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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Kermit 1/6/2017, 14:16


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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Guest 1/6/2017, 14:21

KGB vodi rusiju.. čardak bosansko-vlaški-udbaški uhljebi vode Hrvatsku

dešava se

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Eva_ 1/6/2017, 14:21

FSB, sevodnja.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:28

Question: You have mentioned the United States. The allegations of Russia’s interference in the US presidential race raised a political storm in Washington. Similar allegations were also voiced in France. What is your response, especially against the backdrop of recent developments in the US?

Vladimir Putin: I have already commented on this issue many times. There was a question on this topic from one of your colleagues today. He put it very cautiously at the news conference, saying that ‘there are allegations that Russian hackers…’ Who is making these allegations? Based on what? If these are just allegations, then these hackers could be from anywhere else and not necessarily from Russia.

As President Trump once said, and I think that he was totally right when he said it could have been someone sitting on their bed or somebody intentionally inserted a flash drive with the name of a Russian national, or something like that. Anything is possible in this virtual world. Russia never engages in activities of this kind, and we do not need it. It makes no sense for us to do such things. What for?

I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.

Changing things is not easy, and I say this without any irony. It is not that someone does not want to, but because it is a hard thing to do. Take Obama, a forward-thinking man, a liberal, a democrat. Did he not pledge to shut down Guantanamo before his election? But did he do it? No, he did not. And may I ask why not? Did he not want to do it? He wanted to, I am sure he did, but it did not work out. He sincerely wanted to do it, but did not succeed, since it turned out to be very complicated.

This is not the main issue, however, even though it is important, since it is hard to fathom that people have been walking there in chains for decades without trial or investigation. Can you imagine France or Russia acting this way? This would have been a disaster. But it is possible in the United States and continues to this day. This refers to the question on democracy, by the way.

I referred to this example just to show that it is not as simple as it may seem. That said, I am cautiously optimistic, and I think that we can and should be able to reach agreements on key issues.

Question: You are saying that right now, the political storm in Washington rests on absolutely unsubstantiated allegations.

Vladimir Putin: It is not based on allegations, but on the desire of those who lost the elections in the United States to at least improve their standing through anti-Russia attacks, by accusing Russia of interference. The people who lost the elections do not want to admit that they really lost, that the one who won was closer to the people and better understood what ordinary voters want.

They are absolutely reluctant to admit this, and prefer deluding themselves and others into thinking it was not their fault, that their policy was correct, they did all the right things, but someone from the outside thwarted them. But it was not so. They just lost and they have to admit it.

When they do, I think it will be easier for us to work. However, the fact that this is being done using anti-Russia tools is not good, as it brings discord into international affairs. Let them argue among themselves, so they can prove who is stronger, who is better, who is smarter, who is more reliable and who sets a better policy for the country. Why involve third countries? This is very distressing. But it will pass, everything passes, and this will pass as well.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:29

I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.


Ovaj dio sam vam ja vec objašnjava nekoliko puta na forumu kako to funkcionira ....eto sad i Putin potvrdio to isto.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:36

A šta da radimo ?

Nevidim neki smisao toga da vam objašnjavam detalje ....to bi imalo smisla da ste vi malo inteligentniji al raja koja se fura na emanicpaciju ...nece ici ....zato dovlacim svoje postrojbe ....to je razlog zašto nemam neku volju vama previše objašnjavat NJIH.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:36

Bolje da vam objašnjavam NAS.


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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:36


We discussed previously that our planet is actually a sentient organism, which has a vibrational connection with all the living beings than inhabit on it, In essence its frequency has been changing during this year to the point that some people have become more insane and cruel and others who do not adapt to this change are becoming more violent and deeply aggressive.
This has been detected by many people who have been struggling with the rise of vibration and they have realized that time practically slips by faster in their own perception, also, they have had presented insomnia, synesthetic feelings or even headaches.  This issue has to do with the Schumann resonance which usually had a value of 7.83 hz, (in this post we spoke about it). In this year this frequency has reached values three or four times this usual frequency, no wonder why people have become more reactive and showed less empathy or compassion to others.

