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Post by debotoijusto 28/12/2017, 10:46

Tridesetogodišnji muškarac iz Beograda prva je žrtva ospica u Srbiji, a pacijent nije bio cijepljen protiv te bolesti, potvrđeno je u srijedu u Beogradu.

Pacijent je umro u srijedu u bolnici na odjelu intenzivne njege od komplikacija izazvanih posljedicama zaraze ospicama, objavila je Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS).

Srbijanski ministar zdravstva Zlatibor Lončar rekao je novinarima u Beogradu da je pacijent primljen na infektivnu kliniku 22. prosinca, te da je smrtni ishod jedna od posljedica na koju je "struka mjesecima upozoravala".

"Koristim priliku da još jednom naglasim - problem se ne može riješiti dok se ne cijepimo. To je jedini način da ne dolazi do ovakvih stvari", rekao je ministar Lončar i poručio roditeljima da cijepe svoju djecu i ne očekuju "da država bude čudotvorac i zaustavi epidemiju".

"Ukoliko djeca nisu cijepljena ovakve stvari su neminovne", naglasio je.

Pema priopćenju nacionalnog Instituta za javno zdravstvo Srbije "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut", u Srbiji je u poslednja tri mjeseca registrirano ukupno 630 slučajeva ospica, a 225 laboratorijski je potvrdio institut za imunologiju "Torlak".
Beba stara dva mjeseca najmlađi je pacijent, najstarija osoba zaražena ospicama ima 60 godina, a najveći broj oboljelih je u dobi od pet godina i starijih od 30 godina.
Ključni podatak na koji upozoravaju stručnjaci je da čak 91 posto pacijenata zaraženih ospicama nije cijepljeno, nepotpuno je cijepljeno ili je nepoznatog  statusa.
U Srbiji je mjesecima unazad u tijeku kampanja protiv cijepljenja u kojoj tzv. "antivakseri" nastoje proturječiti argumentima struke i medicinskim činjenicama na koje upozoravaju infektolozi.


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Post by debotoijusto 28/12/2017, 10:47


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Post by danni1 28/12/2017, 11:04

Svake godine umire 200 000 ljudi od gripe unatoč cjepivu pa nikog ne boli kurac.

u ime ospica Comment_eYTostYMe28qO4zCPkZ25P5YRTpkR4rA,w400

Posts : 5159

Age : 53
Lokacija: : Dugo Selo

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Post by Guest 28/12/2017, 16:40

danni1 wrote:Svake godine umire 200 000 ljudi od gripe unatoč cjepivu pa nikog ne boli kurac.

nigdje veze. to što se cijepiš protiv gripe ne znači da imaš garanciju da gripu unatoč cjepivu nećeš i dobiti. virus gripe brzo mutira u mnoštvo varijacija a cjepivo nije univerzalno da te štiti protiv svih sojeva gripe. cjepivo protiv gripe je učinkovito 10-40% ne više.

This Year's Flu Virus Could Be Worse Than Usual — And the Vaccine May Not Help

This season the potentially deadly virus is in rare form. Public-health experts are predicting that this year’s flu will be severe for several reasons. Cases are starting up early, which is one indicator of an aggressive virus.

What’s more, experts report that the flu vaccine, designed to inoculate hundreds of millions of people, may not be as effective as they’d hoped.

Normally in severe flu seasons like this one, the reasons for the suffering are pretty straightforward. Flu vaccines have long been manufactured in a decades-old process that involves growing the influenza virus in millions of chicken eggs, over a period of about four months. That means flu-shot manufacturers need a head start. Every year in the spring, influenza experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) make their best educated guess, based on the previous year’s flu cases, about which strains of the virus will make the rounds in the coming winter. Sometimes they nail it. But sometimes they don’t–and entirely different strains circulate that make people sick.

The virus can also mutate quickly, so by the time the vaccines are doled out, the bugs people are spreading through sneezes and coughs may be different from the ones you were vaccinated against.

That leads to more people catching the flu, even if they are immunized, and getting sick. (Flu-related illnesses can also be deadly, claiming up to 600,000 people per year globally.)

