Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
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Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
ameri gladni, nisu legle place
prokleti putin i njegov spijun
prokleti putin i njegov spijun
dzango- Posts : 28141
Lokacija: : Velika Srbija
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Ode jamerika u u pizdu materinu part 21 658.....
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14669
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Ima toga malo duze samo mediji o tome ne izvjestavaju..kazu..sramota je da svijet vidi da imamo miljune beskucnika i gladnih...
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
bekućnike u USA trenutno hvataju privatne firme i nude im poslove za minimalac, koji je godišnji 25 000€ jer im fali radne snage.pismejker wrote:Ima toga malo duze samo mediji o tome ne izvjestavaju..kazu..sramota je da svijet vidi da imamo miljune beskucnika i gladnih...
u rusiji je prosječna godišnja plaća , dakle prosječna , ima ekipa sa puno nižom lovom, 5000€.. u USA je minimalac nekih 25 000€ i to je rezervirano za beskućnike. a troškovi života manji nego u RH kada se makneš van većih gradova
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
plus ekipa koja zarađuje cca 25 000€ godišnje u USA (što je za njih neko dno), može dobiti razne besplatne gluposti od bogate države.. pusti bonovi, subvencije , što ekipa koristi.. pa tako u USA sirotinja sa dna kace, može živjeti puno bolje nego srednja klasa u Rusiji i RH
May Allah destroy Australia
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22267
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Zato ja kazem yoda da za tebe nema nade..evo ti pa gledaj,ako ti slova nis ne znace..
zadnji video je o onima "koje firme otimaju za posel..""
Yoda ti bi bio gladan u Jemerici,,
zadnji video je o onima "koje firme otimaju za posel..""
Yoda ti bi bio gladan u Jemerici,,
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Nema od toga nista nece Amerika propasti ...abraham wrote:Ode jamerika u u pizdu materinu part 21 658.....
Ali da ne ide sve kako treba to je evidentno ...
Ringo10- Posts : 21667
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Problem beskucnika u USA je takorekuc oduvijek. U velikim ih gradovima ima kao u bajci. Vecina ili svi su ovisnici. Ima nesta malo lijenih i mentalno bolesnih ali uglavnom (ako lijenost ne smatramo bolesti) nema nitko zdrav da je beskucnik. Tako je bilo i tako ce biti. Bio to Obama, Donald ili netko cetrdeset treci. U manjim gradovima ili selima ih nema jer se ne mogu "snaci" za lovu da prezive. Nitko ih ne skriva i nitko problem ne gura pod tepih, jedino da se "obicni" svijet naviknuo na takovo stanje. Da ekonomija USA nikda nije bila bolja ali to nikoga ne zanima. Kao i svugdje , necemo o politici ajmo o ekonomiji. E kada se pokaze da je ekonomija super e ajmo mi natrag na politiku. i tako dalje. Da, jos uvijek cetiri savezne USA drzave imaju vece ekonomije od Rusije cijele. Tako da.......Kila mozga..
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14669
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Eto rijesena je misterija Beskucnika..svi su lijeni,nesposobni,narkomani,ovakvi i onakvi.. .predlazem jos da se sakupi mooda i to im se kaze u facu na ulici..pobralo bi se samara i bubotaka na tone...
naj je kad balkanski mozgovi se pacaju u problem koje ne razumiju..i videja su izgleda uzaludna..
mozda..da,t obi pomoglo..da takvi malo probaju najbrutalniji kapitalizam na Svijetu,umjesto sto pola godine provedu skandinavskim socijalnim programima,koji i nannesposobnije odrzavaju u prilicno luksuznom zivotu...
I nadalje,oko 750 000 amera beskucnika,sa tendencijom rasta...
kilo balkanskog mozga..neprocijenjiva vrijednost...
naj je kad balkanski mozgovi se pacaju u problem koje ne razumiju..i videja su izgleda uzaludna..
mozda..da,t obi pomoglo..da takvi malo probaju najbrutalniji kapitalizam na Svijetu,umjesto sto pola godine provedu skandinavskim socijalnim programima,koji i nannesposobnije odrzavaju u prilicno luksuznom zivotu...
I nadalje,oko 750 000 amera beskucnika,sa tendencijom rasta...
kilo balkanskog mozga..neprocijenjiva vrijednost...
