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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by crvenkasti 22/2/2017, 22:11

provocator wrote:
crvenkasti wrote:Marc je sad ok, shvatio je da je bio u zabludi  zadnjih 20 godina, jer je shvatio da je bio u zabludi kad je prije 20 godina shvatio da je 30 godina živio u zabludi.
Marčela ni batinama nisi mogao otjerati iz "zločinačkog režima".
Školovao se školovao... a bilo je besplatno... I evo isplatilo mu se.

Ti očito, ne čitaš njegove tekstove i ne pratiš njehov razvoj. On je sad četnik i komunist.


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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Oh_Femder 22/2/2017, 22:11

red wolf wrote:I ovdje bih rekao --> Vi ljudi...@Marcelluse, mrziš komunjare...No, pritom mrziš i sebe...To je dio tebe...Cijeli svijet je tvoja projekcija...
Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Latest?cb=20130316133545

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Nikon-10

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:13

provocator wrote:
prckov wrote:
provocator wrote:Gdje si prcko legendo... Nabijem te nacurac.
Jesi prodo radijator koji si kupio umjesto harmonike?
ako ne razumijes prevescu ti ja
samo mahni usima
I dalje si preglup da napišeš suvisli komentar. No dobro... Mlad si i perspektivan.
ajde, nije sramota ne znat
sramota je ne htjet znat

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:14

svaka mu ja ka u njegosa

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by marcellus 22/2/2017, 22:18

venezuela GDP 2016. -10%

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by crvenkasti 22/2/2017, 22:25

marcellus wrote:venezuela GDP 2016. -10%

Nisi čitao dedine dekstove? Deficit je dobar.

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Oh_Femder 22/2/2017, 22:28

marcellus wrote:http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/02/21/trump-stock-market-climb/

najveći skok dionica u 30 dana nakon inaugracije predsjednika u zadnje 54 godine...
Druže Trumpe, mi ti se kune-emooo.....!  cheers

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:28

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:30

sve ce to papa franjo pozlatit

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by crvenkasti 22/2/2017, 22:30

koja sam ja budala ...

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:34

crvenkasti wrote:koja sam ja budala ...
ma sta te briga bar nisi pametan

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by crvenkasti 22/2/2017, 22:35

u pravu si, najgore je kad si pametan, a budala

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by prckov 22/2/2017, 22:38

pa kazem ti ja

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34425

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Regoč 23/2/2017, 08:46

provocator wrote:
jastreb wrote:
red wolf wrote:I ovdje bih rekao --> Vi ljudi...@Marcelluse, mrziš komunjare...No, pritom mrziš i sebe...To je dio tebe...Cijeli svijet je tvoja projekcija...
Ma nema pojma.   Da su nam sada stručnjaci poput Kidriča,Kardelja ili pak Emerik Blum,mi bismo procvjetali u roku od 2-3 mjeseca.
Slažem se druže moj!
Vi ste stvarno poremećeni! Koji stručnjaci, jebla vas dogovorna ekonomija i Energopetrol.

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

Posts : 35954

Age : 105
Lokacija: : Doma

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Regoč 23/2/2017, 08:47

provocator wrote:Marcellus je nekakav curčev novinar a vidim da pojma nema oko ovih igrica oko Podravke. Tu su svoje prste umiješali idioti i mafoze kojima su po autima pucali i štangama ih prebijali. Ali kak će to jedan novinar kakav je marčelo znati.
Trump se sprema preuzeti Podravku?

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

Posts : 35954

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Lokacija: : Doma

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Regoč 23/2/2017, 08:51

marcellus wrote:"During my commute this morning the entire news cycle was dedicated to 'Trump's war against the poor, minorities in the city and diversity'. With added commentary from the news people and their guests who declare 'those aren't our values'.
So cities like San Francisco and DC risk losing billions because of their sanctuary status and Obamacare kickbacks. Employees at the EPA will resist Trump's plans to 'poison our air and water'. They say they will fight 'intolerance' and 'racism'. Meanwhile Americans of Hispanic dissent are being murdered by illegal aliens, our police officers are being murdered by illegal aliens, hospitals are being dried up due to mandatory care for illegal aliens. Middle class citizens of every race are being driven into poverty and losing healthcare because of Obamacare.
These are the values Liberals and for... Murder, poverty and treason!
If trump delivers, ends the crushing regulatory dictatorship, the PC fascism, obliterates the Obamacare disaster, repels the illegal alien invasion; the economy will grow, the middle class will grow, America will grow great again. If the media gets its way... Its Venezuela time...

