Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
bogomdani wrote:I Yoda,Appleovo bogactvo,kao i ostalih firmi,NIJE bogatstvo americke drzave..samo ono sto uzmu od poreza,a cujem da financijski eksperti u navedenim firmama itekako koriste porezne rupe u zakonu,pa tako placaju nes minimalno...
nego čije je bogastvo appale?
rusko, hrvatsko, bosansko?
deseci tisuća radnika tamo dobijaju mjesečno desetke tisuća $ plaću, a na sve to se plaća porez, a onda ti radnici troše, pa se na potrošnju plaća porez, pa ta potrošnja generira nova radna mjesta, pa se na sve to plaća porez... itd..
Nije bzvz USA prva/druga ekonomija svijeta, valjda zato što imaju apple, mikrosoft, google, paypall, i bog te veselo šta već-
od ruske ekonomije mi napamet pada jedino nafta... i oružje. koji opet ne čine približan udio nekoj ovoj firmi.(vodeće američke firme, svaka pojedinačno više vrijedi nego sve ruske na burzi)
Rusiju bi ja izjednačio sa Italijom.
i to je to.
Kada spomenete Rusku ekonomiju i utjecaj na svijetu, to je na razini Talijanskog. Jedino što talijani nemaju vojsku a rusi imaju.
Isto je i USA i Kina. Tu su negdje ekonomije, samo Kinezi još nemaju niti približnu vojsku da mogu izvoditi akrobacije koje rade Ameri pa čak i Rusi
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Bogatstvo Applea je internacionalno,dakle dionicara..kojih se bas ebe za USA ili Rusiju,drzi se do kapitala i profita...neoliberalni_placenik wrote:bogomdani wrote:I Yoda,Appleovo bogactvo,kao i ostalih firmi,NIJE bogatstvo americke drzave..samo ono sto uzmu od poreza,a cujem da financijski eksperti u navedenim firmama itekako koriste porezne rupe u zakonu,pa tako placaju nes minimalno...
nego čije je bogastvo appale?
rusko, hrvatsko, bosansko?
deseci tisuća radnika tamo dobijaju mjesečno desetke tisuća $ plaću, a na sve to se plaća porez, a onda ti radnici troše, pa se na potrošnju plaća porez, pa ta potrošnja generira nova radna mjesta, pa se na sve to plaća porez... itd..
Nije bzvz USA prva/druga ekonomija svijeta, valjda zato što imaju apple, mikrosoft, google, paypall, i bog te veselo šta već-
od ruske ekonomije mi napamet pada jedino nafta... i oružje. koji opet ne čine približan udio nekoj ovoj firmi.(vodeće američke firme, svaka pojedinačno više vrijedi nego sve ruske na burzi)
Rusiju bi ja izjednačio sa Italijom.
i to je to.
Kada spomenete Rusku ekonomiju i utjecaj na svijetu, to je na razini Talijanskog. Jedino što talijani nemaju vojsku a rusi imaju.
Isto je i USA i Kina. Tu su negdje ekonomije, samo Kinezi još nemaju niti približnu vojsku da mogu izvoditi akrobacije koje rade Ameri pa čak i Rusi
Ne mozes opet usporediti ekonomiju Rusije i neke zapadne drzave..USA ima trenutni kapital,koji se temelji na potraznji i vrijednosti dionica neke firme,recimo MS,DELL,ili slicnno..Sjeti se krizae zadnje,koja je uzdrmala cijeli svijet...banke stopirale kredite,a firme nisu mogle prdnuti...bas je taj trenutak najzanimljiviji,jer je u tom trenu platezna moc prosjecnog amera pala na dno,kao i slicno diljem svijeta..kome tad trebaju Ajfouni,HP laptopi ili serveri??
S druge strane nafta,plin,oruzje,ce uvijek ici,cak iako manjeg tempa,to je sigurna lova i osigurava stabilnost...
Sto se tice Italije,evo iz prve ruke gledam kako likovi dolaze iz Italije raditi za 1100-1200 ojra,da bi mogli prezivjeti,i poslati nes zeni i djeci..svaki ozbiljni vid posla ,opstruira mafija,i mnogi koji su i pokrenuli biznis u Italiji,i krenulo im oke,uskoro su bili izvrgnuti nasilnoj prodaji za sitnis..Hajd ti investiraj u Italiju..Opet,kako je jedan frend Pietro neki dan rekao..da se u Italiju uvede Euro,ode ekonomija trenutno u krc..industrija je takva da se rade radni ugovori na maksimalno 6 mjeseci,a ti onda planiraj neki kredit za stan ili kucu...Italije je skurcana..