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
[size=42]10 Facts About Homelessness[/size]
10/13/2014 01:18 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017
Renee Delisle was one of over 3,500 homeless people in Santa Cruz when she found out she was pregnant. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported she was turned away from a shelter because they did not have space for her. While other homeless people slept in cars or under culverts, Renee ended up living in an abandoned elevator shaft until her water broke.
Jerome Murdough, 56, a homeless former Marine, was arrested for trespass in New York because he was found sleeping in a public housing stairwell on a cold night. The New York Times reported that one week later, Jerome died of hyperthermia in a jail cell heated to over 100 degrees.
Paula Corb and her two daughters lost their home and have lived in their minivan for four years. They did laundry in a church annex, went to the bathroom at gas stations, and did their studies under street lamps, according to America Tonight.
Fact 1: Over half a million people are homeless. On any given night, there are over 600,000 homeless people in the U.S., according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Most people are spending the night either in homeless shelters or in some sort of short-term transitional housing. Slightly more than a third are living in cars or under bridges or are in some other way living unsheltered.
Fact 2: One quarter of homeless people are children. HUD reports that on any given night, over 138,000 of the homeless in the U.S. are children under the age of 18. Thousands of these homeless children are unaccompanied, according to HUD. Another federal program, No Child Left Behind, defines “homeless children” more broadly and includes not just those living in shelters or transitional housing but those who are sharing the housing of other persons due to economic hardship; living in cars, parks, bus or train stations; or awaiting foster-care placement. Under this definition, the National Center for Homeless Education reported in September 2014 that local school districts reported there are over 1 million homeless children in public schools.
Fact 3: Tens of thousands of veterans are homeless. Over 57,000 veterans are homeless each night, according to HUD. Sixty percent of them are in shelters, the rest unsheltered. Nearly 5,000 are female.
Fact 4: Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP), more than 90 percent of homeless women are victims of severe physical or sexual abuse, and escaping that abuse is a leading cause of their homelessness.
Fact 5: Many people are homeless because they cannot afford rent. The lack of affordable housing is a primary cause of homelessness, according to the NLCHP. HUD has seen its budget slashed by over 50 percent in recent decades, resulting in the loss of 10,000 units of subsidized low-income housing each and every year.
Fact 6: There are fewer places for poor people to rent than before. According to the NLCHP, one eighth of the nation’s supply of low-income housing has been permanently lost since 2001. The U.S. needs at least 7 million more affordable apartments for low-income families, and as a result, millions of families spend more than half of their monthly income on rent.
Fact 7: In the last few years millions have lost their homes. Over 5 million homes have been foreclosed on since 2008; that’s one out of every 10 homes with a mortgage. This has caused even more people to search for affordable rental property.
Fact 8: The government does not help as much as you think. There is enough public rental assistance to help about one out of every four extremely low-income households. Those who do not receive help are on multi-year waiting lists. For example, Charlotte just opened up their applications for public housing assistance for the first time in 14 years, and over 10,000 people applied.
Fact 9: One in five homeless people suffers from untreated severe mental illness. While about 6 percent of the general population suffers from severe mental illness, 20 to 25 percent of the homeless suffer from severe mental illness, according to government studies. Half of this population self-medicate and are at further risk for addiction and poor physical health. A University of Pennsylvania study tracking nearly 5,000 homeless people for two years discovered that investing in comprehensive health support and treatment of physical and mental illnesses is less costly than incarceration, shelter and hospital services for the untreated homeless.
Fact 10: Cities are increasingly making homelessness a crime. A 2014 survey of 187 cities by the NLCHP found that 24 percent of cities make it a city-wide crime to beg in public, 33 percent make it illegal to stand around or loiter anyplace in the city, 18 percent make it a crime to sleep anywhere in public, 43 percent make it illegal to sleep in your car, and 53 percent make it illegal to sit or lie down in particular public places. And the number of cities criminalizing homelessness is steadily increasing.
For more information, look to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, whose publications were very helpful with this piece, as well as the National Center for Homeless Education and the National Coalition on the Homeless.mozda ovo pomogne,nekima shavtiti..nada uvijek postoji..
E tako i u tom kontekstu da pohvalim balkanskekilomozgove,jerbo su po njima i djeca vjerovatno narkomani,ljenivci i slicno,pa eto,zavrsila su na ulici...
