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Totalna kanonada nad ćifutistanom. Dosad ispaljeno preko 220 raketa. Ćifuti uspili presresti čak 42 komada. Pun k. ranjenih ćifuta.
U Gazi je pak i jedan terorist već zaplatija životom
U Gazi je pak i jedan terorist već zaplatija životom
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Ah da.....little girl.....obavezno........kako ne.
islamo teroristi ( hamas- islam jihad ) i obožavatelji na aparatima
islamo teroristi ( hamas- islam jihad ) i obožavatelji na aparatima
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Israel warns Hamas terror leaders that they are now subject to assassination by the IDF/IAF
Dr. Adnan Abu Amer, an analyst for Israeli matters in Gaza, claimed that the attack against a Hamas post with senior Hamas officials present at the time “is a message that Israel has the upper hand.”
“The IDF will act against any offense and every attempt to attack our forces, and considers the Hamas terrorist organization as responsible for everything happening in and out of the Gaza Strip.”
According to reports in the Gaza Strip, the three senior Hamas leaders who were present at the post during the event were Hamas Deputy Chairman Saleh al-Arouri, Mahmoud al-Zahar and Ahmed Bahr.
“In an IDF premeditated attack towards a Hamas outpost containing senior officials of the organization, Israel is relaying a serious message to the organization in Gaza that its senior members are being tracked and targeted,”
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
AlfaOmega wrote:Totalna kanonada nad ćifutistanom. Dosad ispaljeno preko 220 raketa. Ćifuti uspili presresti čak 42 komada. Pun k. ranjenih ćifuta.
U Gazi je pak i jedan terorist već zaplatija životom
Australia TV host says Islamists attack Israel and then cry when it defends itself
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
3 Hamas terrorists hit by an airstrike moment after launching missiles at Israel
Instant Karma
Instant Karma
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
A di baš " kulturni centar " pogodi IAF
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Yehudim wrote:Ah da.....little girl.....obavezno........kako ne.
islamo teroristi ( hamas- islam jihad ) i obožavatelji na aparatima
A social media propagandist posted a photo of an American child who is alive and well,
with a caption claiming the toddler was a Palestinian killed by Israelis.
A Palestinian supporter from Egypt posted to Twitter Thursday a picture of an adorable young girl,
accusing Israel of having killed her in Gaza the day before.
The only problem – the toddler is not dead, not Palestinian, and not even from the region, reported the website Friday.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Israel Has a Submarine That Could Destroy Entire Nations (Armed with Nuclear Weapons)
Last edited by Yehudim on 17/8/2018, 18:40; edited 1 time in total
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
ZAKON O NACIONALNOSTI:Kraj izraelske "demokracije"
PIŠE: Vedran ObućinaDa je Izrael apartheidska država, to je poznato još od njegovog začetka. Palestinci su maknuti u stranu, a izgradnjom zida su i fizički odijeljeni unutar još uvijek međunarodno jedne granice izraelske države. Izraelski novi zakon o nacionalnosti umanjuje mogućnosti Izraelu da bude poput drugih država, s priznatim granicama, mirom u zemlji i sigurnosti u odnosu prema susjedima. Da se nije iz teksta uklonila izjava o punoj ravnopravnosti za sve izraelske građane, podrška u Knessetu za ovaj zakon, s njegovom kasnijom definicijom Izraela kao "nacionalne kuće židovskog naroda", bi bila neodoljiva. No, tvrdnja je da su odredbe o jednakosti već sadržane u postojećem zakonodavstvu, iako bez stvarne riječi "jednakost" i unatoč činjenici da je to zakon koji definira samu prirodu Izraela.
Ministrica pravosuđa Ayelet Shaked upozorila je na "potres i rat između izvršne i sudske vlasti" ako se Vrhovni sud usudi intervenirati i spriječiti zakon koji nastoji od Izraela stvoriti ekskluzivnu nacionalnu državu. Očito je da takav razgovor nije bio u planu, ali suci, koji bi trebali biti čvrsto neovisni, vjerojatno neće biti odbačeni iz rasprave - iako se sastav Vrhovnog suda postupno mijenja, a samouvjerena ministrica pravosuđa traži imenovanja onih koji nisu protivni njezinom svjetonazoru.
Izrael je očito na rubu propasti prividne demokracije. Izravan udarac na sudstvo je prešlo granicu koju se ni radikalna desnica u Izraelu nije usudila prijeći. Jezik zakonodavstva odražava niz zakona, propisa i deklaracija koji načelno utiru put pripajanju Zapadne obale. Točnije, ideja je pripajati zemlju, a ne nežidovske stanovnike. Takva akcija doista bi bila istovjetna proglašenju rata Palestincima i arapskom svijetu, uz grubo kršenje međunarodnog prava i međunarodnih sporazuma kojima je Izrael potpisnik.
Mnoštvo Izraelaca nastavit će prosvjedovati protiv zakona, protiv očigledne korupcije na visokim mjestima, protiv ekonomske neravnopravnosti, protiv neuspjeha zakonodavstva u osiguravanju prava surogata majki, protiv vjerske prisile. Čak se i njihove zabrinutosti mogu brže riješiti u trenutačnim uvjetima. Ali izraelska demokracija je na umoru: osim zastrašivanja sudstva, mediji su i demonizirani i ugroženi, a financijska se korupcija ne rješava i ulazi u politiku.
Kao posljedica čvrstog ortodoksnog monopola, ukidanja sporazuma o Zapadnom zidu i očigledne ravnodušnosti vlade ili čak izravnog naleta na prava neortodoksnih religijskih Židova, milijuni u zemlji i inozemstvu osjećaju se otuđeni od "nacionalne kuće židovskog naroda " i uvjereni da je vlada otišla do takvih krajnosti. Kao rezultat tog zakona, izraelske manjine brinu o svom statusu i pravima, pri čemu su zajedno sa svojim pristašama javno prokazani.
