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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Guest Sat 6 Oct - 2:46

Trump jebe libtarde i ne vadi... :20


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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Regoč Sat 6 Oct - 10:25

marcellus wrote:
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:najjača stvar.. to pijano nabacivanje se uopće nije niti dogodilo

ona se ne sjeća kad i gdje je to bilo i ko je bio na tulumu no nebitno

mislim da se i dogodilo, pijani klinci su se drpali na tulumu big fucking deal

neš majci seksualnog zlostavljanja nađi mi žensku koju u srednjoj školi neko nije drpao na tulumu a ona je mislila da je taj neko kreten

to se riješi tak da onda s frendicama otrača tipa kak je kreten i to je to
Svaka to cura može zaustaviti pljuskom koja će biti jasan signal da "ne znači ne", a ne predigru. U krajnjem slučaju ostaje koljenom među noge da se dokaže da "pljuska znači ne".

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Hektorović Sat 6 Oct - 11:47

Kako se čini prolazi nominacija :)

Soroščad u meltdownu...

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 11:54

Hektorović wrote:Kako se čini prolazi nominacija :)

Soroščad u meltdownu...

senatorica iz mainea prelomila, collins

posrala ih je strahovito

While Collins called Ford’s testimony “sincere” and “compelling,” she could not disregard the complete lack of corroboration — denials of any memory by every witness who Ford claimed was present at the party, plus Kavanaugh’s own “forceful denial.”

Collins stressed that the confirmation process was not a trial and did not require proof beyond a reasonable doubt to disqualify Kavanaugh. Instead, she only demanded Ford’s accusations be “more likely than not” true. Collins did not find Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh to meet even this standard.

Furthermore, she tore into allegations from Julie Swetnick — represented by Resistance TV lawyer Michael Avenatti — that Kavanaugh had drugged and facilitated the gang raping of several women. She called these claims “outlandish” and “a stark reminder of why the presumption of innocence is so ingrained in the American consciousness.”

Collins began her eagerly anticipated floor statement began shortly after 3 p.m. to the sounds of shouting and chants from anti-Kavanaugh protesters, like so many of the proceedings over the months-long confirmation process. She launched promptly into an attack on the forces arrayed against Kavanaugh, lamenting their hysterical behavior compared to the five other “solemn” Supreme Court confirmations in which she participated.

The moderate Maine senator expressed her outrage at organizations that forcefully opposed Kavanaugh before even copy-and-pasting his name into their material and Democrats who announced their intention to end Kavanaugh’s nomination before hearing a word of testimony.

Collins then, in stark contrast to the weeks of controversy over uncorroborated accusations about Kavanaugh’s behavior as a teenager, dug for over 20 minutes into Kavanaugh’s 12-year record as a federal judge and his judicial philosophy as gleaned from extensive Senate Judiciary Committee testimony and her own meetings with the nominee.

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Regoč Sat 6 Oct - 12:05

Senatorica Collins napravila je više za poštivanje ženah kano razumnih bićah nego sav aktivizam "krmače i štrace".

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Hektorović Sat 6 Oct - 12:07

marcellus wrote:
Furthermore, she tore into allegations from Julie Swetnick — represented by Resistance TV lawyer Michael Avenatti — that Kavanaugh had drugged and facilitated the gang raping of several women. She called these claims “outlandish” and “a stark reminder of why the presumption of innocence is so ingrained in the American consciousness.”

Tucker je upravo dobro izanalizirao čitavu stvar... I kako su ovu sami sebe ukopali forsirajući likove poput Avenattija...


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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 12:15

trumpova popularnost na vrhuncu

plus 11 u odnosu na obamu na istoj točki prvog mandata

reizbor sve sigurniji ako se rast plaća nastavi

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 12:17

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the president is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. (see trends).

This is Trump’s highest Presidential Approval Index rating since early March of last year, shortly after he first took office.By comparison, Barack Obama earned a presidential approval index rating of -11 on October 5, 2010, in the second year of his presidency. .

Most voters disapprove of how the U.S. Senate has conducted Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation process and say the U.S. Supreme Court nominee has been investigated enough.  

An angry Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing last week at which he denied multiple allegations of sexual assault when he was in high school: “This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy.” Most voters think he's right. Even Democrats are conflicted.

After that hearing, the FBI was asked to look into the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. But even before the FBI report was finished this week, voters were saying its findings wouldn't satisfy anyone.

Responding to the drumbeat of support by Democrats and most in the media for the still unproven allegations against Kavanaugh, the president said this week, “It’s a very scary time for young men in America when you can be found guilty of something that you may not be guilty of.” Do voters agree? We’ll tell you at 10:30

Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters think there is a greater danger of political violence now compared to past years.

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Hektorović Sat 6 Oct - 12:23

marcellus wrote:trumpova popularnost na vrhuncu

plus 11 u odnosu na obamu na istoj točki prvog mandata

reizbor sve sigurniji ako se rast plaća nastavi

Kako se čini Demokrati će sad dobiti većinu u kongresu, pa će pokrenuti još veći cirkus sa impeachmentom...