In addition, we pointed out that our Mother Earth is moving forward to another plane of consciousness, a subtler vibration in which all the creatures will eventually have to cope with or they will feel some degree of disarray and detachment from Earth itself.

So that you all understand, all the living creatures on this planet, Humans or animals have a symbiotic relationship with the planet, as a matter of fact, we all live on this planet because the planet has “agreed” to have us on its surface, so to speak, essentially we are like tenants or parasites that live on Earth, and each one of us has to choose either to ascend or to perish.

This is going to be another paradigm, It’s the planet the one that choses who is going to inhabit its surface, not the human or extraterrestrial beings, this is the main reason why those alien beings chose to hybridize their DNA with the human race because they cannot live on this planet for longer periods of time without dying.

Now, the Evil Satanic Elite (ESE)that still has a deeper control over these presidents and politicians from powerful nations certainly know that their time is short and have planned to slow down this process because they cannot stop it, and have launched a massive attack chemtrailing the skies from certain cities with poisonous materials (Heavy metals, virus, bacteria) designed to make people ill and kill as many people they can, this pathogens have solar protection and nutrients so that they keep spreading its virulence and infection during more time.

Also, they know that they have to keep spreading violence and terror throughout many places in Europe and middle East so that people feel insecure, worried and mostly in fear, this is key so that they gain some time in their global agenda of control, this is why they have launched these false flags attacks in England/Europe/US blaming terrorist organizations.

This ESE has planned a population reduction during the next years worldwide and they envisioned that wiping out from the face of the Earth at least one third of the population, would certainly be easier for them to control of the people who are, in their own words, undesirable and useless, they have been doing so slowly with negative additives in the food and water and vaccines. They have been controlling the international bank funding wars and killing many people in the process. Now, they want to create a massive false flag event that has to do with religious beliefs and astrological signs that will be scheduled in September and October of this year. They have been discussing that a “prophet” will have to appear saying that the second coming of Jesus is at hand or the rapture of the church is near, however, this will be a holographic projection because they do have the technology to make things appear on the skies, they did it with 9/11 already and few people noticed it.
During this time it’s not sure if there is going to be an economic collapse, but seeing what the picture is it would be better if the system collapses because then, more people will wake up and realize that money is only the fuel for this system of oppression that is currently destroying our society.

Speaking about society, The ESE has been methodically destroying the core of our society, our family values, this is the main reason they have been funding  groups that promote feminism, abortion and sexual degeneracy in music and movies industry, just to mention a few. Obviously the agenda is to desensitize people when they watch violence and rape in the media.
This evil agenda has been funded by the well-known Bauer family (aka Rothschild) one of the 13 bloodlines that controls the international bank in England, France and other countries in Europe, they have literally put a black magic spell on money and that is why many people are  eager to get money above all things.

The occult rituals of the ESE have gone deeply insane, lately there has been an increase of (blood sacrifice of children, satanic abuse, pedophilia and many forms of mind control on the people who work with them) the ESE are not aware that they are slaves of the system (most of them have MPD (multiple personality disorder) and that’s why they became arrogant and developed psychopathic behavior, they have infiltrated the secret services and now they are criminal organizations.

I want to remark that it’s actually a great moment in the history of this planet because those beings that inhabit on this planet and do not have the same level of consciousness in the physical part will have to leave or accept the new level of vibration. They are running out of time and it’s up to us to embrace the vibration of Love and kindness to all Humanity and the planet, we have to move forward and stop being greedy people because from the moment we put our energy in the love we should have towards our neighbors and do not pay attention to this love of money they put on the masses, their power over us will cease to exist.

Remember, even if the ESE has esoteric or magic powers through demons djinns or alien entities, we have the upper hand on this fight because we have the Love vibration they will never be able to grasp from God, It’s because we have this closer relationship with the God of Love (EON) that most of the people do not know that these entities envy us and they fear that we all wake up soon and realize that we all can be free from their chains and that we do not need the money they offer to achieve the full potential we were meant to have from the beginning.

Finally, it’s very important to end this post saying that this fight is not going to be easy, but we must not forget that keeping the love to others is the key part of success, perhaps during your meditations these evil forces will attack you, but you must not fear at all because you must know that we are more powerful through the Love we have, know who the ESE are, educate yourself, do your own research, meditation or channeling, but above all things always focus on using all your knowledge for the good of the people around you.