E, sad, ovdje je nekoliko stvari pomiešano. Dok je sasvim normalna i opravdana borba protiv nezakonitoga useljavanja i kriminala, ne vidim
zašto bi socijalizirano zdravstvo bilo problem. Jasno, treba naći ravnotežu pa onima koji ne uplaćuju, niti ne dati pristup zdravstvenim uslugama, ali nema razloga nekomu tko ima malu plaću pa time malo uplaćuje uskratiti ikakav zahvat.

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

Posts : 35954

Age : 105
Lokacija: : Doma

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by marcellus 23/2/2017, 10:30

Regoč wrote:
marcellus wrote:"During my commute this morning the entire news cycle was dedicated to 'Trump's war against the poor, minorities in the city and diversity'. With added commentary from the news people and their guests who declare 'those aren't our values'.
So cities like San Francisco and DC risk losing billions because of their sanctuary status and Obamacare kickbacks. Employees at the EPA will resist Trump's plans to 'poison our air and water'. They say they will fight 'intolerance' and 'racism'. Meanwhile Americans of Hispanic dissent are being murdered by illegal aliens, our police officers are being murdered by illegal aliens, hospitals are being dried up due to mandatory care for illegal aliens. Middle class citizens of every race are being driven into poverty and losing healthcare because of Obamacare.
These are the values Liberals and for... Murder, poverty and treason!
If trump delivers, ends the crushing regulatory dictatorship, the PC fascism, obliterates the Obamacare disaster, repels the illegal alien invasion; the economy will grow, the middle class will grow, America will grow great again. If the media gets its way... Its Venezuela time...

E, sad, ovdje je nekoliko stvari pomiešano. Dok je sasvim normalna i opravdana borba protiv nezakonitoga useljavanja i kriminala, ne vidim
zašto bi socijalizirano zdravstvo bilo problem. Jasno, treba naći ravnotežu pa onima koji ne uplaćuju, niti ne dati pristup zdravstvenim uslugama, ali nema razloga nekomu tko ima malu plaću pa time malo uplaćuje uskratiti ikakav zahvat.

Zato što je to socijalno zdravstvo otjeralo milijune amerikanaca u propast i bankrot

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by marcellus 23/2/2017, 10:31


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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by marcellus 23/2/2017, 10:36

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Obamac10

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Obamac11

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 1472536379_l

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by marcellus 23/2/2017, 10:37

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Obamac13

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Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Empty Re: Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...

Post by Regoč 24/2/2017, 16:38

marcellus wrote:
Regoč wrote:
marcellus wrote:"During my commute this morning the entire news cycle was dedicated to 'Trump's war against the poor, minorities in the city and diversity'. With added commentary from the news people and their guests who declare 'those aren't our values'.
So cities like San Francisco and DC risk losing billions because of their sanctuary status and Obamacare kickbacks. Employees at the EPA will resist Trump's plans to 'poison our air and water'. They say they will fight 'intolerance' and 'racism'. Meanwhile Americans of Hispanic dissent are being murdered by illegal aliens, our police officers are being murdered by illegal aliens, hospitals are being dried up due to mandatory care for illegal aliens. Middle class citizens of every race are being driven into poverty and losing healthcare because of Obamacare.
These are the values Liberals and for... Murder, poverty and treason!
If trump delivers, ends the crushing regulatory dictatorship, the PC fascism, obliterates the Obamacare disaster, repels the illegal alien invasion; the economy will grow, the middle class will grow, America will grow great again. If the media gets its way... Its Venezuela time...

E, sad, ovdje je nekoliko stvari pomiešano. Dok je sasvim normalna i opravdana borba protiv nezakonitoga useljavanja i kriminala, ne vidim zašto bi socijalizirano zdravstvo bilo problem. Jasno, treba naći ravnotežu pa onima koji ne uplaćuju, niti ne dati pristup zdravstvenim uslugama, ali nema razloga nekomu tko ima malu plaću pa time malo uplaćuje uskratiti ikakav zahvat.

Zato što je to socijalno zdravstvo otjeralo milijune amerikanaca u propast i bankrot
Očito nešto sa sustavom naplate ne štima. Europa ima stoljetnu tradiciju socijaliziranoga zdravstva i nitko zbog toga nije otišal u propast i bankrot. Treba to podrobnije propitati, a ne se odmah hvatati na liberalnu propagandu.

Kad ti zemlju ne vode komunjare i libtardi...  - Page 2 Slobodan-praljak-e1512064297742-243x300

Posts : 35954

Age : 105
Lokacija: : Doma

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