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 Kina Empty Kina

Post by Yehudi 3/9/2015, 19:45

Pekings martialische Waffenschau

 Kina Hunderte-panzer-und

  12 000 vojnika, stotine tenkova i aviona

Kina pokazala svoju vojnu silu

 Kina Beim-welcome-dinner-unterhielt

 Kina Singen-koennen-sie-auch-chinas

 Kina Erstmals-praesentierte-die

 Ubojica nosača zrakoplova - Istočni vjetar -

 Kina Lautstarker-aufmarsch-eine

Posts : 14715

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Yehudi 3/9/2015, 20:34

Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them


 Kina Screen-Shot-2014-06-30-at-8.07.05-PM

China executed 13 people today for “terrorist attacks” in the far western region of Xinjiang, state media said, while a further three were sentenced to death for staging a lethal attack in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
“The 13 criminals had planned violent terrorist attacks and ruthlessly killed police officers, government officials and civilians, which took innocent lives, caused huge property losses and seriously endangered public security,” the official news agency Xinhua said.
 Agencija Xinhua javlja- 13  islamo terorista osudjeno na smrt i pogubljeno. 
   Ti  kriminalci planirali su i izvodili napade na policiju, civile i objekte. 
 Još trojica su osudjena na smrt i pogubljena zbog smrtonosnih napada.

Posts : 14715

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Ero 3/9/2015, 20:36

Kina je u velikom qrtzu, da prostite...Njihov balon se opasno napuhava.
Kad pukne osjetit ćemo to i ovdje.

Jedan je Hase...

Posts : 13866

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 20:41

Ero wrote:Kina je u velikom qrtzu, da prostite...Njihov balon se opasno napuhava.
Kad pukne osjetit ćemo to i ovdje.
i meni se mjehur napuhava ..uskoro cu morati na vecej...Ero,ne biti ljubomoran na Kinu..prehebali su Ameriku davno.. king

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 20:43

Ero wrote:Kina je u velikom qrtzu, da prostite...Njihov balon se opasno napuhava.
Kad pukne osjetit ćemo to i ovdje.
Bit' će to vatromet @Ero...hehehehehe

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Ero 3/9/2015, 20:46

bogomdani wrote:.Ero,ne biti ljubomoran na Kinu..prehebali su Ameriku davno.. king
Ne radi se o nikavoj ljubomori na Kinu. Kina je isuviše uvezana u zapadnu ekonomiju, tako da je svako drmanje njihove ekonomije znači i drmanje naše. Nepremostiv problem  Kine je to da imaju nekakve paralelne banke, sa svojim sisistemom, koje Partija više ne kontrolira.
Dešava im se gora stvar nego nama 2008-9...Opasno je to za cijeli svijet.

Posts : 13866

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Yehudi 3/9/2015, 21:21

E da. Najbolje bi bilo kad bi dopustili samo strane bake......eli?

Pa znamo kamo to vodi,zar ne.

Zatosu pametni jer imaju svoje banke a ne da im netko

drugi kroji kurseve švicaraca i drugih valuta, da ih pljačka

kao šta pljačkaju stoku sitnoga zuba.

Posts : 14715

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 21:30

Ero wrote:
bogomdani wrote:.Ero,ne biti ljubomoran na Kinu..prehebali su Ameriku davno.. king
Ne radi se o nikavoj ljubomori na Kinu. Kina je isuviše uvezana u zapadnu ekonomiju, tako da je svako drmanje njihove ekonomije znači i drmanje naše. Nepremostiv problem  Kine je to da imaju nekakve paralelne banke, sa svojim sisistemom, koje Partija više ne kontrolira.
Dešava im se gora stvar nego nama 2008-9...Opasno je to za cijeli svijet.
eh sad malo je tema ekonomija pa ću se ja nadovezati.. 

"paralerne banke" "koje ne kontrolira država".. pa normalno, u kini je kapitalizam i banke su tamo slobodne da slobodno djeluju na tržištu.

međutim problem kineksih banaka je bio suprotan. - upravo do nedavno sve banke su bile državne, a pošto su banke bile državne bila je hrpa loših kredita(davali se krediti po političkoj liniji) - zato su propale naše državne banke - i kinezi su više manje liberalizirali svoj bankarski sektor.. 

međutim problem kineske ekonomije jest ponašanje njihove centralne banke - koja se ponaša kao ECB ili FED. radi se o "štamapnju para"(ok na drugi način se ovo događa) - da pokušam pojednostaviti maksimalno.

