DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
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DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
[size=35]Russian alcohol consumption plunges 40%: WHO[/size]
The decrease has been linked to a raft of alcohol control measures introduced by President Vladimir Putin and the promotion of healthier lifestyles. The trend is also attributed to an increase in Russian life expectancy.
Alcohol consumption in Russia has dropped by 43 percent since 2003, according to a report published on Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO).
"The Russian Federation has long been considered one of the heaviest-drinking countries in the world," the report said, adding that alcohol was a major contributor to a spike in deaths in the 1990s.
"However, in recent years these trends have been reversed."
The WHO report suggests that Russia's reduction in alcohol-related disease provides a strong argument for an effective alcohol policy as a requirement for long and healthy lives.
Russia's sport-loving president Vladimir Putin has introduced a number of measures encouraging Russians to live healthier lifestyles.
These positive choices have resulted in an increased life expectancy, which increased in 2018 to 68 years for men and 78 years for women. In the early 1990s, male life expectancy was just 57 years.
How did Russia buck the trend?
'Bootleg booze'
The drop in consumption was also driven by a steep decline in demand for illegally produced alcohol," the study showed.
"The dramatic decline in consumption of homemade, smuggled or illegally produced alcohol in the Russian Federation is attributable to the government's adoption of evidence-based alcohol control policies," said the WHO's Carina Ferreira-Borges.
"These results show that measures such as the introduction of monitoring systems, price increases and limited alcohol availability work to save lives and health system costs. I trust that other countries in Europe will adopt similar policies to protect people's health."
Earlier WHO research showed Russian adults now drink less alcohol than their German and French counterparts.
The decrease has been linked to a raft of alcohol control measures introduced by President Vladimir Putin and the promotion of healthier lifestyles. The trend is also attributed to an increase in Russian life expectancy.
Alcohol consumption in Russia has dropped by 43 percent since 2003, according to a report published on Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO).
"The Russian Federation has long been considered one of the heaviest-drinking countries in the world," the report said, adding that alcohol was a major contributor to a spike in deaths in the 1990s.
"However, in recent years these trends have been reversed."
The WHO report suggests that Russia's reduction in alcohol-related disease provides a strong argument for an effective alcohol policy as a requirement for long and healthy lives.
Russia's sport-loving president Vladimir Putin has introduced a number of measures encouraging Russians to live healthier lifestyles.
These positive choices have resulted in an increased life expectancy, which increased in 2018 to 68 years for men and 78 years for women. In the early 1990s, male life expectancy was just 57 years.
How did Russia buck the trend?
- Raising alcohol excise taxes
- Introducing minimum unit pricing on vodka in 2003 and gradually increasing it
- Expanding minimum pricing to other alcoholic beverages
- Banning off-premises alcohol sales after 11 p.m.
- Introducing an alcohol marketing blackout
- Restricting alcohol availability in some regions
'Bootleg booze'
The drop in consumption was also driven by a steep decline in demand for illegally produced alcohol," the study showed.
"The dramatic decline in consumption of homemade, smuggled or illegally produced alcohol in the Russian Federation is attributable to the government's adoption of evidence-based alcohol control policies," said the WHO's Carina Ferreira-Borges.
"These results show that measures such as the introduction of monitoring systems, price increases and limited alcohol availability work to save lives and health system costs. I trust that other countries in Europe will adopt similar policies to protect people's health."
Earlier WHO research showed Russian adults now drink less alcohol than their German and French counterparts.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
hektore..sto ne zatarzis rusku putovnicu i drzavljanstvo ko kolega alfaomega...da se ne mucis...ziher je ziher..kad rusi dođu...ti ces 'ja sam rus ja sam rus ja sam vas'
vuksadinare- Posts : 100240
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
[size=30]Rusi pod Putinom smanjili konzumaciju alkohola za 43 posto[/size]
Studija je pokazala da je pad konzumacije alkohola po glavi stanovnika od 43 posto od 2003 do 2016. godine potaknut naglim smanjenjem konzumacije jeftinih pića.
Rusi možda imaju reputaciju nacije teških alkoholičara, ali se u izvještaju Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) objavljenom u utorak pokazuje da njihova konzumacija alkohola opala za više od 40 posto s vrhunaca u ranim 2000-im godinama, navodi AFP.
WHO je pripisao takav trend nizu mjera koje je uveo predsjednik Vladimir Putin otkako je došao na vlast u 2.000. godini, među kojima su restrikcije na prodaju alkohola i promoviranje zdravog stila života.
- Ruska Federacija dugo je vremena smatrana zemljom s najtežim alkoholičarima - navodi se u izvještaju i dodaje da je alkohol bio jedan od ključnih faktora za nagli rast brojka smrtnih slučajeva u 1990-im godinama.
- Ti trendovi ipak su ugroženi u posljednjim godinama - dodaje WHO, prenosi Fena.
Studija je pokazala da je pad konzumacije alkohola po glavi stanovnika od 43 posto od 2003 do 2016. godine potaknut naglim smanjenjem konzumacije jeftinih pića.
Autori izvještaja navode da je taj trend čimbenik za produženje očekivanog životnog vijeka, koji je dostigao povijesni vrhunac u 2018. sa 78 godina za žene i 68 godina za muškarce. U turbulentnim ranim 1960-im godinama očekivani životni vijek muškaraca iznosio je samo 57 godina.
Pod Putinovom vlašću, Rusija je uvela mjere među kojima su zabrana prodaje alkohola nakon 23 sata, povećanje minimalne nabavne cijene pića i zabrana reklamiranja, prenosi AFP.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
Mislim da je glavni razlog to što se promijenila kompletna životna atmosfera u ruskom društvu.
Više je optimizma i mogućnosti za mlade da se posvete karijerama i raznim stvaralačkim aktivnostima. Bolji životni standard to omogućava kao i vjera u bolju budućnost.
A onaj horor iz devedesetih je bio idealan za beznađe i alkoholizam.
Više je optimizma i mogućnosti za mlade da se posvete karijerama i raznim stvaralačkim aktivnostima. Bolji životni standard to omogućava kao i vjera u bolju budućnost.
A onaj horor iz devedesetih je bio idealan za beznađe i alkoholizam.
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
Švabo je pa za kurac. Dečki se opijaju po birtusima, dok im djeve karaju muje. A one koje drže do čednosti, okite se cvićem i idu slaviti boga sunca u Stonehenge kad god je solsticij.
Ima i onih koji rintaju po građevinama ka naš sveto i to im je toliko čarobno i kul da svaki drugi dan pljuju po Hrvatskoj.
E to je slika današnje švabije.
Ima i onih koji rintaju po građevinama ka naš sveto i to im je toliko čarobno i kul da svaki drugi dan pljuju po Hrvatskoj.
E to je slika današnje švabije.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
Recimo da u Švabiji sad uvedu ove kampove za učenje dice kak da se osamostale i očeličaju, to bu bija takav plač u nejači, ne znaš ko bu više plaka - dica ili roditelji.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Re: DW: Rusi danas konzumiraju manje alkohola od Njemaca
Da recimo Rusi graniče sa Švabijom, i krinu na Švabe konvencionalno, Švabija bu pala za dva tjedna.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
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