Podupiratelji Izraela u inozemstvu, koji igraju važnu ulogu u obrani zemlje od legija protivnika širom svijeta, zbunjeni su, instinktivno brane Izrael, ali su čak i otuđeni; postaje sve teže raspravljati protiv navoda o diskriminaciji kada zajednica Druze, najlojalnija manjina Izraela, daje tako snažne optužbe. Premijerova brza reakcija jest da zakon predstavlja "najbolje moguće" rješenje sudbine desetaka tisuća afričkih imigranata zbog blagog pritiska dijela njegove baze birača koji ne tolerira pružanje stambenog statusa za više od 20.000 tražitelja utočišta, dodatno potkopava potporu zakonu.
Kritičari zakona o državljanstvu usredotočili su se na odsutnost ključne riječi "jednakost". Međutim, također nedostaje još jedna ne manje važna riječ: "granice". Zakon kaže: "Zemlja Izrael je povijesna domovina židovskog naroda u kojima je osnovana Država Izrael. No, gdje se nalazi država Izrael? Između Sredozemnog mora i Jordana (uključujući i Zapadnu obalu), područje pod izraelskom kontrolom proteklih 51 godina, od kojih je samo 78 posto pod njegovom suverenitetom? Zakon piše: "Pravo na ostvarivanje nacionalnog samoodređenja u državi Izrael je jedinstveno za židovske narode." Ima li židovski narod pravo na samoodređenje u svojoj povijesnoj domovini koja se, prema židovskoj tradiciji, nalazi između Eufrata i Tigrisa - drugim riječima, u suvremenoj Turskoj, Siriji, Iraku, Iranu i Kuvajtu? Alternativno, možda bi židovski narod trebao živjeti u granicama britanskog protektorata Palestine, kako to zahtijevaju sekularni desničarski Izraelci? Znači li sve to da će Zelena crta, koja je služila kao de facto granica Izraela do 1967., biti zauvijek izbrisana?
U potpisivanju sporazuma s palestinskom stranom, izraelska vlada potvrdila je da teritoriji, s kojih rezolucije UN-a obvezuju Tel Aviv da se povuče, uključuju i Zapadnu obalu i pojas Gaze koje je Izrael zadobio 1967. godine. Oni koji tvrde da je vlada premijera Yitzhaka Rabina pogriješila u prihvaćanju uvjeta sporazuma trebali bi proučiti plan upravljanja Georgea W. Busha, koji je odobrila vlada premijera Ariela Sharona 2004. godine. Tadašnji ministar financija Benjamin Netanyahu bio je među onima koji su glasali za dokument koji uključuje nekoliko spomena Rezolucije 242. Prema odlukama Vlade u to doba, "Buduće rješenje će se postići sporazumom i izravnim pregovorima između dviju stranaka, u skladu s vizijom koju je predložio predsjednik Bush 24. lipnja". Problem je u tome što, suprotno jeziku zakona o nacionalnosti, Bush, njegovi prethodnici, nasljednici i institucije UN-a nikad nisu prepoznali pravo Države Izrael da utvrdi svoje granice temeljene na povijesnom afinitetu s područjem koje je osvojio 1967. Naprotiv , plan koji je iznio Bush navodi da Rezolucije 242 i 338 predstavljaju temelj za pregovore koji bi "okončali okupaciju koja je započela 1967. godine." Izrael se, dakle, složio da su teritorije izvan zelene linije zauzete. Stoga, oni nisu dio Države Izrael i njezini se zakoni ne primjenjuju tamo.
Čak i predsjednik Donald Trump, koji je priznao Jeruzalem kao glavni grad Izraela, nije ustvrdio da je Jeruzalem "potpuni i ujedinjen glavni grad Izraela", kako kaže zakon o nacionalnosti. Istaknuo je da će granice grada biti povučene uz suglasnost obiju strana, kao i granice ostalih teritorija u sporu. Usprkos tome, rezolucija 242 naglašava da sve strane zaslužuju živjeti u priznatim i sigurnim granicama. Najsigurniji način dogovora o priznatim granicama bio je i još uvijek jest diplomatski pregovor između Izraela i Palestinaca na temelju granica iz 1967. godine. Granica, međutim, nije sinonim za zid ili ogradu. Dapače, čak je i Jaser Arafat ponekad spominjao mogućnost izraelsko-palestinske konfederacije. No, zakon o državljanstvu navodi: "Pravo ostvarivanja nacionalne samoodređenosti u državi Izrael je jedinstveno dano židovskom narodu." Kao što je ranije objašnjeno, zakon ne povlači granice države, već židovska većina Knesseta zagovara da istočna granica Izraela ide uz rijeku Jordan u bilo kojem sporazumu s Palestincima. Ta definicija odvratit će milijune Palestinaca na pravo na samoopredjeljenje i u svakom slučaju učiniti konfederacijsku ideju nemogućom.
Stotine tisuća palestinskih radnika i poslovnih ljudi svakodnevno prelaze Zelenu liniju, a desetine tisuća Izraelaca, od kojih su većina arapski državljani, idu u suprotnom smjeru za posao i posjet obiteljima na Zapadnoj obali. Izraelski šekel desetljećima služi kao zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja na Zapadnoj obali i u Gazi. Izraelski sigurnosni dužnosnici pozdravljaju produktivnu koordinaciju sa sigurnosnim agencijama palestinske vlasti. Zakon o nacionalnosti, truli plod arogantnog i kratkovidnog svjetonazora potkopava izglede Izraela da bude država kao i svaka druga. Da bi to Izrael doista bio, Izraelci se moraju vratiti na put sporazuma iz Osla, u kojem su svim stranama dana jamstva i gdje su svi pobjednici, a koji su pobunjenici s obje strane uništili. Fanatični ratoborni huškači u Tel Avivu u tome imaju najveću ulogu, a njihova ludost očito ne prestaje.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Jedan od komentara na članak koji je pobrao najviše simpatija čitatelja:
23:10 | 16.08.2018.