Love and Light to you All!!!

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:37

PLANETARNA ASCENSION Ranije smo razgovarali da je naš planet zapravo osjećajni organizam, koji ima vibracijsku vezu sa svim živim bićima nego da živi na njemu. U biti, njegova se učestalost mijenja tijekom ove godine do te mjere da su neki ljudi postali više ludi i okrutni i Drugi koji se ne prilagođavaju ovoj promjeni postaju sve nasilniji i duboko agresivni. To su otkrili mnogi ljudi koji se bore s porastom vibracija i shvatili su da vrijeme praktički skreće brže u vlastitoj percepciji, također, oni su predstavili nesanicu, sinestezijske osjećaje ili čak glavobolje. Ovo pitanje ima veze s Schumannovom rezonancijom koja je obično imala vrijednost od 7,83 hz (u ovom postu smo govorili o tome). U ovoj godini ova frekvencija je dosegla vrijednosti tri ili četiri puta uobičajene frekvencije, nije čudo zašto su ljudi postali više reaktivni i pokazali manje suosjećanje ili suosjećanje s drugima. Osim toga, istaknuli smo da se naša Majka Zemlja kreće naprijed na drugu razinu svijesti, suptilniju vibraciju u kojoj će se sva bića s vremenom morati nositi ili će osjetiti određeni stupanj nereda i odstupanja od same Zemlje. Da biste svi razumjeli, sva bića na ovom planetu, Ljudi ili životinje imaju simbiozni odnos s planetom, u stvari, svi živimo na ovoj planeti jer se planet "složio" da nas ima na svojoj površini , Da kažem, bitno smo poput stanara ili parazita koji žive na Zemlji, i svatko od nas mora izabrati da se usponi ili da propadne. To će biti druga paradigma, To je planet koji odabire tko će živjeti na svojoj površini, a ne ljudska i izvanzemaljska bića, to je glavni razlog zašto su ta izvanzemaljska bića odlučila hibridizirati svoju DNK s ljudskom rasom, jer oni Ne mogu živjeti na ovom planetu dulje vrijeme bez umiranja. Sada, Evil Satanic Elite (ESE), koja još uvijek ima dublju kontrolu nad tim predsjednicima i političarima iz moćnih naroda sigurno zna da je njihovo vrijeme kratko i planira usporiti taj proces jer ga ne mogu zaustaviti i pokrenuli masovni napad Chemtrailing nebo iz određenih gradova s ​​otrovnim materijalima (teški metali, virus, bakterije) osmišljen kako bi ljudi bolesni i ubiti što više ljudi mogu, ti patogeni imaju solarnu zaštitu i hranjive tvari, tako da oni šire širenje virulentnosti i infekcije tijekom više vremena. Također, znaju da moraju širiti nasilje i teror na mnogim mjestima u Europi i na Bliskom Istoku kako bi ljudi osjećali nesigurnost, zabrinutost i uglavnom u strahovima, to je ključno kako bi stekli neko vrijeme u svom globalnom planu kontrole. Zbog čega su pokrenuli ove napade lažnih zastava u Engleskoj / Europi / SAD-u optužujući terorističke organizacije. ESE je planirala smanjenje broja stanovnika tijekom sljedećih godina diljem svijeta i zamislili su kako bi izbacivanje iz lica Zemlje barem jedna trećina stanovništva sigurno imala lakše kontrolirati ljude koji su, po svojim riječima , Nepoželjni i beskorisni, polako su radili s negativnim aditivima u hrani i vodi i cjepivima. Oni kontroliraju međunarodne ratove financiranja banaka i ubijaju mnoge ljude u tom procesu. Sada, žele stvoriti masivni događaj lažne zastave koji ima veze s vjerskim uvjerenjima i astrološkim znakovima koji će biti zakazani u rujnu i listopadu ove godine. Razgovarali su o tome da će se pojaviti "prorok" kada kaže da je drugi dolazak Isusa blizu ili je blizu blizina crkve, ali to će biti holografska projekcija jer imaju tehnologiju kako bi se stvari pojavile Na nebu, već su to učinili već 11. rujna i malo ih je ljudi primijetilo. Za to vrijeme nije sigurno da li će doći do ekonomskog kolapsa, ali kad vidimo kakva je slika, bolje bi bilo da se sustav sruši jer će se tada više ljudi probuditi i shvatiti da je novac samo gorivo za ovaj sustav Ugnjetavanja koja trenutno uništava naše društvo. Govoreći o društvu, ESE sustavno uništava jezgru našeg društva, naše obiteljske vrijednosti, to je glavni razlog što su financiraju skupine koje promiču feminizam, pobačaj i seksualnu degeneraciju u industriji glazbe i filmova, samo da spomenemo nekoliko. Očigledno je da je dnevni red desensitiziranje ljudi kada gledaju nasilje i silovanje u medijima. Ovaj zli plan je financiran od strane poznate obitelji Bauer (aka Rothschild) jedna od 13 krvnih loza koja upravlja međunarodnom bankom u Engleskoj, Francuskoj i drugim zemljama Europe, doslovno su stavili crnu magičnu čaroliju na novac i to je Zašto mnogi ljudi žele dobiti novac iznad svih stvari. Okultni rituali ESE-a postali su duboko nezadovoljni, u posljednje vrijeme došlo je do povećanja (žrtvovanje krvi djece, sotonsko zlostavljanje, pedofilija i mnogi oblici uma

