oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Leteca Pegla wrote:Tocno, to moze samo Bog...Gnječ wrote:
ma nema boga daj nemoj me zajebavat. bog ne postoji u nikakvom agregatnom stanju ljudi su izmislili boga da si smanje tjeskobu jer za 99.9999999999% stvari što ih okružuje nemogu naći uzrok ni zbog čega ni zašto ni svašta nešto. znači bog je svjesna ljudska fabrikacija koja služi smanjivanju tjeskobe, straha i stresa. to što je taj mod preuzeli psihopate i od toga napravili mega biznis tj. religije to je već drugi par pastoli.
čovjek niti nezna šta je i odakle se tu stvorio. svorio se u pizdi materinoj i sve što izađe iz pizde materine zove se carbon unit jer smo najviše ugljika upotrijebili za izgradnju uz nekoliko ostalih elemenata koji su opet stvoreni umiranjem neke zvijezde ili više zvijezda itd.
znači mi smo materija koja je dostigla stadij da ima svijest i može razmišljati i promišljati barem u ovom sunčevom sistemu za druge sunčeve sisteme neznam galaksije i grozdove galaksija pogotovo pojma nemam a dalje u Svemir niti nezamislivo razmišljati koje su to veličine i daljine. jedino što mogu tvrditi je to da postoji još još oblika života koji nisu sa planete Zemlje ali nas ponekad posjete. to sam se uvjerio na vlastite oči i nitko na ovom svjetu me nemože razuvjeriti. ali o tome na forumu neću polemizirati.
nisam se sjetio ili da li uopće postoji takva riječ u hrvatskom jeziku a da nije dvosmislena mslm hrvatski jezik je dokazano siromašan. to nisam ja rekao samo prenosim što mi je jedna poljakinja rekla. hrvatski jezik je strahovito mizeran.
ono "razuvjeriti" nema nikakve veze sa vjerom nego htio sam reći da me nitko nemože nagovoriti ubijediti nikakvim verbalnim psihološkim i fizičkim metodama persuazije ili čega god, da nisam vidio ono što sam vidio. uostalom nisam bio sam pa imam i svjedoka koji je vidio apsolutno isto što i ja.
a bog ne postoji. no, svatko ima pravo vjerovati da bog postoji samo nema pravo nametati drugima svoju vjeru o tom imaginarnom entitetu. vrijedi i obratno.
Guest- Guest
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Gnjec ima oci a ne vidi, zato sto se mora ostvariti ono sto se treba dogoditi, da bi svijet bio ono sto treba biti. Tada ce i Gnjec imati oci koje ce vidjeti onoga koji Jest.Gnječ wrote:
nisam se sjetio ili d li uopže postoji takva riječ u hrvatskom jeziku a da nije dvosmislena mslm hrvatski jezik je dokazano siromašan. to nisam ja rekao samo prenosim što mi je jedna poljakinja rekla. hrvatski jezik je strahovito mizeran.
ono "razuvjeriti" nema nikakve veze sa vjerom nego htio sam reći da me nitko nemože nagovoriti ubijediti nikakvim verbalnim psihološkim i fizičkim metodama persuazije ili čega god, da nisam vidio ono što sam vidio. uostalom nisam bio sam pa imam i svjedoka koji je vidio apsolutno isto što i ja.
a bog ne postoji. no, svatko ima pravo vjerovati da bog postoji samo nema pravo nametati drugima svoju vjeru o tom imaginarnom entitetu. vrijedi i obratno.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Leteca Pegla wrote:Gnjec ima oci a ne vidi, zato sto se mora ostvariti ono sto se treba dogoditi, da bi svijet bio ono sto treba biti. Tada ce i Gnjec imati oci koje ce vidjeti onoga koji Jest.Gnječ wrote:
nisam se sjetio ili d li uopže postoji takva riječ u hrvatskom jeziku a da nije dvosmislena mslm hrvatski jezik je dokazano siromašan. to nisam ja rekao samo prenosim što mi je jedna poljakinja rekla. hrvatski jezik je strahovito mizeran.