Sadašnje izraelsko vodstvo ima osjećaj ogromnog utjecaja i velike ambicije. Postoji manjak ravnoteže snaga ili bar percipirane ravnoteže da bi se postigao kompromis - sa aspekta sile ako nema humanosti. Unutar Izraela radikalni političari i rabini mijenjaju narod nagore. 70% izraelskih židova vjeruje da su izabran narod. Iz toga proizilaze primjeri kao što je ubojstvo palestinske djevojčice od 13 godina - rabin Yitzchak Ginsburgh je svjedočio u korist ubojica, svojih studenata (iz Od Yosef Chai yeshiva), sa izjavom:"Treba prepoznati da izraelska krv i krv goja nije ista." Prema anketi 55% izraelskih židova vjeruje u dolazak Mesije koji će iz Izraela vladati svijetom. Netanyahu: "Odlučni smo da pretvorimo Izrael u svjetsku silu, ne samo kako bismo se obranili, nego i kao svjetlost narodima. Ali prvo moramo osigurati naše svjetlo ovdje, u našoj zemlji." Kako se vidi u Izraelu i među američkim evanđelistima, jedan od preduvjeta dolaska Mesije je obnova hrama Solomona (koji bi se zvao Treći hram), što znači rušenje džamije Al-Aksa, ili prema nekim idejama - premještanje u S. Arabiju. Kušnerova zaklada je financirala jednu takvu grupu ortodoksnih židova koji očekuju dolazak Mesije (grupa Chabad, jedna od najvećih židovskih religijskih organizacija).
Postoji rašireno vjerovanje da goje moraju služiti židovima. Inspiracija se dijelom nalazi u riječima židovskog proroka: "I stranci će čuvati stada vaša, a sinovi tuđinaca bit će vaši orači i vinogradari." (Isaiah 61:5) "Sinovi tuđinaca podignut će zidine tvoje, a njihovi će vam kraljevi služiti." (Isaiah 60:10)
Rabin Manis Friedman: "Ne vjerujem u zapadnjački moral. Život po vrijednostima Tore će nas pretvoriti u svjetlo narodima koji pate od poraza zbog katastrofalnog morala ljudskog izuma."
Trump je upoznat sa tom terminologijom pa je rekao: "Židovski narod sjaji kao svjetlo svim narodima." i usput pojačao dojam ispunjenja proročanstva "njihovi će vam kraljevi služiti".
23:10 | 16.08.2018.
Sadašnje izraelsko vodstvo ima osjećaj ogromnog utjecaja i velike ambicije. Postoji manjak ravnoteže snaga ili bar percipirane ravnoteže da bi se postigao kompromis - sa aspekta sile ako nema humanosti. Unutar Izraela radikalni političari i rabini mijenjaju narod nagore. 70% izraelskih židova vjeruje da su izabran narod. Iz toga proizilaze primjeri kao što je ubojstvo palestinske djevojčice od 13 godina - rabin Yitzchak Ginsburgh je svjedočio u korist ubojica, svojih studenata (iz Od Yosef Chai yeshiva), sa izjavom:"Treba prepoznati da izraelska krv i krv goja nije ista." Prema anketi 55% izraelskih židova vjeruje u dolazak Mesije koji će iz Izraela vladati svijetom. Netanyahu: "Odlučni smo da pretvorimo Izrael u svjetsku silu, ne samo kako bismo se obranili, nego i kao svjetlost narodima. Ali prvo moramo osigurati naše svjetlo ovdje, u našoj zemlji." Kako se vidi u Izraelu i među američkim evanđelistima, jedan od preduvjeta dolaska Mesije je obnova hrama Solomona (koji bi se zvao Treći hram), što znači rušenje džamije Al-Aksa, ili prema nekim idejama - premještanje u S. Arabiju. Kušnerova zaklada je financirala jednu takvu grupu ortodoksnih židova koji očekuju dolazak Mesije (grupa Chabad, jedna od najvećih židovskih religijskih organizacija).
Postoji rašireno vjerovanje da goje moraju služiti židovima. Inspiracija se dijelom nalazi u riječima židovskog proroka: "I stranci će čuvati stada vaša, a sinovi tuđinaca bit će vaši orači i vinogradari." (Isaiah 61:5) "Sinovi tuđinaca podignut će zidine tvoje, a njihovi će vam kraljevi služiti." (Isaiah 60:10)
Rabin Manis Friedman: "Ne vjerujem u zapadnjački moral. Život po vrijednostima Tore će nas pretvoriti u svjetlo narodima koji pate od poraza zbog katastrofalnog morala ljudskog izuma."
Trump je upoznat sa tom terminologijom pa je rekao: "Židovski narod sjaji kao svjetlo svim narodima." i usput pojačao dojam ispunjenja proročanstva "njihovi će vam kraljevi služiti".
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Rabin Manis Friedman: "Ne vjerujem u zapadnjački moral. Život po vrijednostima Tore će nas pretvoriti u svjetlo narodima koji pate od poraza zbog katastrofalnog morala ljudskog izuma."
Trump je upoznat sa tom terminologijom pa je rekao: "Židovski narod sjaji kao svjetlo svim narodima." i usput pojačao dojam ispunjenja proročanstva "njihovi će vam kraljevi služiti".
Tako je -Gentile- AZ -u pravu si- dobro si citira
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
In Trump's America
Deportation of a Nazi
A number of Jewish organizations and lawmakers were quick to thank the Trump administration for deporting Jakiw Palij, a former SS guard at the Nazis’ Trawnicki concentration camp in Poland.
