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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by Kermit 26/5/2017, 07:51


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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by Kermit 26/5/2017, 07:53

Ne ne nisu muškarci nego organski život na Zemlji

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by marcellus 26/5/2017, 08:05

a vidio sam to u guardianu

retardirano do boli

Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! 1472536379_l

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by Kermit 26/5/2017, 08:14

Nisam mogso vjerovati sa jedne strane ovi luđaci a sa druge 99% populacije

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by marcellus 26/5/2017, 09:49

rim gori a oni se bore protiv pirofoba i uvjeravaju ljude da je blizu vatre toplo

Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! 1472536379_l

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by marcellus 26/5/2017, 09:49

ludi neron ne bi to bolje izveo

Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! 1472536379_l

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by omni 26/5/2017, 10:19

Komentari na clanak govore sve.

More straight up misandry by The Independent! Thanks for openly outing yourselves as the hateful bigots you are!

More straight up misandry by The Independent! Thanks for openly outing yourselves as the hateful bigots you are!

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by Guest 26/5/2017, 10:33


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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by prckov 26/5/2017, 13:27

asilovski wrote:http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/terrorist-attack-muslims-mentally-ill-japan-france-germany-men-its-toxic-masculinity-a7158156.html
nije to nista, to je tek pocetak
vid ovo

Subjects: Gender Studies - Soc Sci; Postmodernism of Cultural Theory; Feminism

SOCIOLOGY | RESEARCH ARTICLE The conceptual penis as a social construct

In this case, their particular fascination with penises and the ways in which penises are socially problematic, especially as a social construct known as a conceptual penis, have opened an avenue to a new frontier in gender and masculinities research that can transform our cultural geographies, mitigate climate change, and achieve social justice. 

Penises are problematic, and we don't just mean medical issues like erectile dysfunction and crimes like sexual assault. As a result of our research into the essential concept of the penis and its exchanges with the social and material world, we conclude that penises are not best understood as the male sexual organ, or as a male reproductive organ, but instead as an enacted social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations. The conceptual penis presents significant problems for gender identity and reproductive identity within social and family dynamics, is exclusionary to disenfranchised communities based upon gender or reproductive identity, is an enduring source of abuse for women and other gender-marginalized groups and individuals, is the universal performative source of rape, and is the conceptual driver behind much of climate change.

svakog dana u svakom pogledu.. DD:

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by Kermit 26/5/2017, 13:29

prckov wrote:
asilovski wrote:http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/terrorist-attack-muslims-mentally-ill-japan-france-germany-men-its-toxic-masculinity-a7158156.html
nije to nista, to je tek pocetak
vid ovo

Subjects: Gender Studies - Soc Sci; Postmodernism of Cultural Theory; Feminism

SOCIOLOGY | RESEARCH ARTICLE The conceptual penis as a social construct

In this case, their particular fascination with penises and the ways in which penises are socially problematic, especially as a social construct known as a conceptual penis, have opened an avenue to a new frontier in gender and masculinities research that can transform our cultural geographies, mitigate climate change, and achieve social justice. 

Penises are problematic, and we don't just mean medical issues like erectile dysfunction and crimes like sexual assault. As a result of our research into the essential concept of the penis and its exchanges with the social and material world, we conclude that penises are not best understood as the male sexual organ, or as a male reproductive organ, but instead as an enacted social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations. The conceptual penis presents significant problems for gender identity and reproductive identity within social and family dynamics, is exclusionary to disenfranchised communities based upon gender or reproductive identity, is an enduring source of abuse for women and other gender-marginalized groups and individuals, is the universal performative source of rape, and is the conceptual driver behind much of climate change.

svakog dana u svakom pogledu.. DD:
Majkomila cheers

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by prckov 26/5/2017, 13:39

u kanadi na fakultetima profesori se moraju obracat studentima sa zamjenicama za koje oni misle da odgovara njihovom spolu, pa tako ima spisak tih novih zamjenica. S tim da se nekima identitet iznenada mijenja u zavisnosti u kojem se prostoru ili situaciji nade.
Konzervativna politicarka predlaze zakon koji treba uskoro da se usvoji ili odbaci da optuzeni za silovanje se smatra krivim osim ako ne dokaze da nije. Nema presumpcije nevinosti

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

Post by mutava baštarda 26/5/2017, 14:36

"Bio je žrtva traume iz djetinjstva i vrlo dobro dijete" :D

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!! Empty Re: Nisu teroristi napali već MUŠKARCI!!!

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