Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
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Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Finland expects 10-fold increase of asylum seekers
* Eurosceptic coalition partner against EU migrant quotas
* Finnish economy shrinking for fourth year, jobless rising (Adds quote, background)
By Anna Ercanbrack and Jussi Rosendahl
HELSINKI, Sept 10 (Reuters) - Finland's government on Thursday proposed increasing capital gains tax and income tax on high earners to help pay for a 10-fold increase in refugees expected to arrive this year, its finance minister said.
The EU migrant crisis proposes a political as well as a financial challenge for the coalition, whose foreign minister, Timo Soini, heads the Eurosceptic party, The Finns, which campaigned for tighter controls on immigration.
Finance Minister Alexander Stubb said the highest bracket of capital gains tax would be raised by 1 percentage point while people earning more than 72,300 euros ($81,000) would be required to pay a so-called solidarity tax for two years, lowering the threshold from 90,000 euros.
"These will help to cover higher immigration costs which we estimate to be about 114 million euros this year," Stubb told a news conference.
The centre-right coalition, which took office in May, is struggling to cut government spending quickly in a shrinking economy where unemployment is on the rise.
Finland last week doubled its estimate for the number of asylum seekers expected this year to up to 30,000, compared with just 3,600 last year.
The government agreed before the summer that any EU plan to apportion asylum seekers among EU states should be voluntary. Nevertheless, its interior minister, from the pro-EU National Coalition party, agreed in July to take about 800 refugees from among those who had arrived in Greece and Italy.
The government is due to decide on Friday on how to respond to a new EU quota proposal.
The tax proposals may also be aimed to counter accusations that the poor and middle class have been hit worst by government policies. The government also announced that members of parliament would be required to take a week's unpaid holiday and all ministers would forgo a week's pay.
Earlier this week it presented labour market reforms that included reductions in holidays, prompting a hostile reaction from trade unions who said it went against Finland's traditional consensus politics.
Finland's economy is shrinking for a fourth year in a row due to weak demand from European and Russian markets and problems affecting its main export industries, including technology. ($1 = 0.8935 euros) (Editing by Robin Pomeroy)
We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links. Views expressed in the comments do not represent those of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. For more information see our Acceptable Use Policy.
Finland expects 10-fold increase of asylum seekers
* Eurosceptic coalition partner against EU migrant quotas
* Finnish economy shrinking for fourth year, jobless rising (Adds quote, background)
By Anna Ercanbrack and Jussi Rosendahl
HELSINKI, Sept 10 (Reuters) - Finland's government on Thursday proposed increasing capital gains tax and income tax on high earners to help pay for a 10-fold increase in refugees expected to arrive this year, its finance minister said.
The EU migrant crisis proposes a political as well as a financial challenge for the coalition, whose foreign minister, Timo Soini, heads the Eurosceptic party, The Finns, which campaigned for tighter controls on immigration.
Finance Minister Alexander Stubb said the highest bracket of capital gains tax would be raised by 1 percentage point while people earning more than 72,300 euros ($81,000) would be required to pay a so-called solidarity tax for two years, lowering the threshold from 90,000 euros.
"These will help to cover higher immigration costs which we estimate to be about 114 million euros this year," Stubb told a news conference.
The centre-right coalition, which took office in May, is struggling to cut government spending quickly in a shrinking economy where unemployment is on the rise.
Finland last week doubled its estimate for the number of asylum seekers expected this year to up to 30,000, compared with just 3,600 last year.
The government agreed before the summer that any EU plan to apportion asylum seekers among EU states should be voluntary. Nevertheless, its interior minister, from the pro-EU National Coalition party, agreed in July to take about 800 refugees from among those who had arrived in Greece and Italy.
The government is due to decide on Friday on how to respond to a new EU quota proposal.
The tax proposals may also be aimed to counter accusations that the poor and middle class have been hit worst by government policies. The government also announced that members of parliament would be required to take a week's unpaid holiday and all ministers would forgo a week's pay.
Earlier this week it presented labour market reforms that included reductions in holidays, prompting a hostile reaction from trade unions who said it went against Finland's traditional consensus politics.
Finland's economy is shrinking for a fourth year in a row due to weak demand from European and Russian markets and problems affecting its main export industries, including technology. ($1 = 0.8935 euros) (Editing by Robin Pomeroy)
We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links. Views expressed in the comments do not represent those of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. For more information see our Acceptable Use Policy.
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Radnička Fronta je totalno u pravu.
Imigranti trebaju dolaziti u što većem broju jer to je jedan od istrumenata da se porazi zapad i zapadni kapitalizam (ostaje onda azijski kapitalizam)
Imigranti trebaju dolaziti u što većem broju jer to je jedan od istrumenata da se porazi zapad i zapadni kapitalizam (ostaje onda azijski kapitalizam)
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Nevezano za imigraciju... kojom logikom bi rezanje državne potrošnje trebalo pomoći gospodarstvu, a ne monetarna intervencija i fiskalne olakšice?neoliberalni_placenik wrote:
The centre-right coalition, which took office in May, is struggling to cut government spending quickly in a shrinking economy where unemployment is on the rise.