Neće mu glava sa mirom u grob, ne ne
Good Morning America[size=16][size=19][size=1]Ovjeren akaunt[/size] [/size][ltr]@GMA[/ltr]
PratiPočni pratiti korisnika/cu [size=14][ltr]@GMA[/ltr][/size]
.@ABC EXCLUSIVE: The last Nazi collaborator deported -- ABC News was there as ICE agents wheeled 95 year old Jakiw Palij from his New York home: [size=0]
@tarapalmeri reports.[/size]
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
The US leader will officially oppose the Palestinian claim of a “Right of Return” for five million palestinian “refugees” to the State of Israel.
President Donald Trump will announce the US rejection of the Palestinian “Right of Return” in the next several days, Israel’s Hadashot TV reported Saturday.
The Palestinians claim refugee status for five million people, which includes millions of descendants of the approximately 700,000 original refugees who were living in British Mandatory Palestine, or what is now the State of Israel, and were displaced during the 1948 War of Independence.
Komična situacija - Od prvotnih 700 000 izbjeglica,
došlo se do 5 000 000 .............
Znači svi rodjeni u zadnjih 70 god.u Jordanu, Siriji ili di god već,
vode se kao izbjeglice i traže novac od UNHCR-a
A većina originalnih izbjeglica više i nisu na životu......komedija.
A 850 000 Izraelaca, protjeranih iz arapskih država, je integrirano
u Izraelu i nikada nisu tražili pomoć kao izbjeglice ili prognanici.
Stoga -
US slashes $200 million in Palestinian aid
Right !
Palestinians live in a territory, never was a country.
If you enter Palestine on Google Maps, all you will see is "West Bank",
Palestine is nowhere to be found...not even as a city.
President Donald Trump will announce the US rejection of the Palestinian “Right of Return” in the next several days, Israel’s Hadashot TV reported Saturday.
The Palestinians claim refugee status for five million people, which includes millions of descendants of the approximately 700,000 original refugees who were living in British Mandatory Palestine, or what is now the State of Israel, and were displaced during the 1948 War of Independence.
Komična situacija - Od prvotnih 700 000 izbjeglica,
došlo se do 5 000 000 .............
Znači svi rodjeni u zadnjih 70 god.u Jordanu, Siriji ili di god već,
vode se kao izbjeglice i traže novac od UNHCR-a
A većina originalnih izbjeglica više i nisu na životu......komedija.
A 850 000 Izraelaca, protjeranih iz arapskih država, je integrirano
u Izraelu i nikada nisu tražili pomoć kao izbjeglice ili prognanici.
Stoga -
US slashes $200 million in Palestinian aid
Netanyahu Praises US for Slashing UN Funds to Palestinian 'Refugees';
Palestinians Grapple with
Question: When was ‘Palestine’ Established?
Right !
Palestinians live in a territory, never was a country.
If you enter Palestine on Google Maps, all you will see is "West Bank",
Palestine is nowhere to be found...not even as a city.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Ti si jedini (kvazi)ćifut koji mrzi Ameriku (bez kojih ne bu bil ni ćifuta na Bliskom istoku), i voli Assada (koji podržava Hezbollah i Iran), i to jako cinim u tebe, yehudi.
Da bar i ćifutski političari razmišljaju tak ka ti, pizdarija na Bliskom istoku ne bu bilo, a svi ćifuti bu srićno živili u Americi (kad im već brko nije da u Evropi, jel).
Da bar i ćifutski političari razmišljaju tak ka ti, pizdarija na Bliskom istoku ne bu bilo, a svi ćifuti bu srićno živili u Americi (kad im već brko nije da u Evropi, jel).
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10386
Ti si kvazi pametan i kvazi fin , kvazi muško i kvazi hrbatić ( ili šta već )
Pa ti se ja ne obraćam uvredama iako ti opetovano ( ne vezano za moj upis)
ideš mene profilirati a ne odgovarati na temu.......čemu to?
Mogu razumiti da neobrazovani imaju problema u razgovoru samnom
jer ja ne mogu pričati sa glupanima pošto takvi ne mogu pojmiti
jednu širu sliku.
Ja imam svoj mozak a ne kolektivni a naročito ne stranački. Ja ne iebem
kancelare, premijere i političarke ala masna. Ja razmišljam na način koji je
stran tebi i tvojoj sorti. Ali hajde, ti se barem ne oslanjaš na jajare i kokoši tu
da će ti uskočiti u pomoć u kolektivnom napadu šest na jednoga.
Ja ne volim Asada - već mrzim islamo teroriste - isis, islamo jihad,
, al usru, hezbolh, hamas, a i tzv. "palestinci" su u svim tim bandama koljača.
Ja ne mrzim Ameriku - već ne volim njihovo forsiranje - nwo - pederastije i sl.
Pokušaj razumiti više da nije sve crno-bilo kako ti gledaš na Svijet.
Molim te u buduće bez profiliranja. I ne koristi pogrdne izraze.
Stvar je jako jednostavna:
- Nemoj mi raditi ono šta ja ne radim tebi - OK
Pa ti se ja ne obraćam uvredama iako ti opetovano ( ne vezano za moj upis)
ideš mene profilirati a ne odgovarati na temu.......čemu to?
Mogu razumiti da neobrazovani imaju problema u razgovoru samnom
jer ja ne mogu pričati sa glupanima pošto takvi ne mogu pojmiti
jednu širu sliku.
Ja imam svoj mozak a ne kolektivni a naročito ne stranački. Ja ne iebem
kancelare, premijere i političarke ala masna. Ja razmišljam na način koji je
stran tebi i tvojoj sorti. Ali hajde, ti se barem ne oslanjaš na jajare i kokoši tu
da će ti uskočiti u pomoć u kolektivnom napadu šest na jednoga.
Ja ne volim Asada - već mrzim islamo teroriste - isis, islamo jihad,
, al usru, hezbolh, hamas, a i tzv. "palestinci" su u svim tim bandama koljača.
Ja ne mrzim Ameriku - već ne volim njihovo forsiranje - nwo - pederastije i sl.