ono "razuvjeriti" nema nikakve veze sa vjerom nego htio sam reći da me nitko nemože nagovoriti ubijediti nikakvim verbalnim psihološkim i fizičkim metodama persuazije ili čega god, da nisam vidio ono što sam vidio. uostalom nisam bio sam pa imam i svjedoka koji je vidio apsolutno isto što i ja.
a bog ne postoji. no, svatko ima pravo vjerovati da bog postoji samo nema pravo nametati drugima svoju vjeru o tom imaginarnom entitetu. vrijedi i obratno.
odi peglat nekog drugog. šta će bit i kako će bit to ti sigurno neznaš niti možeš znati.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Sto ce biti i kako ce biti stoji u Pismu u kojem Gnjec zivi i gleda a ne vidi!Gnječ wrote:
odi peglat nekog drugog. šta će bit i kako će bit to ti sigurno neznaš niti možeš znati.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Ima i onih koji su vidjeli Boga, i razgovarali s njim. Nije tvoja bolest ništa manja od njihove.Gnječ wrote:Leteca Pegla wrote:Tocno, to moze samo Bog...Gnječ wrote:
ma nema boga daj nemoj me zajebavat. bog ne postoji u nikakvom agregatnom stanju ljudi su izmislili boga da si smanje tjeskobu jer za 99.9999999999% stvari što ih okružuje nemogu naći uzrok ni zbog čega ni zašto ni svašta nešto. znači bog je svjesna ljudska fabrikacija koja služi smanjivanju tjeskobe, straha i stresa. to što je taj mod preuzeli psihopate i od toga napravili mega biznis tj. religije to je već drugi par pastoli.
čovjek niti nezna šta je i odakle se tu stvorio. svorio se u pizdi materinoj i sve što izađe iz pizde materine zove se carbon unit jer smo najviše ugljika upotrijebili za izgradnju uz nekoliko ostalih elemenata koji su opet stvoreni umiranjem neke zvijezde ili više zvijezda itd.
znači mi smo materija koja je dostigla stadij da ima svijest i može razmišljati i promišljati barem u ovom sunčevom sistemu za druge sunčeve sisteme neznam galaksije i grozdove galaksija pogotovo pojma nemam a dalje u Svemir niti nezamislivo razmišljati koje su to veličine i daljine. jedino što mogu tvrditi je to da postoji još još oblika života koji nisu sa planete Zemlje ali nas ponekad posjete. to sam se uvjerio na vlastite oči i nitko na ovom svjetu me nemože razuvjeriti. ali o tome na forumu neću polemizirati.
nisam se sjetio ili da li uopće postoji takva riječ u hrvatskom jeziku a da nije dvosmislena mslm hrvatski jezik je dokazano siromašan. to nisam ja rekao samo prenosim što mi je jedna poljakinja rekla. hrvatski jezik je strahovito mizeran.
ono "razuvjeriti" nema nikakve veze sa vjerom nego htio sam reći da me nitko nemože nagovoriti ubijediti nikakvim verbalnim psihološkim i fizičkim metodama persuazije ili čega god, da nisam vidio ono što sam vidio. uostalom nisam bio sam pa imam i svjedoka koji je vidio apsolutno isto što i ja.
a bog ne postoji. no, svatko ima pravo vjerovati da bog postoji samo nema pravo nametati drugima svoju vjeru o tom imaginarnom entitetu. vrijedi i obratno.
Posts : 5159
Age : 53
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
bogovi postoje i nabijem ih nakurac sve odreda,tocka
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Vazno je i jedno i drugo.
Inteligencija bez vrijednosnih oslonaca i filtera je auto/destruktivna.
Inteligencija bez vrijednosnih oslonaca i filtera je auto/destruktivna.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
ako ako, ako je netko autodestruktivan on nije inteligentan nego idijotepikur37 wrote:Vazno je i jedno i drugo.
Inteligencija bez vrijednosnih oslonaca i filtera je auto/destruktivna.
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Kako fakultet ne završavaju inteligentni nego uporni tako i u životu sreću ne postižu inteligentni nego dobro strukturirani.
Jasno inteligencija sve stavlja na dodatnu potenciju...uspjeh i propast.
