Inteligencija je nasljedna
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Inteligencija je nasljedna
The tabula rasa, or blank slate theory, upon which most modern approaches to education, politics and morality are based has taken a massive hit from a new scientific study which has identified dozens of specific genes which are inherited and largely control human intelligence. Nature is coming out on top of nurture. Newsweek reports:
Scientists have discovered over 50 new genes relating to intelligence—a finding that gives us a far better insight into the “genetic architecture of intelligence” and how this relates to IQ.
While the exact percentage is widely debated, scientists generally agree that a large proportion of intelligence is inherited—and therefore based on genetic factors. But intelligence is not a straightforward trait influenced by just a few genes. Rather, there are hundreds of genes that make up a complex web, the vast majority of which research has yet to identify.
…Most of these genes were found in brain tissue: “Pathway analysis indicates the involvement of genes regulating cell development,” the scientists wrote in the journal Nature Genetics.
…Corresponding author Danielle Posthuma, from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, tells Newsweek she was not expecting to find as many genes as they did: “I’ve run a lot of genome studies and a lot of the time you don’t find a lot of genes, even though the traits you are investigating are highly heritable. And it’s only if you have a really large sample size that you start to find things.”
…“For these 52 genes we won’t be able to increase intelligence,” she says. “The heritability of IQ is 80 percent, so it’s still a long road before we find all the genes. And even if we find them there might still be environmental interactions, or gene interactions that we haven’t really investigated but that might be important. So I wonder if we’ll ever be able to do this in mice or humans.
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Najsigurniji način da dobiješ inteligentne potomke jest genetski inženjering u smislu da spariš inteligentne roditelje. Ako su oba roditelja inteligentna, veća je mogućnost da će rezultat biti inteligentni potomci, nego ako je samo jedan od roditelja inteligentan. U stvari, i nema neke razlike u uzgoju plemenitih pasmina konja i ljudi.gargamel0101 wrote:The tabula rasa, or blank slate theory, upon which most modern approaches to education, politics and morality are based has taken a massive hit from a new scientific study which has identified dozens of specific genes which are inherited and largely control human intelligence. Nature is coming out on top of nurture. Newsweek reports:Scientists have discovered over 50 new genes relating to intelligence—a finding that gives us a far better insight into the “genetic architecture of intelligence” and how this relates to IQ.
While the exact percentage is widely debated, scientists generally agree that a large proportion of intelligence is inherited—and therefore based on genetic factors. But intelligence is not a straightforward trait influenced by just a few genes. Rather, there are hundreds of genes that make up a complex web, the vast majority of which research has yet to identify.
…Most of these genes were found in brain tissue: “Pathway analysis indicates the involvement of genes regulating cell development,” the scientists wrote in the journal Nature Genetics.
…Corresponding author Danielle Posthuma, from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, tells Newsweek she was not expecting to find as many genes as they did: “I’ve run a lot of genome studies and a lot of the time you don’t find a lot of genes, even though the traits you are investigating are highly heritable. And it’s only if you have a really large sample size that you start to find things.”
…“For these 52 genes we won’t be able to increase intelligence,” she says. “The heritability of IQ is 80 percent, so it’s still a long road before we find all the genes. And even if we find them there might still be environmental interactions, or gene interactions that we haven’t really investigated but that might be important. So I wonder if we’ll ever be able to do this in mice or humans.
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Moja kćerkica ima 5 iz matematike, a ja sam uvijek imao dva.
Posts : 29707
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Dobro podrazumijeva se da je s djetetom sve u redu dakle normalni organizam ....da to je naslijedna osobina mada nemora to biti pravilo al u suštini je tako , genetika.
Rasa se razvija.
Rasa se razvija.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
[size=30]INDIGO CHILDREN [/size]
Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin
Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: Who are the so-called “Indigo Children” that many people have been talking about? Are they real?
Ruanel: No, they don't exist, it is an entire fantasy. There are child prodigies who at 4 years old they start writing, they know how to play music and every time more children are born with those abilities. It’s not that homo sapiens sapiens jumps directly to the homo mutants, or something like that. What happens is that the mental decoder of these children is growing in such way that they can already perceive a bigger amount of concepts.
If you remember what Einstein said that the human being uses only a 11% of the brain, what he meant was that the human beings use around 11% to 15% of the mental decoder.
What you have to keep in mind is that such race of children doesn't exist, because if something like that existed, like so many people erroneously spread all over the internet, they would not be superior to the normal homo sapiens sapiens, because we are speaking of shy children, and even some of them are bad-tempered when they are very small.