[size=42]10 Facts About Homelessness[/size]
10/13/2014 01:18 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 22: A homeless person sleeps on a Manhattan street on August 22, 2014 in New York City. According to the Department of Homeless Services, the number of homeless people in New York City has risen by more than 20,000 over the past five years. Newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio, who ran as a liberal, has released a $41 billion plan to create 200,000 units of affordable housing across the city. Critics say the plan is too far off and that more immediate solutions need to be implemented to halt the increase of homelessness. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Renee Delisle was one of over 3,500 homeless people in Santa Cruz when she found out she was pregnant. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported she was turned away from a shelter because they did not have space for her. While other homeless people slept in cars or under culverts, Renee ended up living in an abandoned elevator shaft until her water broke.
Jerome Murdough, 56, a homeless former Marine, was arrested for trespass in New York because he was found sleeping in a public housing stairwell on a cold night. The New York Times reported that one week later, Jerome died of hyperthermia in a jail cell heated to over 100 degrees.
Paula Corb and her two daughters lost their home and have lived in their minivan for four years. They did laundry in a church annex, went to the bathroom at gas stations, and did their studies under street lamps, according to America Tonight.
Fact 1: Over half a million people are homeless. On any given night, there are over 600,000 homeless people in the U.S., according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Most people are spending the night either in homeless shelters or in some sort of short-term transitional housing. Slightly more than a third are living in cars or under bridges or are in some other way living unsheltered.
Fact 2: One quarter of homeless people are children. HUD reports that on any given night, over 138,000 of the homeless in the U.S. are children under the age of 18. Thousands of these homeless children are unaccompanied, according to HUD. Another federal program, No Child Left Behind, defines “homeless children” more broadly and includes not just those living in shelters or transitional housing but those who are sharing the housing of other persons due to economic hardship; living in cars, parks, bus or train stations; or awaiting foster-care placement. Under this definition, the National Center for Homeless Education reported in September 2014 that local school districts reported there are over 1 million homeless children in public schools.
Fact 3: Tens of thousands of veterans are homeless. Over 57,000 veterans are homeless each night, according to HUD. Sixty percent of them are in shelters, the rest unsheltered. Nearly 5,000 are female.
Fact 4: Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP), more than 90 percent of homeless women are victims of severe physical or sexual abuse, and escaping that abuse is a leading cause of their homelessness.
Fact 5: Many people are homeless because they cannot afford rent. The lack of affordable housing is a primary cause of homelessness, according to the NLCHP. HUD has seen its budget slashed by over 50 percent in recent decades, resulting in the loss of 10,000 units of subsidized low-income housing each and every year.
Fact 6: There are fewer places for poor people to rent than before. According to the NLCHP, one eighth of the nation’s supply of low-income housing has been permanently lost since 2001. The U.S. needs at least 7 million more affordable apartments for low-income families, and as a result, millions of families spend more than half of their monthly income on rent.
Fact 7: In the last few years millions have lost their homes. Over 5 million homes have been foreclosed on since 2008; that’s one out of every 10 homes with a mortgage. This has caused even more people to search for affordable rental property.
Fact 8: The government does not help as much as you think. There is enough public rental assistance to help about one out of every four extremely low-income households. Those who do not receive help are on multi-year waiting lists. For example, Charlotte just opened up their applications for public housing assistance for the first time in 14 years, and over 10,000 people applied.
Fact 9: One in five homeless people suffers from untreated severe mental illness. While about 6 percent of the general population suffers from severe mental illness, 20 to 25 percent of the homeless suffer from severe mental illness, according to government studies. Half of this population self-medicate and are at further risk for addiction and poor physical health. A University of Pennsylvania study tracking nearly 5,000 homeless people for two years discovered that investing in comprehensive health support and treatment of physical and mental illnesses is less costly than incarceration, shelter and hospital services for the untreated homeless.
Fact 10: Cities are increasingly making homelessness a crime. A 2014 survey of 187 cities by the NLCHP found that 24 percent of cities make it a city-wide crime to beg in public, 33 percent make it illegal to stand around or loiter anyplace in the city, 18 percent make it a crime to sleep anywhere in public, 43 percent make it illegal to sleep in your car, and 53 percent make it illegal to sit or lie down in particular public places. And the number of cities criminalizing homelessness is steadily increasing.