Jasno inteligencija sve stavlja na dodatnu potenciju...uspjeh i propast.
epikur37- Posts : 45339
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
danni1 wrote:
Ima i onih koji su vidjeli Boga, i razgovarali s njim. Nije tvoja bolest ništa manja od njihove.
a jebote jaka fora boga vide svi svaki dan ako nije oblačno i noć. mi koji ne vjerujemo u boga ( jer ne trebamo vjerovati kad imamo dokaz da postoji ) zovemo tog boga Sunce. vi vjernici pored zdravih očiju buljite u tog boga svaki dan u crkvama mu se klanjate i ne vidite ga nego vjerujete da postoji. pa sad tko je tu lud??? ja koji vidim i ne vjerujem ili vi koji vidite i vjerujete???
evo tebi i ostalima malo edukativnog štiva tek toliko da vidite ili "vidite" koliko ste zastranili tj. koliko su vam osjetila ispravna ili su vam crkveni štakori izgrizli svu pamet.
For thousands of years, carvings on temples, cave walls, monuments and artefacts have honoured the sun, bringer of warmth, security, life and light. The ancient zodiac wheel with its four cardinal points traces the passage of the sun as it moves through each of the 12 constellations marking the four seasons, the spring and autumn equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. Our ancestors personified the sun, worshipping it as the light of the world, the sun god, the saviour of mankind. It is no coincidence that our principal day of worship is called Sun Day.
‘Zeitgeist’, a movie produced by Peter Joseph in 2007, was created to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective. In his movie, Joseph tackles what he believes is the astrological symbolism behind the story of the birth and death of Jesus, whom he views as one of the many sun gods of the ancient world.
The Bible tells us that three wise men came from the east, following a star that led them to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Messiah. Joseph claims that the star in the east was Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which on December 24th aligns with the three brightest stars in the constellation of Orion (Orion’s belt). The stars were referred to by many ancient cultures as the Three Kings. You may recall from earlier articles that the great pyramids of Egypt were built in exact alignment with these three stars, to channel the star energy on the earthly plane. And when Sirius (the brightest star) lined up with the Three Kings, they pointed to the place of sunrise on December 25th – the symbolic birth place of the sun or son.
So why December 25th? As the days grow shorter in the period leading up to the winter solstice, the sun appears to stop moving south or north (depending on which hemisphere you are in) and stay still for three days – the 22nd, 23rd and 24th December in the northern hemisphere and the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June in the southern hemisphere. This is the meaning of the word ‘sol-stice’ – sun standing still. To our ancestors this period symbolised the death of the sun god (son of god) and when three days later on the 25th December the sun started moving again, the sun was reborn – hence the birth of Jesus at this time – the sun god or son of god.
During this three day period, Joseph tell us that the sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross constellation and appears to ‘hang’ on the cross, hence the story of the crucifixion. However the resurrection of the sun or son is celebrated three months later at the spring equinox (Easter) when once again the forces of light defeat the forces of darkness and the days grow longer than the nights.
And why was Jesus born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary? The Virgin Mary is the personification of the constellation Virgo – Virgo has represented the great female deities (the Goddess) since time immemorial. The Divine Mother and her Consort/Saviour Son is a strong theme in goddess mythology, making the Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalene a likely composite. The name "Mary" is etymologically related to water, the element of birth and the astrological glyph for Virgo is an ‘M’.
The Virgo portion of the heavens was known as the House of Bread because the Sun is in the house of Virgo in August-September - harvest time in the northern hemisphere. Virgo is usually depicted as a woman holding a sheaf of wheat like the great goddess Demeter/Ceres.
The words ‘bet lehem’ (Bethlehem) in Hebrew translate into House of Bread. In Hebrew, Beth-lehem is two words and means “house” (Beth as in Beth-el, “house of God”) and “bread” (lehem).