Do you remember the first dialogues we had in 1997? In those first sessions of the Grupo Elron, we spoke about the apocryphal Gospels, and one of them [1] mentions that during the Infancy of Jesus, the Master killed a boy in retaliation because he had bumped him on the shoulder and Joseph grabbing his ear forced him that he resurrect him.
If that gospel were true, it undoubtedly demerit the spirit of Jesus because a pure spirit as his spirit is, is Pure from the beginning , he would not be vengeful as a child, he would not be dominated by his ego in that way.
If the indigo children were the saviours of the race like these people say, they would have to be like Jesus, that is to say, pure from the beginning. However, when the researchers describe them, they characterize them like evil children, completely introverted, not talkative and bad-tempered.
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand what you want to tell me. the indigo children don’t exist in the way they describe them?
Ruanel: The indigo children exist in the way I have described them, but not in the way these people want to make people believe they exist. That is a total fallacy.
I will be practical. If the indigo children existed they would be gathered, let’s say ten parents that have them, they would appear on TV and they would say: "Look, Here it is the new race of mutants!, Jack, four years old, Peter, five years old, William, six years old... They are indigo children, all of you can see that they are all blondes, of blue eyes, with the skin totally white, they are sages You can can ask them any question about trigonometry and they will respond it with accuracy."
Have you watched in some TV program something like that?
Interlocutor: Obviously not.
Ruanel: Then what? Are they hidden? Don’t they have parents or relatives? Why don't the parents gather them? Etc., etc. Now, if these psychos, Pseudo Masters of Light that say that they locate indigo children, they are camouflaged in kinder gardens with other common children, that sounds preposterous.
Interlocutor: Then, the only thing real is that there are children who are born with more capacity than others, something that is normal in a race like the human race which is evolving gradually.
Ruanel: Of course it is! Every time more children are born with gifts, not with powers! It is normal that in each race beings with more aptitudes embody, it is something characteristic of evolution, Beings who will be at the same level of the advances of that civilization.
In 30 years the planet will be divided, because people of 35 or 40 years, in Latin America and Africa, they will have an inferior Intellectual quotient lower than 1 because of famine. They will not develop mentally, and their mental decoder will be ruined because of malnutrition.
And there will be children that will have a capacity out of the normal range, and others that will be idiotic because of malnutrition.
Children that today are eight years old and who are undernourished, in thirty years, when they reach thirty eight years old, they will be beings that will only do things with little importance.
But it won't be a special race of children like those who speak of “indigo children” want to make people believe. This is nonsense. [2]
Interlocutor: Well, I believe that this topic is clarified already.
[1] The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (An Apocryphal Gospel)
[2] This is also applied to the so-called “Crystal Children”
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Then, the only thing real is that there are children who are born with more capacity than others, something that is normal in a race like the human race which is evolving gradually.
Ruanel: Of course it is! Every time more children are born with gifts, not with powers! It is normal that in each race beings with more aptitudes embody, it is something characteristic of evolution, Beings who will be at the same level of the advances of that civilization.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Tu se inace neradi o inteligenciji da nebude zabune nego o sivim stanicama , pricamo o mozgu kao organu , to je organ kao i srce npr ....znaci inteligentniji roditelji ako je sve u redu s djetetom , uhranjeno je , ide u školu i to , naslijeđuje to plus ako su i roditelji školovani onda i evolucija dakle bit ce sive stanice još razvijenije.
Da nije tako nebi se nikad razvili od amebe tj možda bi razvili fizicke udove al ne i sive stanice jel jer to je ta naslijedna osobina , genetska o kojoj se ovdje prica , razvijeniji mozak dakle organ za razmišljanje.
Inteligencija je nešto drugo no stvarna je pretpostavka da ako je mozak razvijeniji da je to podloga da taj organizam bude inteligentniji.
Za inteligenciju treba još jedna stvar a to je : ZNANJE.
Moš ti imat mozak veliki al ako nemaš podatak neki kljucan za riješit problem NIKS od toga.
Da nije tako nebi se nikad razvili od amebe tj možda bi razvili fizicke udove al ne i sive stanice jel jer to je ta naslijedna osobina , genetska o kojoj se ovdje prica , razvijeniji mozak dakle organ za razmišljanje.
Inteligencija je nešto drugo no stvarna je pretpostavka da ako je mozak razvijeniji da je to podloga da taj organizam bude inteligentniji.
Za inteligenciju treba još jedna stvar a to je : ZNANJE.
