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Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana

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Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana  Empty Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana

Post by AssadNaPodmornici 26/7/2019, 11:56


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Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana  Empty Re: Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana

Post by AssadNaPodmornici 26/7/2019, 11:59

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BoJo's cabinet - a free market Taliban unleashed
John Wight
John Wight has written for a variety of newspapers and websites, including the Independent, Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, London Progressive Journal, and Foreign Policy Journal.
Published time: 25 Jul, 2019 14:33
Edited time: 25 Jul, 2019 15:52
BoJo's cabinet - a free market Taliban unleashed
British PM Johnson holds his first cabinet meeting © REUTERS / Pool / Aaron Chownvia
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Just one day into his premiership and it’s already clear that Britain’s new Prime Minister Boris Johnson means business. The question is: what kind?
There’s wielding the knife and there’s wielding the knife, and Johnson, with his merciless cull of Theresa May’s deadwood from his new cabinet, has moved with the alacrity of the leader of a right-wing coup rather than a democracy to assemble around him a cabinet of ideologues, Russophobes, and politicians from the far reaches of the swivel-eyed margins.
This is a cabinet of men and women for whom the British Empire did not die but instead went to sleep, with their role, when it comes right down to it, to rouse it awake in the hearts and minds of the British public at home, while acting on the world stage as if it’s return is what the world desperately needs.
Ready for Brexit & election? BoJo MASSACRES May's cabinet to install hardline Leavers
Johnson has breezed into Number-10 with the energy of Winston Churchill and the delusions of Anthony Eden, the feckless prime minister who led the country into the disaster of Suez in 1956. The boundless confidence he radiates is that of the newly installed leader of a Roman satellite state who’s received the most important endorsement of all – not that of his own people – but that of Caesar (Trump) in Rome (Washington).
Whilst foreign secretary, Johnson was more Catholic than the Pope when it came to attacking Russia; in 2016 going so far as to call for demonstrations outside the Russian Embassy in London over Russia’s role in the conflict in Syria. And the man he’s picked as his own foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, is cut from the same cloth.
Throughout the still unsolved Skripals case, Raab was a regular fixture in the British media crying “Russia! Russia! It’s all Russia!” despite the lack of conclusive evidence to support such a charge.
Even more worrying where Raab is concerned is his association with the extreme free market think tank, the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA). In fact, the IEA is less a think tank and more a free market Taliban presenting itself as one, boasting a membership of cranks who make Maggie Thatcher look like Lenin’s wife.
Among the IEA’s more extreme recommendations are the complete privatisation of healthcare, minimal regulation of financial markets (this despite the 2008 financial crash), and an end to controls on tobacco advertising.
The IEA’s unofficial parliamentary Conservative wing is the Free Enterprise Group. Established in 2010 to tie in with the election of the then new Tory-Lib Dem coalition government, its members, along with Dominic Raab, include James Cleverly, Kwasi Kwarteng, Matt Hancock, Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and Chris Skidmore.
What all of the above have in common is their inclusion in Boris Johnson’s new cabinet.
For such people the state does not exist to protect the rights and welfare of the many, but to ensure the freedom of the few to amass as much wealth as possible from the labor of the many with little or no interference. Tax is a dirty word. Regulation is a dirty word. Health and safety are dirty words. As for workers’ rights, you must be having a laugh. This is a government of the 19th century, by the 19th century, and for the 19th century, where those are concerned

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Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana  Empty Re: Vlada "britanskog desničara" puna slobodno tržišnih talibana

Post by AssadNaPodmornici 26/7/2019, 12:01

Žele totalnu privatizaciju zdravstva, i ostatka državnih firmi, mrze riječ regulacija i žele još više rezanja poreza.

May Allah destroy Australia

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Post by aben 26/7/2019, 12:49

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