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:39

Govoreći o društvu, ESE sustavno uništava jezgru našeg društva, naše obiteljske vrijednosti, to je glavni razlog što su financiraju skupine koje promiču feminizam, pobačaj i seksualnu degeneraciju u industriji glazbe i filmova, samo da spomenemo nekoliko. Očigledno je da je dnevni red desensitiziranje ljudi kada gledaju nasilje i silovanje u medijima. Ovaj zli plan je financiran od strane poznate obitelji Bauer (aka Rothschild) jedna od 13 krvnih loza koja upravlja međunarodnom bankom u Engleskoj, Francuskoj i drugim zemljama Europe, doslovno su stavili crnu magičnu čaroliju na novac i to je Zašto mnogi ljudi žele dobiti novac iznad svih stvari. Okultni rituali ESE-a prošli su duboko lud, u posljednje vrijeme došlo je do povećanja (žrtvovanja krvi djece, sotonskog zlostavljanja, pedofilije i mnogih oblika kontrole uma na ljude koji rade s njima) ESE nisu svjesni da su oni Robovi sustava (većina njih ima MPD (višestruki poremećaj ličnosti) i zato su postali arogantni i razvili psihopatski ponašanje, oni su se infiltrirali u tajne službe i sada su kriminalne organizacije. Želim napomenuti kako je to zapravo veliki trenutak u povijesti ovog planeta, jer one bića koja žive na ovom planetu i nemaju istu razinu svijesti u fizičkom dijelu morat će napustiti ili prihvatiti novu razinu vibracija. Prolaze izvan vremena i na nama je da prihvatimo vibraciju Ljubavi i ljubaznosti cijeloj Čovječanstvu i planetu, moramo krenuti naprijed i prestati biti pohlepni ljudi jer od trenutka kada stavimo svoju energiju u ljubav, trebali bismo Prema našim susjedima i ne obraćajte pažnju na tu ljubav novca koju su stavili na mase, njihova moć nad nama prestaje postojati. Zapamtite, čak i ako ESE ima ezoterične ili čarobne moći kroz demone, djinnove ili izvanzemaljske subjekte, imamo nadmoć na ovoj borbi jer imamo ljubavne vibracije koje nikada neće moći shvatiti od Boga, jer imamo ovaj bliži odnos s Bog ljubavi (EON) koji većina ljudi ne zna da nas ovi entiteti zavide i oni se boje da ćemo se uskoro probuditi i shvatiti da svi možemo biti slobodni od njihovih lanaca i da mi ne trebamo novac koji im nude Kako bi se postigao puni potencijal kojeg smo trebali imati od početka. Konačno, vrlo je važno okončati ovaj post govoreći kako ova borba neće biti lagana, ali ne smijemo zaboraviti da je zadržavanje ljubavi prema drugima ključni dio uspjeha, možda će vam tijekom te meditacije te zle sile napadati, ali Ne smijete se bojati jer morate znati da smo snažniji kroz Ljubav koju imamo, znamo tko su ESE, educiraj se, učimo vlastito istraživanje, meditaciju ili kanalizaciju, ali prije svega se uvijek usredotočite na korištenje svih vaših znanja Za dobro ljudi oko vas. Ljubav i svjetlo za sve vas !!!