Kinezi/Ameri/ECB  puštaju velike količine "jeftinog novca u opticaj" kao da to "živne ekonomije"(klasični keynezijanizam koji se uči na drugoj godini ekonomije) 

Problem jeftinog novca jest što ga odjedanput ima "puno", pa naravno kapital moraš "investirati".. kada se stvori hrpa jeftinog novca onda se on investira.. a kada se nešto na "silu ulaže" onda dolazi do "loših investicija".. kako da vam kažem.. imate pare u rukama.. morate ih što prije uložiti ili im pada vrijednost.. dolazi do loših kredita, i dugoročno može doći do hipotekarne krize(bila u USA sada prijeti Kini).

isto tako "štampanjem para" raste vrijednost dionica.. kada je ECB počeo štampati pare, vrijednost dionica je skočila.. 
u Kini je isto tako odjedanput napuhana vrijednost dionica.. valjda se sada ispuhuju.. 

kod njih je pao izvoz(jebiga kina se razvija nisu odjeanput primarna destinacija za proizvodnju), pa onda Kineska vlada dodatno devalvira juan.. očito se to pokazala kao greška

ukratko zašto dolazi do krize u kini ili u americi prije 6-7godina?

Zbog državnih regulacija i interveniranja države u tržištu

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Yehudi 3/9/2015, 21:33

Zašto je Canada sada pala u recesiju?

Posts : 14715

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 21:33

ne znam koliki su razmjeri Kine .. jer Kina je globalna umrežena ekonomija, i neki ekonomski analitičari govore da bi pad Kine doveo do još veće krize nego ona što je bila 2008.
nadam se da do toga neće doći, i mislim da se situacija stabilizirala zadnjih par dana

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 21:36

Yehudi wrote:Zašto je Canada sada pala u recesiju?
pad cijene nafte.. kanada primarno izvozi naftu..  i lako bi moglo doći do pada nekretninskog sektora u kanadi.. do hipotekarne krize jer su im cijene nekretnina prenapuhane..

100 $ sam zaradio prije 2-3 godina kada sam "prodao" rat jednom kanadskom investitoru, koji je dao natječaj na šemu "da li se isplati investirati u kanadsko tržište nekretnina".. 

(inače budget je bio 500$ ja jebiga kao novi ponudio sam 100$) hahah. 

uglavnom moj zaključak je bio da ne, da je kanadska ekonomija "napuhana" i da bi za par godina moglo doći do krize i do oštrog pada cijena nekretnina...

pada cijena nafte, pretpostavljam da bi mogla padati i cijena nekretnina u kanadi.. dakle ako me je lik posluša uštedio je hrpu para

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Winter is coming 3/9/2015, 21:46

[size=36]China's covert war with America heats up: warships near Alaska, another industrial explosion, and China unveils cruise missile that renders U.S. carriers obsolete
 Kina MikeAdamsThursday, September 03, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: covert war, China, mysterious explosions[/size]

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[email=Enter_Email_Here?subject=Recommended%20article,%20please%20read&body=Check%20out%20this%20great%20article:%0A%0Ahttp://www.naturalnews.com/051042_covert_war_China_mysterious_explosions.html%0A%0AIt%27s%20really%20interesting.] Kina Social-Email-Blue-2[/email]
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(NaturalNews) Two weeks ago, I ran an exclusive Natural News story announcing that a covert war between China and the USA had begun. The war started as a currency and debt war, then escalated into the catastrophic Tianjin explosion carried out by the U.S. Pentagon in a "kinetic retaliation" strategy, according to sources.

It wasn't long after the Tianjin explosion that a second explosion rocked the Chinese province of Shandong, sending "coincidence theorists" into a hissy fit because suddenly a pattern of explosions was emerging that could not simply be explained away as sheer chance.

Just a few days later, a massive explosion took out a U.S. military munitions depot in Japan, and evidence clearly pointed to it being sabotage (the Chinese government hates the Japanese, and it's now the 70th anniversary of Japan's heinous war crimes committed against the Chinese people).

Now, as reported by The Daily Sheeple, a THIRD massive explosion has ripped through China's industrial infrastructure... this time also taking place in the Shandong province.

When I first saw this news, I thought someone was confusing the facts about the Shandong province, mistakenly thinking there were two explosions taking place there. But it turns out there were really two explosions in Shandong alone (plus the one in Tianjin), according to theMirror (UK) which reports: "Today's explosion is also the SECOND blast to occur in Shandong, after a previous one injured eight people just over a week ago."

(Keep in mind that China is desperately censoring all the news on these explosions, and the Chinese government is also heavily pressuring other nations to downplay or censor these explosions as well. There is a global effort to suppress this news, and China has evenarrested over 15,000 bloggers and journalists for so-called "internet crimes" which include reporting on true events the government doesn't want talked about.)

For full details on this latest explosion, you'll have to read little-known Chinese language websites such as this page from NTDTV.com which explains this latest explosion in great detail and even carries some new video not found elsewhere.

