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Grupno silovanje u Freiburgu..

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Grupno silovanje u Freiburgu.. Empty Grupno silovanje u Freiburgu..

Post by Guest Sat 10 Nov - 22:02

Polako ali sigurno izlaze na vidjelo mnoge stvari..

Ironically, in left-liberal Freiburg, an 18-year-old has been raped by several Syrians and a German. The crime even splits families. The protocol of a conversation between two sisters

white sisters (the names are known to the editors), 30 and 28, from the village of B. in Baden-Württemberg, both studied, living and working for several years in Freiburg. There have been different views on the refugee policy of the grand coalition for quite some time. The conflict flickers on a phone call. Triggers are the demonstrations around the mass rape of an 18-year-olds, were allegedly involved in the several seekers of protection.

"Hi, how's dinner tonight at Café Ruef, will it work?"
"On my own, but I can only start at eight, want to demonstrate."

"What did I miss something for?"
"There was this gang rape on" Hans-Bunte "(the nightclub in which the victim was towed, note by the editor). Now the AfD wants to exploit that. The Gegendemo is one of the city council enlightened, because the right course again use the opportunity to rush against refugees. "

"No offense, but so that one 'can use a chance, he must first get a bid ..."
"What do you mean by that?"

"Sorry. I'm a bit speechless ... the story is so scary, 'a young woman is drugged and raped by at least eight refugees and the left is demonstrating against the right ...'
"Typical of you, you are underruling the German, who also joined in!"

"Okay, for one thing, we do not know its roots, it can be someone from a culture in which self-determined women have no place ..."
"You argue like the AfD!"

"I find that a very strange reflex: Then a group of asylum seekers raped a woman, and you put on your penitential shirt and say immediately, but there was also a German!"
"You're right!"


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