Finland's economy is shrinking for a fourth year in a row due to weak demand from European and Russian markets and problems affecting its main export industries, including technology. ($1 = 0.8935 euros) (Editing by Robin Pomeroy)
Ako imaju pad izvoza, pad domaće potrošnje i sad još država reže potrošnju i u isto vrijeme diže poreze... što će dobiti?
Koji je gospodarski cilj takve vlade, ekonomski slom, puna nezaposlenost... ?
Last edited by ostrakon on 11/9/2015, 16:20; edited 1 time in total
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Možda Njemačka forsira štednju u Europi, kako bi uvezla radnosposobne i obrazovane iz drugih zemalja.
Jer očito da od štednje u Finskoj nema nitko koristi osim Njemačke kojoj nedostaje inženjera.
Jer očito da od štednje u Finskoj nema nitko koristi osim Njemačke kojoj nedostaje inženjera.
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Išao sam malo pogledati, udio državne potrošnje u BDPu za Njemačku je 45% (345 milijarde EUR), imali su i 57% 1995., 48% 2010. - 2011., dok u Hrvatskoj država u BDPu sa potrošnjom sudjeluje sa 20%.
Građani troše 380 milijardi EUR. I imaju suficit od 23 milijarde EUR.
I onda mi trebamo rezati državnu potrošnju jer je prevelika??? I od toga će nam kao rasti zaposlenost...
Građani troše 380 milijardi EUR. I imaju suficit od 23 milijarde EUR.
I onda mi trebamo rezati državnu potrošnju jer je prevelika??? I od toga će nam kao rasti zaposlenost...
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Pa sad. Kada je podržavala opoziciju u Siriji i stvaranje ISIL-a, onda neka snosi posledice. Logično.
dzango- Posts : 28141
Lokacija: : Velika Srbija
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Što sjevernije, to perverznije. Anglosaksonci, Germani i Skandinavci luduju. Finci iako spadaju pod Ugro-Fince vidno su pod utjecajem nordijaca.
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
ipak mislim da će te najveće posljedice snositi vi u Srbiji iako niste niti luk mirisali niti jeli ... lako će se finci sutra i da zagusti obračunati sa par tisuća njih.. em je hladno, em su izolirani(arapi gore) , em neće imati odakle pomoć... em ih nije puno.. međutim kada se zatvore granice u europi u srbiji će odjedanput biti oko 100- 200 000 vojno sposobnih arapskih muslimanskih imigranata, + turska je blizu, + postoji zelena transfezala.. ja bi se zabrinuo više na vašem mjestudzango wrote:Pa sad. Kada je podržavala opoziciju u Siriji i stvaranje ISIL-a, onda neka snosi posledice. Logično.
Guest- Guest
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Gdje je provokator da nas ubijedi kak neoliberalcima (zajedno sa Amerikom naravno) treba jebat mater odmah i sad.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10385
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Ne spominji ga,mozda i dođe ;D
“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner
L'âme- Posts : 25744
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
ostrakon wrote:Možda Njemačka forsira štednju u Europi, kako bi uvezla radnosposobne i obrazovane iz drugih zemalja.
Jer očito da od štednje u Finskoj nema nitko koristi osim Njemačke kojoj nedostaje inženjera.
Pa ćeš medju izbjeglicama naći inženjera, tehničara i sl visoko
obrazovanog kadra. Pa pola ih je mladje od 20 god.
a druga polovica su nepismeni.
Niti HR svjedodjbe se ne priznaju automatizmom već
moraš polagati ispite tamo iznova verificirati moraš.
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Finska povećava porez neoliberalnim kapitalistima da može financirati islamsku imigraciju
Sverige kommer nu att fundera på om behov finns för billiga lån från Europeiska investeringsbanken för att finansiera flyktingmottagning. Det sade finansminister Magdalena Andersson vid en pressträff efter ekofinmötet på fredagen.
Tidigare på dagen förklarade EIB-chefen Werner Hoyer att investeringsbanken är beredd att de sådana lån.
"Vi ska titta på om det kan vara aktuellt för Sverige. Svenska staten lånar billigt. Men det är inte alltid så att kommuner och regioner lånar billigare än EIB", sade hon.
Även svenska företag kan komma i fråga för lån från EIB.
LÄS MER: Flyktingfokus för finansen
"Det kan handla om utbildningsprogram eller om att bygga byggnader, som skolor", förklarade Magdalena Andersson.
EIB har tidigare gett lån för utbildningsprogram för ungdomar. På kort sikt är flyktingmottagningen fullt hanterbart ekonomiskt och praktiskt om flyktingarna fördelas jämnt mellan EU-länder och inom länderna, även inom Sverige, sade finansministern.
På lång sikt kan det öka tillväxten, tillade hon.
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
Da ne prevodim, prevedite si sami.
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.
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