I da..Zaboravio si da je 30% ukupnog kapitala u americkim bankama SA podrijetla..sto odredjuje politiku USA prema svijetu..Sad kad je i SA dobila vodjenje Ljudskih prava u svijetu u UN-u,jasno je kamo sve polako ide...
Rusija ce prezivjeti,sa zategnutim kaisem svakako,ali ce gradjane ce uvijek biti hrane osnovne,goriva i plina za industriju,i jos neki odabir,a ne samo suradnja sa Europom i Amerikom..
Last edited by bogomdani on 5/10/2015, 23:32; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
neoliberalni_placenik wrote:bogomdani wrote:I Yoda,Appleovo bogactvo,kao i ostalih firmi,NIJE bogatstvo americke drzave..samo ono sto uzmu od poreza,a cujem da financijski eksperti u navedenim firmama itekako koriste porezne rupe u zakonu,pa tako placaju nes minimalno...
nego čije je bogastvo appale?
rusko, hrvatsko, bosansko?
deseci tisuća radnika tamo dobijaju mjesečno desetke tisuća $ plaću, a na sve to se plaća porez, a onda ti radnici troše, pa se na potrošnju plaća porez, pa ta potrošnja generira nova radna mjesta, pa se na sve to plaća porez... itd..
Jedino što su ti radnici Kinezi, i sve to odvija u Kini.
Posts : 29707
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
toj je tajvanska kompanija foxconn , sa tvornicama u kini, to nije apple
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
crvenkasti wrote:neoliberalni_placenik wrote:Zajeb za Rusku ekonomiju jest što hrpa američkih firmi, tipa mikrosoft, apple, google, itd, svaka pojedinačno vrijedi više nego cijela ruska burza... svaka pojedinačno.
Rusija nema ekonomiju.
Kina ima.
kraj rasprave.
A ja baš mislio još nešto...
Iran kupuje od Rusije putničke zrakoplove u iznosu od čak 21 milijardu USD
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Kako nije?
Last edited by crvenkasti on 5/10/2015, 23:58; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 29707
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato wrote:toj je tajvanska kompanija foxconn , sa tvornicama u kini, to nije apple
lik je postao na internet sliku tadasnjeg novog Ajfouna 5 i dobio kaznu 25000 dolara da mora platiti..inace mjesecna placa je 250-280 dolara...
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
[size=42]Supporting Economies Throughout the U.S.[/size]
Apple directly or indirectly supports roughly 400,000 jobs in the U.S. These jobs include numerous industries, from the people who create components for our products to the people who build the planes and trucks that carry them to our customers. Together with over 627,000 jobs generated by the iOS ecosystem, there are over 1 million U.S. jobs created or supported by Apple.Apple contributes to the American economy in many other ways. The phenomenal growth of iPhone alone has added an estimated one-quarter to one-third of a percentage point to the annualized growth rate in the U.S. gross domestic product.4 And our focus on domestic manufacturing has resulted in thousands of jobs in communities both big and small.
Thirty-one of the 50 states provide parts, materials, or equipment to make Apple products. This manufacturing spans an incredible range of industries with suppliers from coast to coast. For example, some iMac models are assembled and tested in California. Many of the processors that go into Mac are from Arizona. Indiana contributes sophisticated manufacturing using high-performance alloys to ensure that our products hold up under tough conditions. Kentucky continues to be a major provider of glass for iPhone and iPad. And the cardstock for our beautiful letterpress cards comes from Wisconsin
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
odlično .D za 10godina će otplatit, pod uvjetom da ne troši ništa :Dbogomdani wrote: wrote:toj je tajvanska kompanija foxconn , sa tvornicama u kini, to nije apple
lik je postao na internet sliku tadasnjeg novog Ajfouna 5 i dobio kaznu 25000 dolara da mora platiti..inace mjesecna placa je 250-280 dolara...
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Rusi američku ekonomiju prestignu sa jednom atomskom.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Evo piše Apple indirektno stvara oko 1milijun poslova u Americi samo.
Apple više vrijedi nego cijela RH ekonomija sa turizmom, industrijom , trgovinom i lupačima pečata.
Apple više vrijedi nego cijela RH ekonomija sa turizmom, industrijom , trgovinom i lupačima pečata.
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
While the Obama administration and their mainstream surrogates maintain that the economy is growing at a booming pace, the reality of the situation is starkly different.