Pokušaj razumiti više da nije sve crno-bilo kako ti gledaš na Svijet.
Molim te u buduće bez profiliranja. I ne koristi pogrdne izraze.
Stvar je jako jednostavna:
- Nemoj mi raditi ono šta ja ne radim tebi - OK
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
ne znam gdje bih mogla zalijepiti ovaj tekst, pa može ovdje?
The Christians don’t understand how an angel of G-d can try to seduce people to disobey G-d, so they came to the unsupported conclusion that Satan must have rebelled against G-d.
This is completely contrary to everything Judaism believes. We reject that interpretation entirely.
What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?
Did you ever see the 1971 movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (It’s one of the few examples of where a story from a book was changed for the screen without ruining the experience.) The story is about a very famous chocolate factory, called Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, that produces the world’s greatest chocolates, candies — confectionery in general. No one ever enters the factory, and no one ever leaves.
Mr. Wonka, the owner, runs a contest. The winners of the contest will be allowed to enter and tour the factory together. However, they will have to sign a contract and follow the rules. One of the rules is: no eating of any products inside the factory without express permission.
Afterwards, when they leave, they will go home with a lifetime supply of chocolate.That is, *IF* they follow the rules.
Five children win. They are of course all excited; TV stations and reporters interview them, and the whole world is excited with them. Now they just wait until the day they are to enter the factory and see the great wonders that no one else has ever been allowed to see.
Before the big day comes, each of the winners of the contest is secretly visited by a man named Arthur Slugworth, President of Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated. Mr. Slugworth shows them a lot of cash, and tells them they will get all that money and more, if only they steal out of the factory a candy called an Everlasting Gobstopper. See, it hasn’t been mass produced or marketed yet, and Wonka’s competition wants to get an advance sample of this product so he can get it out first, and ruin Wonka.
The day comes, and all the kids are allowed into the factory with one adult relative. They see the most amazing sights, and eat the most amazing (and impossible to actually exist in real life) foods. One of the things Wonka gives each of the kids is an Everlasting Gobstopper, on the condition that they never show it to anyone else.
During the tour of the factory, four of the kids break the rules by taking stuff they should not have taken, and they all suffer the consequences. One gets all swollen up and blue from some gum she should not have taken, and they have to take her away and squeeze her until she gets skinny again. One of the kids jumps into a pool of chocolate and is sucked up into the pipes. And so on. They are all saved in the end, so don’t worry, but they must leave the factory without the lifetime supply of chocolate, because they broke the rules.
Charlie, the main character, also breaks the rules. He drinks some Fizzy drink he was not supposed to take, but no one seems to know, so he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t get hurt in the process, so he survives until the end of the tour.
At the end of the tour, Charlie Bucket and his grandfather are the only ones left. Mr. Wonka says good bye to them, and tells them to leave. Upset, Charlie asks him for the lifetime supply of chocolate. But Mr. Wonka has somehow found out that Charlie drank the Fizzy drink, and therefore broke the rules. Charlie will not be getting a lifetime supply of chocolate either.
Wonka yells at him for drinking the Fizzy drink, and Charlie feels bad. But his grandfather is angry, and he tells Charlie that they’ll give Mr. Slugworth an Everlasting Gobstopper.
They are about to leave, when Charlie realizes that no matter how he feels, stealing and breaking rules is bad. So he goes to Mr. Wonka’s desk and returns the Gobstopper to him.
Wonka sees that, and jumps up in delight! He tells Charlie that he has won! Charlie has no idea of what he’s talking about. It seems that Wonka was looking to retire, and so he set up the contest to find an honest child he could train as his successor.
Then Wonka calls in Wilkinson, his aide. And Wilkinson is Slugworth! Slugworth was sent out to each of the children to test them! To see how they would respond. Anyone who either ate food he wasn’t supposed to eat or brought a Gobstopper to Slugworth was dishonest, and would not become the successor. (Okay, the parable is not exact, but I think you get my point.) Notice, also, that Wonka himself gave each of the children a Gobstopper. So he himself set up the choice, and then gave them the opportunity to break the rule, using Wilkinsin to offer the temptation.
Christians take Slugworth at face value: a reprehensible competitor who will stop at nothing to undo Wonka. And that’s how they view Satan.
Jews do not see it that way, and we never have. Just as Slugworth is really Wilkinson doing what Wonka asked him to do, Satan is also not working for himself.
The Hebrew word «Satan» means «Hinderer.» To hinder someone means to hold him back, to try to prevent him from doing something. G-d created the Hinderer to give us work to do in this world (see my article Why did G-d Create the World?). Satan is here to make things difficult for us, so we can overcome our evil temptations, and PASS the test. That is the purpose of Satan. Satan is an angel whose purpose has been determined by G-d.
Temptation is there to try and deter us. It gives us the ability to do the wrong thing. More importantly, it gives us the ability to look at evil and refuse to do it. By presenting us with the opportunity to do evil, it gives us the ability to choose between good and evil.
The ability to choose between good and evil is what gives us free will. (See my article On the Nature of Free Will.
So, in order for us to work for the good that Hashem wants to give us, the good of the World to Come, we need something to deter us. That is the ability to do evil. Satan is our Evil Inclination (Yetzer Hara). The Evil Inclination tries to prevent us from doing good, because Hashem has commanded the Evil Inclination to do that. Why? To give us free will.
Each of us every day fights with Satan. We all have temptations, throughout the day. But we, as the Children of Israel, have the power to overcome even angels, if we work at it. Therefore, the Talmud says that men are greater than angels, for we can fight with an angel (Satan) and win.
Satan is not, as the Christians think, a rebellious angel. How impossible! The angels are spiritual and holy, without any physical or unholy presence, and the presence of Hashem’s holiness permeates them entirely. Angels, unlike humans, are therefore constantly and fully aware of Hashem’s Presence everywhere. Could you stay dry in the ocean? An angel could not stop being holy, and can do no wrong. There is holiness everywhere in Creation, everywhere in the universe, and angels are made of the same thing. An angel could not stop serving G-d even if he tried.