So on the night of the 24th December, Virgo the great maiden/mother of Bethlehem rises in the northern hemisphere night sky from 10 pm to dawn, heralding the birth of the new-born sun, three days after the winter solstice.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
O Gnjeco Gnjeco,Gnječ wrote:
a jebote jaka fora boga vide svi svaki dan ako nije oblačno i noć. mi koji ne vjerujemo u boga ( jer ne trebamo vjerovati kad imamo dokaz da postoji ) zovemo tog boga Sunce. vi vjernici pored zdravih očiju buljite u tog boga svaki dan u crkvama mu se klanjate i ne vidite ga nego vjerujete da postoji. pa sad tko je tu lud??? ja koji vidim i ne vjerujem ili vi koji vidite i vjerujete???
evo tebi i ostalima malo edukativnog štiva tek toliko da vidite ili "vidite" koliko ste zastranili tj. koliko su vam osjetila ispravna ili su vam crkveni štakori izgrizli svu pamet.
For thousands of years, carvings on temples, cave walls, monuments and artefacts have honoured the sun, bringer of warmth, security, life and light. The ancient zodiac wheel with its four cardinal points traces the passage of the sun as it moves through each of the 12 constellations marking the four seasons, the spring and autumn equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. Our ancestors personified the sun, worshipping it as the light of the world, the sun god, the saviour of mankind. It is no coincidence that our principal day of worship is called Sun Day.
‘Zeitgeist’, a movie produced by Peter Joseph in 2007, was created to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective. In his movie, Joseph tackles what he believes is the astrological symbolism behind the story of the birth and death of Jesus, whom he views as one of the many sun gods of the ancient world.
The Bible tells us that three wise men came from the east, following a star that led them to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Messiah. Joseph claims that the star in the east was Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which on December 24th aligns with the three brightest stars in the constellation of Orion (Orion’s belt). The stars were referred to by many ancient cultures as the Three Kings. You may recall from earlier articles that the great pyramids of Egypt were built in exact alignment with these three stars, to channel the star energy on the earthly plane. And when Sirius (the brightest star) lined up with the Three Kings, they pointed to the place of sunrise on December 25th – the symbolic birth place of the sun or son.
So why December 25th? As the days grow shorter in the period leading up to the winter solstice, the sun appears to stop moving south or north (depending on which hemisphere you are in) and stay still for three days – the 22nd, 23rd and 24th December in the northern hemisphere and the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June in the southern hemisphere. This is the meaning of the word ‘sol-stice’ – sun standing still. To our ancestors this period symbolised the death of the sun god (son of god) and when three days later on the 25th December the sun started moving again, the sun was reborn – hence the birth of Jesus at this time – the sun god or son of god.
During this three day period, Joseph tell us that the sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross constellation and appears to ‘hang’ on the cross, hence the story of the crucifixion. However the resurrection of the sun or son is celebrated three months later at the spring equinox (Easter) when once again the forces of light defeat the forces of darkness and the days grow longer than the nights.
And why was Jesus born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary? The Virgin Mary is the personification of the constellation Virgo – Virgo has represented the great female deities (the Goddess) since time immemorial. The Divine Mother and her Consort/Saviour Son is a strong theme in goddess mythology, making the Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalene a likely composite. The name "Mary" is etymologically related to water, the element of birth and the astrological glyph for Virgo is an ‘M’.
The Virgo portion of the heavens was known as the House of Bread because the Sun is in the house of Virgo in August-September - harvest time in the northern hemisphere. Virgo is usually depicted as a woman holding a sheaf of wheat like the great goddess Demeter/Ceres.
The words ‘bet lehem’ (Bethlehem) in Hebrew translate into House of Bread. In Hebrew, Beth-lehem is two words and means “house” (Beth as in Beth-el, “house of God”) and “bread” (lehem).
So on the night of the 24th December, Virgo the great maiden/mother of Bethlehem rises in the northern hemisphere night sky from 10 pm to dawn, heralding the birth of the new-born sun, three days after the winter solstice.
pazi samo da taj bog u kojeg tvoje oci bulje,
mozda Luconosa nije.
Jer opasan je on i tu je,
Cak i kad se tvoje oci prave da nije!