Here's video from the first Tianjin explosion. It will make your head spin. (WARNING: LOTS OF PROFANITY IN THE VIDEO for all the obvious reasons.) Notice carefully that it contains two explosions: the 3-ton TNT equivalent explosion you see at the beginning, followed by a massive 21-ton TNT equivalent explosion of the chemicals:

Now, then, we have FOUR explosions that have taken place between China and the United States, all in the span of just a few weeks. The realization that something far beyond chance is happening here is now inescapable. Clearly, someone is strategically and covertly sabotaging China's industrial infrastructure... and this is all taking place at a time when China is accelerating its selling of U.S. debt while devaluing its own currency (both of which are considered acts of economic warfare by the United States).

Five Chinese naval ships spotted operating off the coast of Alaska - Wall Street Journal
Following all the back-and-forth explosions mentioned above, we now have the Wall Street Journal reporting that Chinese naval ships are being spotted off the coast of Alaska.

From the WSJ on Wednesday, Sep. 2:

Five Chinese navy ships are currently operating in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska, Pentagon officials said Wednesday, marking the first time the U.S. military has seen them in the area. The officials have been tracking the movements in recent days of three Chinese combat ships...

Note carefully that these are, according to the WSJ, "Chinese combat ships." Their presence so close to the continental United States is yet another escalation of kinetic warfare posturing between the two nations. (Don't forget that just a few months ago, Russian nuclear bombers were also spotted making "practice runs" toward Alaska.)

China unveils Mach 10 "carrier killer" cruise missile that renders U.S. carriers tactically obsolete
On top of all this, China has just unveiled a Mach 10 cruise missile that can destroy U.S. aircraft carriers, thereby rendering them all but obsolete in the modern theater of war.

From the Financial Times, Sep. 2, 2015:

A weapon so secret China would not reveal it for years will make its first public appearance in a military parade on Thursday, Chinese defence experts say.

The so-called "carrier-killer" missile that threatens to reshape the balance of power in the western Pacific is set to wheel through the centre of Beijing along with 12,000 troops and 500 tanks and other vehicles as China marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war.

Like an intercontinental ballistic missile, the DF-21D goes into orbit, but after re-entering the atmosphere it is capable of manoeuvring on to a target, making it theoretically capable of landing a large warhead on or near a moving ship.

Some analysts say such missiles threaten to consign aircraft carriers -- which form the basis of current US naval strategy -- to the dustbin, just as aircraft carriers themselves did to battleships with Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

What especially fascinating about this is that I wrote a weapons analysis document just 10 days ago that described the capabilities of orbital weapon systems as being very similar to what the Financial Times has now stated about China's Mach 10 cruise missile.

From my analysis published August 23, 2015:

A higher density "rod" weapon designed with exotic materials and dropped from high Earth orbit would obviously arrive on target at some velocity higher than 1km/s, but we don't know how much higher. Conservatively, let's estimate four times the velocity of an artillery shell, or 4km/s. In case you're curious, this is roughly Mach 12.

...Once the rod reaches atmosphere, small changes in control surfaces could easily glide the rod to within 2 meters of any intended target on impact, using the exact same technology that already exists in precision munitions on Earth (tiny adjustable surfaces near the tail).

China's new Dongfeng (meaning "East Wind", and pronounced like "Dong Fong" for those who wish to speak Chinese) cruise missile also launches into orbit, cruises through the atmosphere at Mach 10, and is precision guided to strike any land-based target within its range.

Based on the fact that this technology is openly admitted to exist in China, does anybody really think the Pentagon doesn't already have weapons that meet or exceed these capabilities?

Furthermore, does any intelligent person really believe this string of industrial explosions is sheer coincidence?

Of course they aren't. The U.S. and China are already engaged in the preliminary stages of war, folks. It just hasn't been announced yet. Just as importantly, both China and the United States possess and are using advanced weapon systems whose operational details aren't publicly known yet.

Warfare in 2015 isn't the same as warfare in 1942. In fact, it's so different that most people don't even recognize when it has already begun.

PREDICTION: Watch for yet more war posturing, currency devaluation moves, debt dumping attacks, cyber warfare, strategic hacking and "unexplained" explosions throughout the remainder of 2015. These are not random events. They are all part of the war with China that has already begun.

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

Posts : 9181

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 21:47

Yehudi wrote:Zašto je Canada sada pala u recesiju?
Jer će uskoro biti globalni vatromet...hehehehehehehehe

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Winter is coming 3/9/2015, 22:04

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

Posts : 9181

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 22:05

medolino_zg wrote:
Ma da, treći svjetski rat...Daj se informiraj malo...

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 Kina Empty Re: Kina

Post by Yehudi 4/9/2015, 09:07

 Kina 20150903_101429_1
 Kina 1024x1024
 Kina BN-KD271_0903CP_J_20150903004021
 Kina 150902233530-china-tanks-super-169
 Kina _85327192_china_us_military_balance_624
Više tu - http://rusvesna.su/recent_opinions/1441316468

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