Furthermore, humans have Satan to tempt us. Angels have no Satan to tempt them. Who would be Satan’s Satan? An ultra-Satan?
The truth is that Satan has a job to do, just like every other angel. And angels have no free will. They do as Hashem commands them.
A man once came to a great Rabbi, very troubled. He said to the Rabbi, «Please pray to Hashem to take away my Evil Inclination. I do so many sins, and I want to stop sinning!»
The Rabbi answered, «Then what would be your purpose in this world, if you had no Evil Inclination? Your purpose in life is to overcome your personal Evil Inclination. That is what you were created for! Hashem has enough angels in heaven. He doesn’t need one more. He created you human, so that you could improve yourself.»
Humans can improve themselves, and that is their purpose in this world. Angels, however, cannot improve themselves. That’s not their purpose. Angels are therefore said to be «standing.» They cannot become better, and they cannot rise any higher than they are. They are, so to speak, standing.
Isaiah, when describing a Heavenly scene, says «Seraphim were standing around Him….» (Isaiah 6:2). (Seraphim are a type of angel.) Spiritually, angels are stuck at whatever level Hashem created them.
Humans are different. Humans can rise by improving themselves. For that reason, we are described as «walkers.» Therefore the Prophet Zachariah told the High Priest, «This is what Hashem, L-rd of Hosts says: if you walk in My ways, and if you observe My safeguards, you and your sons after you will be the High Priests, and you and your sons will thus guard my Holy Temple, and I will make you walkers among these who are standing» (Zachariah 3:7).
In other words, Hashem was promising the High Priest that he and his children will be High Priests, and also will merit reward in the Afterlife, in the World of Souls, where righteous people go after death.
The Prophet Zachariah was saying that in the Next World they will be walkers among the standers, which means humans among angels.
So the angels are referred to as perpetually standing, but we are movers. Our purpose is to keep on moving, to keep on improving ourselves, and to keep on rising.
And how do we do it? By constant battle with the Evil Inclination.
So now we have to revise our understanding of Satan. Satan is not a fallen angel. Satan is merely an angel with a dirty job. Satan does not have a rival kingdom. Satan is not in competition with G-d, and Satan does not want followers or worshipers. He’s not even happy when people obey him and sin.
Satan is the angel who tempts us, and the angel who prosecutes us in Heaven. He is also the Angel of Death. The angel who tries to make us sin is the same angel who accuses us in the Heavenly Court, and the same angel who carries out the death sentence.
So, no, Satan does not wear a red suit, or carry a trident. Nor does he wear a business suit. Satan is a force of evil in the world that we must resist. Satan most often appears as a desire within you. Of course, there is no shortage of things in the world to tempt us to sin.
And Satan has many «helpers,» many of whom don’t even know they are helping him. A shady-looking character in the street walks over to you and offers to sell you some stolen property, for example. He’s not Satan. He’s someone who has not resisted Satan, and has decided to do evil. He’s now trying to tempt you to sin, but not because he wants you to sin per se. He personally has something to gain from your sinning.
Whenever a human being tries to tempt another person to sin, it’s because he himself feels he can gain something from it. It may be simply that he doesn’t want to sin alone. Or maybe he needs your help. Or maybe he just gets emotional satisfaction out of seeing you go against what you believe (in which case he is a very sick person, but unfortunately not unusual). There could be any number of motivations.
Likewise, the snake in the Garden of Eden was not Satan either, though confused Christians think it was. The snake had his own motivations, which I will not go into now. He was what the Torah calls a «Seducer,» someone who, for whatever reason, tries to get other people to sin.
How does one recognize Satan? For that we need to live a Torah life. This means a host of things that work together. To mention a few: Torah study, spending quality and quantity time among Observant Jewish people, learning from Rabbis and other religiously developed Jewish people, periodic introspection, and actual self-development by means of performing the Mitzvos. It is difficult (if at all possible) to cite any of these as being more important than any of the others.
None of us are capable of destroying Satan. What we are expected and commanded to do is to gain the upper hand over our personal Satans. And Hashem helps us do this, constantly. The Talmud says that the Evil Inclination constantly attempts to destroy us spiritually, and Hashem constantly helps us and gives us the means with which to overcome our Evil Inclinations.
When this world comes to an end, and the Next World begins, the Day of Judgment will take place. After that, Satan’s work will be done. There will no longer be sin, and there will no longer be death. All judgment will have been passed and performed. There will no longer be any need for a Tempting Angel, an Angel of Death, or a Prosecuting Angel. Satan will cease to exist. It will not be a sad day at all.
Nor will it be unfair treatment of Satan. It will be like turning off a machine. Angels are not like humans, with human emotions and desires. They exist merely to follow Hashem’s instructions, for the greater glory of Hashem.
That’s the reason we exist too — to follow Hashem’s instructions for the greater glory of Hashem. So Satan was created to struggle against us, and we were put into this world to struggle against Satan.
But that was not the purpose of our being created. When the struggle is over we will begin to receive the reward for having struggled. We will be brought in to the Next World, and the struggle will end.
That’s when the good times will begin.
Read more about this in my article, «Is the World in a Conflict Between Good and Evil?«
If you’re a Christian, and/or you’re here looking for Scriptural arguments and polemics, take a look at this article: «Who Is Satan?» by Rabbi Tovia Singer.
This entry was posted in The Basics of Being Jewish on 20/12/2017.
The Christians don’t understand how an angel of G-d can try to seduce people to disobey G-d, so they came to the unsupported conclusion that Satan must have rebelled against G-d.
This is completely contrary to everything Judaism believes. We reject that interpretation entirely.
What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?