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Leteca Pegla wrote:O Gnjeco Gnjeco,Gnječ wrote:
a jebote jaka fora boga vide svi svaki dan ako nije oblačno i noć. mi koji ne vjerujemo u boga ( jer ne trebamo vjerovati kad imamo dokaz da postoji ) zovemo tog boga Sunce. vi vjernici pored zdravih očiju buljite u tog boga svaki dan u crkvama mu se klanjate i ne vidite ga nego vjerujete da postoji. pa sad tko je tu lud??? ja koji vidim i ne vjerujem ili vi koji vidite i vjerujete???
evo tebi i ostalima malo edukativnog štiva tek toliko da vidite ili "vidite" koliko ste zastranili tj. koliko su vam osjetila ispravna ili su vam crkveni štakori izgrizli svu pamet.
For thousands of years, carvings on temples, cave walls, monuments and artefacts have honoured the sun, bringer of warmth, security, life and light. The ancient zodiac wheel with its four cardinal points traces the passage of the sun as it moves through each of the 12 constellations marking the four seasons, the spring and autumn equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. Our ancestors personified the sun, worshipping it as the light of the world, the sun god, the saviour of mankind. It is no coincidence that our principal day of worship is called Sun Day.
‘Zeitgeist’, a movie produced by Peter Joseph in 2007, was created to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective. In his movie, Joseph tackles what he believes is the astrological symbolism behind the story of the birth and death of Jesus, whom he views as one of the many sun gods of the ancient world.
The Bible tells us that three wise men came from the east, following a star that led them to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Messiah. Joseph claims that the star in the east was Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which on December 24th aligns with the three brightest stars in the constellation of Orion (Orion’s belt). The stars were referred to by many ancient cultures as the Three Kings. You may recall from earlier articles that the great pyramids of Egypt were built in exact alignment with these three stars, to channel the star energy on the earthly plane. And when Sirius (the brightest star) lined up with the Three Kings, they pointed to the place of sunrise on December 25th – the symbolic birth place of the sun or son.
So why December 25th? As the days grow shorter in the period leading up to the winter solstice, the sun appears to stop moving south or north (depending on which hemisphere you are in) and stay still for three days – the 22nd, 23rd and 24th December in the northern hemisphere and the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June in the southern hemisphere. This is the meaning of the word ‘sol-stice’ – sun standing still. To our ancestors this period symbolised the death of the sun god (son of god) and when three days later on the 25th December the sun started moving again, the sun was reborn – hence the birth of Jesus at this time – the sun god or son of god.
During this three day period, Joseph tell us that the sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross constellation and appears to ‘hang’ on the cross, hence the story of the crucifixion. However the resurrection of the sun or son is celebrated three months later at the spring equinox (Easter) when once again the forces of light defeat the forces of darkness and the days grow longer than the nights.
And why was Jesus born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary? The Virgin Mary is the personification of the constellation Virgo – Virgo has represented the great female deities (the Goddess) since time immemorial. The Divine Mother and her Consort/Saviour Son is a strong theme in goddess mythology, making the Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalene a likely composite. The name "Mary" is etymologically related to water, the element of birth and the astrological glyph for Virgo is an ‘M’.
The Virgo portion of the heavens was known as the House of Bread because the Sun is in the house of Virgo in August-September - harvest time in the northern hemisphere. Virgo is usually depicted as a woman holding a sheaf of wheat like the great goddess Demeter/Ceres.
The words ‘bet lehem’ (Bethlehem) in Hebrew translate into House of Bread. In Hebrew, Beth-lehem is two words and means “house” (Beth as in Beth-el, “house of God”) and “bread” (lehem).
So on the night of the 24th December, Virgo the great maiden/mother of Bethlehem rises in the northern hemisphere night sky from 10 pm to dawn, heralding the birth of the new-born sun, three days after the winter solstice.
pazi samo da taj bog u kojeg tvoje oci bulje,
mozda Luconosa nije.
Jer opasan je on i tu je,
Cak i kad se tvoje oci prave da nije!
ma da sad ne ulazim u neverending elaboracije, sunce nikako nemože biti lučonoša. sunce je izvor luči svjetla. prije bih rekao da je Mjesec lučonoša jer Mjesec "nosi" luč tj. svjetlo odnosno reflektira svjetlo od izvora tj. zvijezde koju mi zoveno Sunce. tu su žene najebale...mjesec...mjesečnica...lučonoša...lucifer...
pa dajte ljudi šta imate u glavama leteće pegle?
