivota vise.odmah se pomiri sa smrcu...ovi viruzi su "bucni",dakle,razvijaju simptome brzo,vidljivo i lako ih je locirati i baciti zarazene u karantenu..ostalo,slazem se..ako se ne mogu bitno prosiriti,nisu velika opasnost za ukupnu populaciju..Leteca Pegla wrote:Ne brkam ja nista, clanak govori o najopasnijim virusima na svijetu, takav ti je naslov. A ti nisu najopasniji jer ne umire puno ljudi od njih. A smrtnost ili smrtonosnost je ovisi kako gledas: ako gledas odnos zarazenih/umrlih, onda da ovi su smrtonosniji, ako gledas ukupan broj mrtvih onda nisu. U svakom slucaju je ovo fake news jer to nisu najopasniji virusi, jer ili ima cjepivo protiv njih (cak i za ebolu imas cjepivo) ili nisu virulentni nesto puno. Ovaj clanak i je nastao ocito kad je neka budala koja se pali na smrtnost i umiranje procitala samo o stopi smrtnosti (broj umrlih:broj zarazenih) bez da gleda brojke ili razumije ista o virusima, tako da sto se najopasnijih i najsmrtonosnijih virusa tice, Jeyeva tablica je puno bolja za procjenu toga...
Ovaj je stealth..niti ga ne vide,dok se ne ukazu simptomi,a on se vec prosirio,da ne postoji metoda kojom bi se pratio,ili nasao primarni nulti pacijent..ne udara zestoko,brzo,nego temeljito..cak mislim da mu je smrtnost,sekundarna osobina,dok je sirenje i virulentnost,dakle zaraznost na primarnom mjestu..
kakogod,sVIJET dosad ovakvo sto nije susreo nikada,dok postoji pisana povijest..
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Re: What are deadliest viruses on earth?
Tg3 Leonardo 16/11/2015
ovo je video RAI tv emisije Leonardo koja se emitirala 16. novembra 2015. godine a u kojoj se govori o coronavirusu umjetno iskemijanom u laboratoriju.
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Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
Counter-Strike- Posts : 4231
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