Did you ever see the 1971 movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (It’s one of the few examples of where a story from a book was changed for the screen without ruining the experience.) The story is about a very famous chocolate factory, called Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, that produces the world’s greatest chocolates, candies — confectionery in general. No one ever enters the factory, and no one ever leaves.
Mr. Wonka, the owner, runs a contest. The winners of the contest will be allowed to enter and tour the factory together. However, they will have to sign a contract and follow the rules. One of the rules is: no eating of any products inside the factory without express permission.
Afterwards, when they leave, they will go home with a lifetime supply of chocolate.That is, *IF* they follow the rules.
Five children win. They are of course all excited; TV stations and reporters interview them, and the whole world is excited with them. Now they just wait until the day they are to enter the factory and see the great wonders that no one else has ever been allowed to see.
Before the big day comes, each of the winners of the contest is secretly visited by a man named Arthur Slugworth, President of Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated. Mr. Slugworth shows them a lot of cash, and tells them they will get all that money and more, if only they steal out of the factory a candy called an Everlasting Gobstopper. See, it hasn’t been mass produced or marketed yet, and Wonka’s competition wants to get an advance sample of this product so he can get it out first, and ruin Wonka.
The day comes, and all the kids are allowed into the factory with one adult relative. They see the most amazing sights, and eat the most amazing (and impossible to actually exist in real life) foods. One of the things Wonka gives each of the kids is an Everlasting Gobstopper, on the condition that they never show it to anyone else.
During the tour of the factory, four of the kids break the rules by taking stuff they should not have taken, and they all suffer the consequences. One gets all swollen up and blue from some gum she should not have taken, and they have to take her away and squeeze her until she gets skinny again. One of the kids jumps into a pool of chocolate and is sucked up into the pipes. And so on. They are all saved in the end, so don’t worry, but they must leave the factory without the lifetime supply of chocolate, because they broke the rules.
Charlie, the main character, also breaks the rules. He drinks some Fizzy drink he was not supposed to take, but no one seems to know, so he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t get hurt in the process, so he survives until the end of the tour.
At the end of the tour, Charlie Bucket and his grandfather are the only ones left. Mr. Wonka says good bye to them, and tells them to leave. Upset, Charlie asks him for the lifetime supply of chocolate. But Mr. Wonka has somehow found out that Charlie drank the Fizzy drink, and therefore broke the rules. Charlie will not be getting a lifetime supply of chocolate either.
Wonka yells at him for drinking the Fizzy drink, and Charlie feels bad. But his grandfather is angry, and he tells Charlie that they’ll give Mr. Slugworth an Everlasting Gobstopper.
They are about to leave, when Charlie realizes that no matter how he feels, stealing and breaking rules is bad. So he goes to Mr. Wonka’s desk and returns the Gobstopper to him.
Wonka sees that, and jumps up in delight! He tells Charlie that he has won! Charlie has no idea of what he’s talking about. It seems that Wonka was looking to retire, and so he set up the contest to find an honest child he could train as his successor.
Then Wonka calls in Wilkinson, his aide. And Wilkinson is Slugworth! Slugworth was sent out to each of the children to test them! To see how they would respond. Anyone who either ate food he wasn’t supposed to eat or brought a Gobstopper to Slugworth was dishonest, and would not become the successor. (Okay, the parable is not exact, but I think you get my point.) Notice, also, that Wonka himself gave each of the children a Gobstopper. So he himself set up the choice, and then gave them the opportunity to break the rule, using Wilkinsin to offer the temptation.
Christians take Slugworth at face value: a reprehensible competitor who will stop at nothing to undo Wonka. And that’s how they view Satan.
Jews do not see it that way, and we never have. Just as Slugworth is really Wilkinson doing what Wonka asked him to do, Satan is also not working for himself.
The Hebrew word «Satan» means «Hinderer.» To hinder someone means to hold him back, to try to prevent him from doing something. G-d created the Hinderer to give us work to do in this world (see my article Why did G-d Create the World?). Satan is here to make things difficult for us, so we can overcome our evil temptations, and PASS the test. That is the purpose of Satan. Satan is an angel whose purpose has been determined by G-d.
Temptation is there to try and deter us. It gives us the ability to do the wrong thing. More importantly, it gives us the ability to look at evil and refuse to do it. By presenting us with the opportunity to do evil, it gives us the ability to choose between good and evil.
The ability to choose between good and evil is what gives us free will. (See my article On the Nature of Free Will.
So, in order for us to work for the good that Hashem wants to give us, the good of the World to Come, we need something to deter us. That is the ability to do evil. Satan is our Evil Inclination (Yetzer Hara). The Evil Inclination tries to prevent us from doing good, because Hashem has commanded the Evil Inclination to do that. Why? To give us free will.
Each of us every day fights with Satan. We all have temptations, throughout the day. But we, as the Children of Israel, have the power to overcome even angels, if we work at it. Therefore, the Talmud says that men are greater than angels, for we can fight with an angel (Satan) and win.
Satan is not, as the Christians think, a rebellious angel. How impossible! The angels are spiritual and holy, without any physical or unholy presence, and the presence of Hashem’s holiness permeates them entirely. Angels, unlike humans, are therefore constantly and fully aware of Hashem’s Presence everywhere. Could you stay dry in the ocean? An angel could not stop being holy, and can do no wrong. There is holiness everywhere in Creation, everywhere in the universe, and angels are made of the same thing. An angel could not stop serving G-d even if he tried.
Furthermore, humans have Satan to tempt us. Angels have no Satan to tempt them. Who would be Satan’s Satan? An ultra-Satan?
The truth is that Satan has a job to do, just like every other angel. And angels have no free will. They do as Hashem commands them.
A man once came to a great Rabbi, very troubled. He said to the Rabbi, «Please pray to Hashem to take away my Evil Inclination. I do so many sins, and I want to stop sinning!»
