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Zašto na licima švicarskih konobara i ugostitelja nema umora ni zabrinutosti?

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Zašto na licima švicarskih konobara i ugostitelja nema umora ni zabrinutosti? - Page 9 Empty Re: Zašto na licima švicarskih konobara i ugostitelja nema umora ni zabrinutosti?

Post by marcellus 17/7/2017, 11:15


Until just a few years ago, hardly anyone was bothered by flat-rate taxation, which has been applied to wealthy foreigners in Switzerland for the last 150 years. It first became an issue in 2009 when, at the instigation of the Alternative List (AL), a small left-wing party, the tax was abolished in the canton of Zurich following a popular initiative. The cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen and Appenzell-Ausserrhoden subsequently followed suit. The AL, supported by the Social Democrats and the trade unions, is now attempting to abolish the tax at federal level. The initiative seeking to abolish “the scandalous tax privilege of foreign millionaires”, will be put to the vote on 30 November. The Federal Council and the parliamentary majority are opposed to the abolition because they want to retain “an economically important instrument for attracting businesses to Switzerland”.


The consequences of abolishing flat-rate taxation are unclear. As the distribution of flat-rate taxpayers across Switzerland varies greatly, the Federal Council estimates that the impact of abolition would be “low overall” but “might be very significant for individual cantons and communes”. Around half of the 200 or so former flat-rate taxpayers in the canton of Zurich moved abroad or to another canton after the 2009 vote. One well-known example is the Russian oligarch and multi-billionaire Victor Vekselberg, who left the canton of Zurich for the canton of Zug, where he now also pays flat-rate tax.


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Zašto na licima švicarskih konobara i ugostitelja nema umora ni zabrinutosti? - Page 9 Empty Re: Zašto na licima švicarskih konobara i ugostitelja nema umora ni zabrinutosti?

Post by Eva_ 17/7/2017, 11:27

marcellus wrote:
asilovski wrote:
marcellus wrote:jer u švicarskoj konobar dobije otkaz ako izgleda nadrkano

a kod hrvata je nadrkanost dio nacionalnog identiteta i ako nisi nadrkan na sve živo oko sebe onda nešto s tobom nije u redu
Istina, osim toga kod nas konobari žele biti direktori a kod njih napredovati u branši a i konobarenje je zanat koji kod nas se smatra usputnim a ne pozivom

kod nas je to više mogućnost da dilaš nešto
A ono valjda se misli, to svatko može. No, treba imat šlifa i za taj posel, pogotovo emocionalnu inteligenciju jer radiš s ljudima, i ak nekaj ne znaš, ne pokazuj to, nego se izvuci na provjerim i izvjestim vas, a ne baš me briga pristup. Npr. situacija ovog proljeća, mi na ručku u Degeniji, koja po cijenama može parirati skupljim ZG restoranima, a dečec mlad, neiskusan, ajde ok može i to proć ak ima volje i želje, a ne na pitanje koje vino imate, odgvorit ima bijelo i ima crno. Vidjela sam u muževim očima upitnik jel on to mene jebe ili je mutav? Na kraju je skužil da lik pojma nema o ničem nit želi naučit,  ali opet to nije njegovo greška neg gazde, i da ne kompliciramo naručili bijelo.

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