This year, there seems to be something else going on. The viruses in the vaccine are similar to the virus that people are encountering from other sick people. Theoretically, it should then offer good protection against catching the flu.

But it isn’t. Why? For the first time, there is evidence that the way flu shots are made may be contributing to lower effectiveness.

Because public-health officials have to guess which versions of the flu will cause disease, they hedge their bets and include several strains in the shot. This year’s shot includes H1N1, H3N2 and an influenza B. Flu viruses are not easy to grow in chicken eggs, so to help the process along, researchers make minor changes to the virus. Those changes, says Brendan Flannery, an epidemiologist in the influenza division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), may be making the H3N2 strain in particular less potent–which would limit the immune response it triggers in the body. Since that immune response is critical to how vaccines work, this could lead to people remaining susceptible to that particular strain of flu going around–even if they got their flu shot.

“There is evidence that growing the vaccine virus in eggs resulted in changes that altered the vaccine’s effectiveness,” he says. When researchers compared the H3N2 strain from infected people with the original H3N2 reference strain designated by the WHO, they did not find many differences. But when they compared the virus in infected people to the vaccine virus that was grown in eggs, they saw changes. Says Flannery: “The take-home message is that vaccine production, growing the virus in eggs, can cause some of the problems we are seeing.”

Scientists are trying to shift away from egg-based vaccine production, but they haven’t found a reliable alternative method yet. Even a new form of vaccination, a nasal spray that was introduced in 2003, is no longer recommended by the CDC, after it seemed to offer less protection against another strain, H1N1, compared with the shots.

So should you try to survive the season without getting vaccinated? That’s not a good idea, say leading experts, since even if the vaccine is not effective against one strain, it will still protect you against other strains that may be making the rounds. And that’s important, especially for preventing transmission of flu among people with weaker or less developed immune systems, such as infants, the sick and the elderly. When it comes to viruses, the science is clear: some protection is better than none.


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Post by T. 28/12/2017, 16:58

debotoijusto wrote:Tridesetogodišnji muškarac iz Beograda prva je žrtva ospica u Srbiji...


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Post by Guest 28/12/2017, 19:50

Gnječ wrote:
danni1 wrote:Svake godine umire 200 000 ljudi od gripe unatoč cjepivu pa nikog ne boli kurac.

nigdje veze. to što se cijepiš protiv gripe ne znači da imaš garanciju da gripu unatoč cjepivu nećeš i dobiti. virus gripe brzo mutira u mnoštvo varijacija a cjepivo nije univerzalno da te štiti protiv svih sojeva gripe. cjepivo protiv gripe je učinkovito 10-40% ne više.
Ovo ti vrijedi i za ospice. Cjepivo na ospice ne daje otpornost cijeli zivot, tako da masu odraslih koji su se cijepili kao djeca, nemaju nikakve vise protekcije na ospice.  Inace, ospice nisu smrtonosne za nas, vjerojatno je taj imao jos nesto drugo osim ospica pa ga je kombinacija dotukla. Jednom sam bas isla gledati statisticke podatke za Hrvatsku koroz godine - ima neki "almanah" koji se izdaje svake godine i mislim da je dostupan na stranicama ministarstva zdravstva. Zanimljivih stvari ima tamo, izmedju ostaloga tablice koliko ljudi je oboljelo od koje bolesti po godinama. Mislim bas za ospice da je pisalo da svake godine kod nas ima oko 300 slucajeva, ali koliko sam ja gledala tih almanaha, nije bio niti jedan smrtni slucaj. Inace, zanimljivost ospica je da njih bolje & lakse prebole djeca, i kad jednom prebole, za razliku od cjepiva, imaju trajni imunitet. Odrasli se teze nose sa ospicama, sto takodjer malo onako baca cak i malo sumnjivo svjetlo na to cjepivo jer ti, u najgorem slucaju, odgodi bolest iz djecjeg doba kad je to lakse preboliti u odraslo (dakle, ovo je najgori slucaj, ima tu puno drugih faktora, ali i to treba reci...lol)

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