The Rabbi answered, «Then what would be your purpose in this world, if you had no Evil Inclination? Your purpose in life is to overcome your personal Evil Inclination. That is what you were created for! Hashem has enough angels in heaven. He doesn’t need one more. He created you human, so that you could improve yourself.»
Humans can improve themselves, and that is their purpose in this world. Angels, however, cannot improve themselves. That’s not their purpose. Angels are therefore said to be «standing.» They cannot become better, and they cannot rise any higher than they are. They are, so to speak, standing.
Isaiah, when describing a Heavenly scene, says «Seraphim were standing around Him….» (Isaiah 6:2). (Seraphim are a type of angel.) Spiritually, angels are stuck at whatever level Hashem created them.
Humans are different. Humans can rise by improving themselves. For that reason, we are described as «walkers.» Therefore the Prophet Zachariah told the High Priest, «This is what Hashem, L-rd of Hosts says: if you walk in My ways, and if you observe My safeguards, you and your sons after you will be the High Priests, and you and your sons will thus guard my Holy Temple, and I will make you walkers among these who are standing» (Zachariah 3:7).
In other words, Hashem was promising the High Priest that he and his children will be High Priests, and also will merit reward in the Afterlife, in the World of Souls, where righteous people go after death.
The Prophet Zachariah was saying that in the Next World they will be walkers among the standers, which means humans among angels.
So the angels are referred to as perpetually standing, but we are movers. Our purpose is to keep on moving, to keep on improving ourselves, and to keep on rising.
And how do we do it? By constant battle with the Evil Inclination.
So now we have to revise our understanding of Satan. Satan is not a fallen angel. Satan is merely an angel with a dirty job. Satan does not have a rival kingdom. Satan is not in competition with G-d, and Satan does not want followers or worshipers. He’s not even happy when people obey him and sin.
Satan is the angel who tempts us, and the angel who prosecutes us in Heaven. He is also the Angel of Death. The angel who tries to make us sin is the same angel who accuses us in the Heavenly Court, and the same angel who carries out the death sentence.
So, no, Satan does not wear a red suit, or carry a trident. Nor does he wear a business suit. Satan is a force of evil in the world that we must resist. Satan most often appears as a desire within you. Of course, there is no shortage of things in the world to tempt us to sin.
And Satan has many «helpers,» many of whom don’t even know they are helping him. A shady-looking character in the street walks over to you and offers to sell you some stolen property, for example. He’s not Satan. He’s someone who has not resisted Satan, and has decided to do evil. He’s now trying to tempt you to sin, but not because he wants you to sin per se. He personally has something to gain from your sinning.
Whenever a human being tries to tempt another person to sin, it’s because he himself feels he can gain something from it. It may be simply that he doesn’t want to sin alone. Or maybe he needs your help. Or maybe he just gets emotional satisfaction out of seeing you go against what you believe (in which case he is a very sick person, but unfortunately not unusual). There could be any number of motivations.
Likewise, the snake in the Garden of Eden was not Satan either, though confused Christians think it was. The snake had his own motivations, which I will not go into now. He was what the Torah calls a «Seducer,» someone who, for whatever reason, tries to get other people to sin.
How does one recognize Satan? For that we need to live a Torah life. This means a host of things that work together. To mention a few: Torah study, spending quality and quantity time among Observant Jewish people, learning from Rabbis and other religiously developed Jewish people, periodic introspection, and actual self-development by means of performing the Mitzvos. It is difficult (if at all possible) to cite any of these as being more important than any of the others.
None of us are capable of destroying Satan. What we are expected and commanded to do is to gain the upper hand over our personal Satans. And Hashem helps us do this, constantly. The Talmud says that the Evil Inclination constantly attempts to destroy us spiritually, and Hashem constantly helps us and gives us the means with which to overcome our Evil Inclinations.
When this world comes to an end, and the Next World begins, the Day of Judgment will take place. After that, Satan’s work will be done. There will no longer be sin, and there will no longer be death. All judgment will have been passed and performed. There will no longer be any need for a Tempting Angel, an Angel of Death, or a Prosecuting Angel. Satan will cease to exist. It will not be a sad day at all.
Nor will it be unfair treatment of Satan. It will be like turning off a machine. Angels are not like humans, with human emotions and desires. They exist merely to follow Hashem’s instructions, for the greater glory of Hashem.
That’s the reason we exist too — to follow Hashem’s instructions for the greater glory of Hashem. So Satan was created to struggle against us, and we were put into this world to struggle against Satan.
But that was not the purpose of our being created. When the struggle is over we will begin to receive the reward for having struggled. We will be brought in to the Next World, and the struggle will end.
That’s when the good times will begin.
Read more about this in my article, «Is the World in a Conflict Between Good and Evil?«
If you’re a Christian, and/or you’re here looking for Scriptural arguments and polemics, take a look at this article: «Who Is Satan?» by Rabbi Tovia Singer.
This entry was posted in The Basics of Being Jewish on 20/12/2017.
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Yehudim- Posts : 4913
US Ambassador: September 6, 2018
" Golan will be part of Israel forever "
Šta je i normalno.
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
Mudar Zahran مضر زهرانOvjeren akaunt
5. ruj
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Yehudim- Posts : 4913
US cuts another $25 million in " palestinian " aid
The Trump administration is redirecting another $25 million in aid that was slated for Palestinian coffers to “high-priority projects elsewhere.”
On Saturday, the Trump administration announced it is “reprogramming” $25 million in aid. The funding will instead be directed to “high-priority projects elsewhere,” a move that follows the administration’s decision to stop funding the Palestinians’ dedicated United Nations agency, UNRWA.
In addition to slashing more than $300 million in aid to UNRWA last week, the State Department announced a cut of over $200 million in bilateral aid to the Palestinians in late August.
“The United States was paying [the Palestinians] tremendous amounts of money. And I say, ‘You’ll get money, but we’re not paying until you make a deal. If you don’t make a deal, we’re not paying,’”
Yehudim- Posts : 4913
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