According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics some 94.6 million Americans (age 16 and over) are either not working or have made no effort to find a job. With a population of 320 million, that means nearly one in three people in the United States are currently out of work.
But as we’ve repeatedly pointed out, that number has been completely skewed over the last two decades as it fails to account for people who have stopped looking for work (because there are no actual jobs available).
According to John Williams of Shadow Stats, if we were to calculate unemployment using the same metrics as we did during the 1930’s, or even the 1980’s, we’d already be in Great Depression territory. Williams, who utilizes a reporting methodology that accounts for “long-term discouraged workers who were defined out of official existence in 1994,” notes that the real unemployment rate is rapidly approaching 25%.
Now compare the above chart to similar measurements from the 1930’s and you’ll see just how bad things really are:
(via Casey Research)
It’s so bad, in fact, that we have seen sustained unemployment exceeding that of the Great Depression for almost the entirety of Barack Obama’s Presidency.
But how can it be possible to have a full-fledged recovery and record stock prices when nearly one-third of the adult population is not working?
If the government is to be believed, it’s because our economy continues to grow at a pace of about 2%.
But once again, if we calculate the real growth rate and adjust for inflation, we see exactly why jobs are non-existent and getting worse every month.
The following chart made available by Williams shows that despite a positive “official” GDP growth rate being disseminated to the public, the reality is exactly the opposite. The U.S. economy is by all accounts shrinking and has been doing so for the better part of a decade:
We’ve already witnessed numerous shocks to the global economy over recent weeks and the prospects of any sort of stability just went out the window.
There is no recovery. There are no jobs. There is no growth.
The United States, regardless of what is being said by mainstream financial pundits or believed by their TV-watching myrmidons, is now (and has been for quite some time) in a recession.
What’s worse is that most have no clue of how bad things really are or that they are witnessing America’s Second Great Depression.
We have seen many prognostications of what might happen in the Fall of 2015 and beyond. For now, we have avoided the Doomsday event many have feared.
But as The Prepper’s Blueprint author Tess Pennington notes, this doesn’t mean we should ignore the real possibility of a wide breadth of potential outcomes from economic malaise and geo-political tensions:
If the charts above are accurate – and we believe they are – then America is already in the throes of its next Great Depression.
Yoda..previse se oslanjas na mainstream...situacija je puuuuno gora...
According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics some 94.6 million Americans (age 16 and over) are either not working or have made no effort to find a job. With a population of 320 million, that means nearly one in three people in the United States are currently out of work.
Curiously, the official unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.1%, suggesting that some 95% of people actually have jobs.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.
The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
But as we’ve repeatedly pointed out, that number has been completely skewed over the last two decades as it fails to account for people who have stopped looking for work (because there are no actual jobs available).
According to John Williams of Shadow Stats, if we were to calculate unemployment using the same metrics as we did during the 1930’s, or even the 1980’s, we’d already be in Great Depression territory. Williams, who utilizes a reporting methodology that accounts for “long-term discouraged workers who were defined out of official existence in 1994,” notes that the real unemployment rate is rapidly approaching 25%.
Now compare the above chart to similar measurements from the 1930’s and you’ll see just how bad things really are:
(via Casey Research)
It’s so bad, in fact, that we have seen sustained unemployment exceeding that of the Great Depression for almost the entirety of Barack Obama’s Presidency.
But how can it be possible to have a full-fledged recovery and record stock prices when nearly one-third of the adult population is not working?
If the government is to be believed, it’s because our economy continues to grow at a pace of about 2%.
But once again, if we calculate the real growth rate and adjust for inflation, we see exactly why jobs are non-existent and getting worse every month.
The following chart made available by Williams shows that despite a positive “official” GDP growth rate being disseminated to the public, the reality is exactly the opposite. The U.S. economy is by all accounts shrinking and has been doing so for the better part of a decade:
We’ve already witnessed numerous shocks to the global economy over recent weeks and the prospects of any sort of stability just went out the window.
There is no recovery. There are no jobs. There is no growth.
The United States, regardless of what is being said by mainstream financial pundits or believed by their TV-watching myrmidons, is now (and has been for quite some time) in a recession.
What’s worse is that most have no clue of how bad things really are or that they are witnessing America’s Second Great Depression.
We have seen many prognostications of what might happen in the Fall of 2015 and beyond. For now, we have avoided the Doomsday event many have feared.
But as The Prepper’s Blueprint author Tess Pennington notes, this doesn’t mean we should ignore the real possibility of a wide breadth of potential outcomes from economic malaise and geo-political tensions:
The collapse that many have suggested will take place at some point in the future is actually happening right here and now.So the world didn’t end, but we should face the facts that our world is exponentially changing. In the last ten years, it has changed so dramatically that many of us do not recognize it.