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
O Gnjeco moj koji ne vidis,Gnječ wrote:Leteca Pegla wrote:
O Gnjeco Gnjeco,
pazi samo da taj bog u kojeg tvoje oci bulje,
mozda Luconosa nije.
Jer opasan je on i tu je,
Cak i kad se tvoje oci prave da nije!
ma da sad ne ulazim u neverending elaboracije, sunce nikako nemože biti lučonoša. sunce je izvor luči svjetla. prije bih rekao da je Mjesec lučonoša jer Mjesec "nosi" luč tj. svjetlo odnosno reflektira svjetlo od izvora tj. zvijezde koju mi zoveno Sunce. tu su žene najebale...mjesec...mjesečnica...lučonoša...lucifer...
pa dajte ljudi šta imate u glavama leteće pegle?
To se ni na Sunce ni na Mjesec odnosilo nije!
Pazi! Jer ko Luconosu trazi, taj njega i nadje,
A njega opasno je i vidjet i nevidjet,
Jer u ponor tvoja noga ce za njim krocit,
Ako ujedino i pravo Svijetlo ne zelis vidjet.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Toliko mi je gadno u ponedjeljak ujutro, da odmah dođem na forum, iako znam da su tu efendija i vuksadinare.
Posts : 29707
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Dobar članak:
"The critical thinking assessment measures five components of critical thinking skills including verbal reasoning, argument analysis, hypothesis testing, probability and uncertainty, decision-making, and problem-solving."
Imati ovih 5 karakteristika je ono što ja zovem "biti pametan", a suprotno od toga je "budala".
To nema veze s inteligencijom niti stupnjem obrazovanosti.
"The critical thinking assessment measures five components of critical thinking skills including verbal reasoning, argument analysis, hypothesis testing, probability and uncertainty, decision-making, and problem-solving."
Imati ovih 5 karakteristika je ono što ja zovem "biti pametan", a suprotno od toga je "budala".
To nema veze s inteligencijom niti stupnjem obrazovanosti.
Posts : 29707
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
To je inače jedna od 'najuvjerljivijih' priča iz biblije . Mojsije najprije razbije ploče koje mu je Bog isprintal na brdu pa se onda vrati i veli: - Znaš kaj, kompa, meni su se one ploče razbile, nego daj mi to još jednom isprintaj, ne bu to tebi bio teško, kaj ne...?Yehudi wrote:
Točno to !!!! Bravo
Ali ne ove promjenjene nego originalnih 10
Oh_Femder- Posts : 4103
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
A to bu kakti reklo kak' ti ne patiš....od filtriranja? Nek' si se prosvetlil ko Budimir Budisavljević zvani Buddha, ispod drveta smokve?kic wrote:IQ je napuhan, bolje imati set vrijednosti koji prepoznaje dobro i odbacuje lose, ukratko..
molim ugradnju jednog filtera! :^^
Oh_Femder- Posts : 4103
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Yehudi wrote:Ali ne ove promjenjene nego originalnih 10
A nije orginalnih bilo 11?
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
Leviathan2 wrote:ako ako, ako je netko autodestruktivan on nije inteligentan nego idijotepikur37 wrote:Vazno je i jedno i drugo.
Inteligencija bez vrijednosnih oslonaca i filtera je auto/destruktivna.
Ne nužno, odnosno ovdje si u krivu.
Veoma inteligentni ljudi itekako mogu biti i autodestruktivni.
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Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
epikur37 wrote:Jasno inteligencija sve stavlja na dodatnu potenciju...uspjeh i propast.
Upravo to. Inteligencija tu može predstavljati i najčešće predstavlja neku vrstu amplifier efekta.
Guest- Guest
Re: oni s filterom u glavi bolje prolaze u zivotu
slidingdoorsoperator wrote:epikur37 wrote:Jasno inteligencija sve stavlja na dodatnu potenciju...uspjeh i propast.
Upravo to. Inteligencija tu može predstavljati i najčešće predstavlja neku vrstu amplifier efekta.
inteligencija je sama po sebi neutralna, čisto tehnička stvar
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