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:47

Sada, žele stvoriti masivni događaj lažne zastave koji ima veze s vjerskim uvjerenjima i astrološkim znakovima koji će biti zakazani u rujnu i listopadu ove godine.

Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e 1f602

Opet neko Međugorje.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:48

Evil Satanic Elite (ESE), koja još uvijek ima dublju kontrolu nad tim predsjednicima i političarima iz moćnih naroda



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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:51

Evil Satanic Elite (ESE)

Demons: Just like Ludic Energies, demons are negative entities that interact in the densest planes (-2, -1, 1, 2 and 3), they have the function of discouraging to the spirits and they tempt to the spirits sending negative concepts to their body of desires. In the beginning of this Creation, God was in charge of sending the main character to this school of interior overcoming. His name was Lucifer, an angel that irradiated so much kindness that the Light of his Love filled of ecstasy to his brethrens. God sent him to tempt men and he could not refuse to the divine command. He brought a legion of 72 angels who had their memory erased so that they could carry out their mission without hesitations. That’s how they became Demons, inhabiting the cycles of Darkness (these are cycles that interfere in all the vibrational planes). These demons, using temptations, control the body of desires of incarnated beings and they also act increasing in the spirits of Error their EGO.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by RayMabus 1/6/2017, 14:58

Evil Satanic Elite (ESE) je Real Madrid a vi ste NK Zaprešić.


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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by gargamel0101 1/6/2017, 19:42

Rugala se sova sjenici da ima veliku glavu

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by mutava baštarda 1/6/2017, 21:21

gargamel0101 wrote:Rugala se sova sjenici da ima veliku glavu
sigurno netko ima i iza Putina, ali da će ga mediji kod kuće masakrirati i državne institucije podapinjati nogu... njet. e moj gargamele, aj stavi sliku s otvaranja đamije u moskvi to ti bolje leži...
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Kermit 2/6/2017, 07:49

mutava baštarda wrote:
gargamel0101 wrote:Rugala se sova sjenici da ima veliku glavu
sigurno netko ima i iza Putina, ali da će ga m6ediji kod kuće masakrirati i državne institucije podapinjati nogu... njet. e moj gargamele, aj stavi sliku s otvaranja đamije u moskvi to ti bolje leži...
Džamija je vrh argumentacije, inače ovaj intervju je u vezi Trumpa a i jako istinit, tamo nema šanse nitko tko ne slijedi deep state i Rockafelerovu mrežu

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by gargamel0101 2/6/2017, 08:32

Nece ga mediji napadati jer ce izgubiti glavu. Nije Amerika divlja rupa kao Rusija da se mediji moraju cenzurirati. Trump je dobio izbore unatoc medijima. Nema se Putin sto tu javljati.

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Kermit 2/6/2017, 09:16

gargamel0101 wrote:Nece ga mediji napadati jer ce izgubiti glavu. Nije Amerika divlja rupa kao Rusija da se mediji moraju cenzurirati. Trump je dobio izbore unatoc medijima. Nema se Putin sto tu javljati.
Ta Crna rupa je spriječila nestanak kršćana u siriji i 10 mil.+ imigranata u Europi unatoč slobodnom zapadu ali no...

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

Post by Guest 2/6/2017, 10:21

asilovski wrote:
gargamel0101 wrote:Nece ga mediji napadati jer ce izgubiti glavu. Nije Amerika divlja rupa kao Rusija da se mediji moraju cenzurirati. Trump je dobio izbore unatoc medijima. Nema se Putin sto tu javljati.
Ta Crna rupa je spriječila nestanak kršćana u siriji i 10 mil.+ imigranata u Europi unatoč slobodnom zapadu ali no...
Mda.. :cleanteeth

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Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e Empty Re: Putin: ljudi u crnom vode SAD-e

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