Moš ti imat mozak veliki al ako nemaš podatak neki kljucan za riješit problem NIKS od toga.
Last edited by RayMabus on 23/5/2017, 20:02; edited 1 time in total
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Sad znam koga trebam napasti :D
“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner
L'âme- Posts : 25744
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Škegru ?maggie13 wrote:Sad znam koga trebam napasti :D
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
srami se, nije moja mama tako ruzna ;PRayMabus wrote:Škegru ?maggie13 wrote:Sad znam koga trebam napasti :D
L'âme- Posts : 25744
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Mama ? Nešto sam ja krivo onda shvatio. Mislio sam da ovuliraš.maggie13 wrote:srami se, nije moja mama tako ruzna ;PRayMabus wrote:Škegru ?maggie13 wrote:Sad znam koga trebam napasti :D
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
dobro, tata.RayMabus wrote:Mama ? Nešto sam ja krivo onda shvatio. Mislio sam da ovuliraš.maggie13 wrote:srami se, nije moja mama tako ruzna ;PRayMabus wrote:Škegru ?maggie13 wrote:Sad znam koga trebam napasti :D
Nema tu prokreacije.
L'âme- Posts : 25744
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Ja sam shvatio ono napasti kao : sad znam koga treba pojebati da dobijem pametno djete.
Ja sam samo odgovorio : Škegru ?
Ja sam samo odgovorio : Škegru ?
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Škegro je pametan , ....Bože moj nije neki ljepotan al šta se može , nemože sve biti savršeno al ce bar mali imati sve petice iz matematike u školi.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
hahaRayMabus wrote:Ja sam shvatio ono napasti kao : sad znam koga treba pojebati da dobijem pametno djete.
Ja sam samo odgovorio : Škegru ?
L'âme- Posts : 25744
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
dobro jutro, znanstvena činjenica poznata stoljećima... inače nasljedna je u oko 60%, što znači da dijete dvoje prosječno inteligentnih ljudi može biti manje ili više inteligetno, ali gotovo nikad genijalno ili ispod granice retardacije. Isto tako ne postoje statističke šanse da dijete dvoje ljudi koji imaju IQ preko 120 padne u najnižu kategoriju - vrlo vjerojatno će biti vrlo inteligentno, dosta su male šanse da bude prosječno inteligentno, nikakve da bude totalno glupo. I obratno, dijete dvoje kretena će vjerojatno biti kreten, u manjem broju slučajeva prosječno inteligentno, ali nikad neće biti u najvišim kategorijama genijalaca ili skoro genijalaca.
usput, inteligencija se, iz posve neobjašnjivih razloga, najviše nasljeđuje kod prvog djeteta para - kod svakog idućeg odmak od inteligencije roditelja je statistički veći
usput, inteligencija se, iz posve neobjašnjivih razloga, najviše nasljeđuje kod prvog djeteta para - kod svakog idućeg odmak od inteligencije roditelja je statistički veći
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
I ne baš , stariji DNKa.marcellus wrote:
usput, inteligencija se, iz posve neobjašnjivih razloga, najviše nasljeđuje kod prvog djeteta para - kod svakog idućeg odmak od inteligencije roditelja je statistički veći
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Inteligencija je nasljedna
Neda mi se objašnjavat , evo link pa koga zanima nek proucava detaljno.
RNKa i DNKa.
Da nema te veze nebi se nikad ništa prilagođavalo okolišu ...RNKa prima podatke iz okoline ( hrana , zrak , temperatura it itd itd ) i mjenja se i on onda mjenja DNKa a to je genetski kod koji se naslijeđuje ...znaci mjenja ti DNKa u spermiju ili jajnoj maternici ....tako i stariji organizam je isto podatak za RNKa.
U prevodu najbolje godine za rasplod je dok je organizam mlad ( nepremlad nego zreo za to ) a poslije opada kvaliteta jer RNKa prima taj podatak da je okoliš oko njega a to je organizam stariji.
RNKa i DNKa.
Da nema te veze nebi se nikad ništa prilagođavalo okolišu ...RNKa prima podatke iz okoline ( hrana , zrak , temperatura it itd itd ) i mjenja se i on onda mjenja DNKa a to je genetski kod koji se naslijeđuje ...znaci mjenja ti DNKa u spermiju ili jajnoj maternici ....tako i stariji organizam je isto podatak za RNKa.
U prevodu najbolje godine za rasplod je dok je organizam mlad ( nepremlad nego zreo za to ) a poslije opada kvaliteta jer RNKa prima taj podatak da je okoliš oko njega a to je organizam stariji.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
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