Riots, extreme climate changes, epidemics, unemployment, political upheaval, I could go on, but I think you get the picture. These changes are the events you should prepare for. Preparing for a singular event is impractical and will leave you exposed and with gaps in your preparedness plan.
That said, if your preps were well-rounded enough, you can insulate yourself from many different forms of disasters: natural, personal, economic, societal, etc. Once you are prepared for a multitude of events, you don’t worry as much. There are always events that are out of our control. The only control we have is to be ready for them the best we can by being prepared, self-reliant, not depending on the system, and changing our perception about disasters.
Source: Another Doomsday Prophecy Come and Gone
If the charts above are accurate – and we believe they are – then America is already in the throes of its next Great Depression.
Yoda..previse se oslanjas na mainstream...situacija je puuuuno gora...
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Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Prozivka ruske ambasade: "Naoružajte pravog Sirijca"
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Pa na posljednje dvije olimpijade to su ubjedljivo pokazale.
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Kina i Rusija gomilaju zlato
Jos jednom za Eru...bogomdani wrote:While the Obama administration and their mainstream surrogates maintain that the economy is growing at a booming pace, the reality of the situation is starkly different.
According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics some 94.6 million Americans (age 16 and over) are either not working or have made no effort to find a job. With a population of 320 million, that means nearly one in three people in the United States are currently out of work.Curiously, the official unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.1%, suggesting that some 95% of people actually have jobs.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.
The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
But as we’ve repeatedly pointed out, that number has been completely skewed over the last two decades as it fails to account for people who have stopped looking for work (because there are no actual jobs available).
According to John Williams of Shadow Stats, if we were to calculate unemployment using the same metrics as we did during the 1930’s, or even the 1980’s, we’d already be in Great Depression territory. Williams, who utilizes a reporting methodology that accounts for “long-term discouraged workers who were defined out of official existence in 1994,” notes that the real unemployment rate is rapidly approaching 25%.
Now compare the above chart to similar measurements from the 1930’s and you’ll see just how bad things really are:
(via Casey Research)
It’s so bad, in fact, that we have seen sustained unemployment exceeding that of the Great Depression for almost the entirety of Barack Obama’s Presidency.
But how can it be possible to have a full-fledged recovery and record stock prices when nearly one-third of the adult population is not working?
If the government is to be believed, it’s because our economy continues to grow at a pace of about 2%.
But once again, if we calculate the real growth rate and adjust for inflation, we see exactly why jobs are non-existent and getting worse every month.
The following chart made available by Williams shows that despite a positive “official” GDP growth rate being disseminated to the public, the reality is exactly the opposite. The U.S. economy is by all accounts shrinking and has been doing so for the better part of a decade:
We’ve already witnessed numerous shocks to the global economy over recent weeks and the prospects of any sort of stability just went out the window.
There is no recovery. There are no jobs. There is no growth.
The United States, regardless of what is being said by mainstream financial pundits or believed by their TV-watching myrmidons, is now (and has been for quite some time) in a recession.
What’s worse is that most have no clue of how bad things really are or that they are witnessing America’s Second Great Depression.
We have seen many prognostications of what might happen in the Fall of 2015 and beyond. For now, we have avoided the Doomsday event many have feared.
But as The Prepper’s Blueprint author Tess Pennington notes, this doesn’t mean we should ignore the real possibility of a wide breadth of potential outcomes from economic malaise and geo-political tensions:The collapse that many have suggested will take place at some point in the future is actually happening right here and now.So the world didn’t end, but we should face the facts that our world is exponentially changing. In the last ten years, it has changed so dramatically that many of us do not recognize it.
Riots, extreme climate changes, epidemics, unemployment, political upheaval, I could go on, but I think you get the picture. These changes are the events you should prepare for. Preparing for a singular event is impractical and will leave you exposed and with gaps in your preparedness plan.
That said, if your preps were well-rounded enough, you can insulate yourself from many different forms of disasters: natural, personal, economic, societal, etc. Once you are prepared for a multitude of events, you don’t worry as much. There are always events that are out of our control. The only control we have is to be ready for them the best we can by being prepared, self-reliant, not depending on the system, and changing our perception about disasters.
Source: Another Doomsday Prophecy Come and Gone
If the charts above are accurate – and we believe they are – then America is already in the throes of its next Great Depression.
Yoda..previse se oslanjas na mainstream...situacija je puuuuno gora...
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