For more information, look to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, whose publications were very helpful with this piece, as well as the National Center for Homeless Education and the National Coalition on the Homeless.mozda ovo pomogne,nekima shavtiti..nada uvijek postoji..
E tako i u tom kontekstu da pohvalim balkanskekilomozgove,jerbo su po njima i djeca vjerovatno narkomani,ljenivci i slicno,pa eto,zavrsila su na ulici...
Last edited by pismejker on 19/1/2019, 17:01; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
pismejker wrote:Zato ja kazem yoda da za tebe nema nade..evo ti pa gledaj,ako ti slova nis ne znace..
zadnji video je o onima "koje firme otimaju za posel..""
Yoda ti bi bio gladan u Jemerici,,
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Igrom slucaja sam nedavno bio u USA. Sjeverna Kalifornija. Izmedju ostalog San Francisco. Nista virtualno niti izmisljeno. Gledao svojim ocima. Izvan SF u manjim mjestima kao u Svici. Ljudi nevjerojatno ljubazni i srdacni. Voljni pomoci. Tako nekako. Teski problemi sa narkoticima i mentalnim bolesnicima. Plus lijencine i to je to. Da sam mladji , koliko, sutra bih se preselio tamo.
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
Posts : 14669
Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Negdje sam procitao da 50 milijuna amera ne moze placati rezije sto se smatra pragom siromastva u USA.Nije vrag da su svi sjebani.U toj zemlji ima onih koji dobro zive na guzovima siromasnih.Oni gule sve redom po svijetu a bogami i u svojoj zemlji..Lopovi su svugdje iste nacije i krvne grupe...jebiga takvi smo mi ljudi.Problem je svugdje u svijetu da normalni ljudi misle da se problemi rjesavaju preko tastature (ajd neki se i mogu rijesiti)...kako kazu nasi stari...ljuta trava na ljutu ranu..Nije losa ideja...ali to uvijek iskoriste lopovi raznih fela.Eto i dan danas masa hrvata u Cro misli da im je takozvani "domovinski" (pametni znaju da je to bio pljackaski rat) donio neovisnost...jest ali od vlastitog zivota i buducnosti njihove djece.Lopovi i krimosi misle samo kako ce maznuti ako nema vise od Srba onda ce od vlastite djece ako treba..jer njih boli kurac za bilo koga ..jedino im je stalo da oni zive ko bubreg u loju..picka im materina i pijavice kada se napiju krvi odlaze a oni dok ne puknu valjda..Ma jebe mi se..ali mi je zao postenih ljudi bilo gdje da su na kugli zemaljskoj.No ..tako valjda mora biti..a jedan je zivot..valja nama preko rijeke...druge nema...
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Re: Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jamerika
Problem USA beskucnika jest stari,ali je star i americki brutalni kapitalizam,gdje se doslovno izgara kao sibica,brzo i efikasno..OTKADA je COVJEK ili LJUDI postao/postali su Ljucki resursi,od toga trena se mijenja i odnos prema njima..postali su isto sto i bilo koji materijalni resurs..crpi namaksimali dok god mozes..kad ne mozes,mjenja za novi..
Polako vidim i da se to dogadja u Svabiji..individue koje organski nigdje ni u kojoj prilici ne mogu smisliti su ekipa iz Ljuckih Resurasa,uglavnom ljenivice,hladne i proracunate koje se igraju ljuckim sudbinama i zivotima..a sto vise ljudi otpuste i sto vise firmi ustede,njima bolje i vise love u dzepove..
Mnogi su narkomani postali NAKON otkaza i gubitka drustvenog statusa..mnogi su DOTADA imali cak i prilicno uspjesne zivote,odlicne godisnje isplate,prelijepe domove i ostalo..,a onda paff samo dno..
Polako vidim i da se to dogadja u Svabiji..individue koje organski nigdje ni u kojoj prilici ne mogu smisliti su ekipa iz Ljuckih Resurasa,uglavnom ljenivice,hladne i proracunate koje se igraju ljuckim sudbinama i zivotima..a sto vise ljudi otpuste i sto vise firmi ustede,njima bolje i vise love u dzepove..
Mnogi su narkomani postali NAKON otkaza i gubitka drustvenog statusa..mnogi su DOTADA imali cak i prilicno uspjesne zivote,odlicne godisnje isplate,prelijepe domove i ostalo..,a onda paff samo dno..
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