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 12:25

Hektorović wrote:
marcellus wrote:trumpova popularnost na vrhuncu

plus 11 u odnosu na obamu na istoj točki prvog mandata

reizbor sve sigurniji ako se rast plaća nastavi

Kako se čini Demokrati će sad dobiti većinu u kongresu, pa će pokrenuti još veći cirkus sa impeachmentom...

nakon ovog im to čak više nije sigurno

ali da sad puno više republikanaca dolazi na reizbor i vjerojatno će demsi dobit većinu

no za dvije godine se to opet mijenja...

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by kaya Sat 6 Oct - 12:27

gostinicar sa perikom vs zene ?

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 12:45

kaya wrote:gostinicar sa perikom vs zene ?

a bi li ti nekog optužila za seksualno zlostavljanje jer je te je drpao na tulumu u srednjoj i ne sjećaš se točno ni kad ni gdje ali ćeš svjedočit pred saborom da taj ne može bit recimo predsjednik jer je seksualni zlostavljač

ono napio se na tulumu i slinio po tebi, sigurno je novi ted bundy

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by abraham Sat 6 Oct - 12:53

Daklem , ovog jenkija koji nama nije uopce vazan a koji je iz Trumpove ekipe treba ubiti , streljati, jebati majku, unistiti i politicki i ekonomski jer je drpo vrsnjakinju davne 1980te. Itovremeno treba ubiti bacaca limuna na politicara sta je seksualno uznemiravao njegovu sadasnju suprugu kada je imala 20 godina. Zbunjen sam. Kako razlicita  mjerila i ponasanje u slicnom slucaju. Po meni slucaj iz DNRH je i gori jer se matori kenjac upucavao 30 godina mladjoj zenskoj sa pozicije moci. Kila mozga....

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 13:02

marcellus wrote:
kaya wrote:gostinicar sa perikom vs zene ?

a bi li ti nekog optužila za seksualno zlostavljanje jer je te je drpao na tulumu u srednjoj i ne sjećaš se točno ni kad ni gdje ali ćeš svjedočit pred saborom da taj ne može bit recimo predsjednik jer je seksualni zlostavljač

ono napio se na tulumu i slinio po tebi, sigurno je novi ted bundy

e da i ti to nikom nisi rekla 30 i kusur godina i niko drugi na tulumu to nije vidio i ne sjeća se toga, ali on je svejedno seksualni zlostavljač i ne može bit sudac vrhovnog suda

dobro kod nas takvih dilema nema kod nas u ustavnom sudu uglavnom sjede totalni kreteni i k tome pravno polupismeni, ingrid pipl mast trast as i ekipa pa nije bitno jesu li se kad napili na tulumu i drpali se s vršnjacima

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 13:13


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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by crvenkasti Sat 6 Oct - 13:26

marcellus wrote:
kaya wrote:gostinicar sa perikom vs zene ?

a bi li ti nekog optužila za seksualno zlostavljanje jer je te je drpao na tulumu u srednjoj i ne sjećaš se točno ni kad ni gdje ali ćeš svjedočit pred saborom da taj ne može bit recimo predsjednik jer je seksualni zlostavljač

ono napio se na tulumu i slinio po tebi, sigurno je novi ted bundy

Treba ga gađati s nečim, frenčfrajsima ili fišendčipsima.

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by crvenkasti Sat 6 Oct - 13:28

marcellus wrote:https://narod.hr/svijet/jos-jedna-trumpova-pobjeda-kavanaugh-gotovo-sigurno-prolazi

Gle budalu, opet stavlja link na samog sebe.

Jadniče, možeš li bijednije?

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 13:37

Hektorović wrote:Avenattija...

alex jones ljevice...

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by marcellus Sat 6 Oct - 13:51

i opet, i ovdje 2:0 za Trumpa....

US wage growth hits nine-year high

For nearly a decade, wages here have remained stubbornly unchanged even as the US economy recovered from the 2007-08 financial crisis and the stock market reached new highs.

This August jobs report shows that finally some of that good news is trickling down to American workers - even if it creates a possible headache for the Federal Reserve.

That's because this long-awaited for raise could mean that prices will be rising here faster than America's central bank had been expecting.

That could put pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates faster, just at the exact moment that President Donald Trump has increased his criticisms of the Fed chair, Jay Powell, saying Mr Powell should be doing more to help him.


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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by kaya Sat 6 Oct - 16:25

marcellus wrote:
kaya wrote:gostinicar sa perikom vs zene ?

a bi li ti nekog optužila za seksualno zlostavljanje jer je te je drpao na tulumu u srednjoj i ne sjećaš se točno ni kad ni gdje ali ćeš svjedočit pred saborom da taj ne može bit recimo predsjednik jer je seksualni zlostavljač

ono napio se na tulumu i slinio po tebi, sigurno je novi ted bundy
da. ako bi se radilo o vasi brkicu. ili nekom tak simpaticnom.

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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

Post by Hektorović Sat 6 Oct - 23:11

I prođe

Top Dems tell me that the impeachment of Kavanaugh, however impractical, will be an irresistible applause line for the party's 2020 hopefuls in New Hampshire and Iowa in the months after Nov. 6.

  • Look for Democrats to try to hold off on a Kavanaugh impeachment crusade for the next month, though, to avoid elevating a painful issue for Senate Democrats running in red states.


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Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa - Page 2 Empty Re: Krmača i štraca kontra Trumpa

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