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UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution

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UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution Empty UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution

Post by Ero Sat 21 Nov - 4:10

UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution
Published time: 20 Nov, 2015 22:44Edited time: 21 Nov, 2015 00:27
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UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution 564fa45dc4618823328b4607
© Mike Segar / Reuters
The United Nations has called the states to fight “a global and unprecedented threat to international peace and security” which is Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL, Da’esh). All 15 members of the UN Security Council voted to adopt the French-proposed resolution.
The resolution “calls upon member states that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures ... on the territory under the control of ISIL ... in Syria and Iraq.”
IS “constitutes a global and unprecedented threat to international peace and security,” the resolution says.
Russia has repeatedly called for action to cut the terrorists’ financial lifelines, with President Vladimir Putin revealing on Monday that IS is receiving funding from 40 countries.
READ MORE: Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members
Syria’s UN Ambassador, Bashar Ja’afari, hinted prior to Friday’s vote that this resolution was long overdue. “Welcome to everybody who finally woke up and joined the club of combating terrorists.”
Meanwhile, Russia is continuing its work on a draft resolution proposing international military campaigns to fight against Islamic State. The current text is an updated version of a document submitted on September 30.
The text, submitted on November 18, stresses the need to coordinate military actions with the governments of the countries where the anti-terror operations are being conducted.

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UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution Empty Re: UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution

Post by Ero Sat 21 Nov - 4:13

Situacija ide u pravom smjeru.
Još jednom bi upozorio: Ne činimo nepotrebno zločine, jer onda postaješ isti kao i "oni".
Nažalost, svaki rat je gubitak, čak i onda kada pobjeđuješ.

Jedan je Hase...

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UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution Empty Re: UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution

Post by marcus-t Sat 21 Nov - 12:22

Ero wrote:Situacija ide u pravom smjeru.
Još jednom bi upozorio: Ne činimo nepotrebno zločine, jer onda postaješ isti kao i "oni".
Nažalost, svaki rat je gubitak, čak i onda kada pobjeđuješ.
Yap. Stvorimo zlo, onda se borimo protiv njega i na kraju mi pozitivci. :D Krajnji rezultat - smrt demokracije pod izlikom sigurnosnih prijetnji i brige za građane. ;)

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