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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by melkior 6/12/2016, 13:22

RayMabus wrote:
The Elohim created  (gnomes,  goblins
Thousands of years passed and in the planet Earth many different ages were left behind. The human being already had a written language. History was in its beginning. Of those 72 original Elohim, there were six of them that paid attention to our world. That time coincided with the time in which the Eloah Jehovah was named Logos of the planet Earth.
Those six Elohim were in telepathic contact with the Ha, extraterrestrial beings from Vega 5. The Ha were overbearing, cruel, manipulative. One of those Elohim or Minor gods was the logos of that planet. His name was Elyon, which means Supreme, and He consented the mistaken behavior of the Ha. The other five Elohim were Hashem, Shaddai, Qadosh, Ramahan and Adonai.
Except for this last one, the rest enjoyed the lust of power of the race Ha as though it was their own. During millenniums, these Elohim observed the behavior of the Ha in the same way we look at a theatrical play. In spite of the higher plane of the Elohim, the Ego dominated over some of them. And their physical mirror were the Ha.
This race developed early their technology and they began first with explorations within their stellar system and later on with interstellar trips. In that way, they arrived to Earth, where the Great Conspiracy was gestated.
The Bible contains several episodes that mention about the cruelty of the Ha, supervised by the Elohim. And Jehovah, the planetary logos, was permissive with the evilness; He didn't object to the cruelty of the Aliens, although he didn't accept to share his "power" with the other Elohim, because He was jealous of his possessions. Some writings prove that Elyon also imposed his real domain on the planet Earth.
Deuteronomy, in its older version, says that "When Elyon divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For Yahweh's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance” (Deuteronomy 32, 8 -9). That is to say, Jehova, still being the planetary logos, He allowed that other Elohim made decisions over the human race. According to that version, those Elohim or Minor gods met periodically in a place called "the mountain of the Assembly" or "the mount of the Congregation", located in the sides of the Saphon (Isaiah 14.13). Obviously, those that met in that Assembly were not the Elohim, because they don't need a physical place, but they were the Ha, the extraterrestrial race that came from Vega 5.
Što to znači? Ratuju li među sobom Elohim ili ne? (ok, sad sam saznao da su gnomi i goblini doista postojali jocolor )


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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by Trinity 6/12/2016, 19:03

RayMabus wrote:Ovo je anđeoska hijerarhija koja se sastoji od devet kvalitete: 1) Serafimi 2) Heruvimi 3) Prestonici 4) dominaciji 5) Ovlasnici 6) Vrli 7) Kneževi 8) Arhanđeli 9) Anđeli. Svaki kvalitetu drži anđeo-princ u pratnji osam anđela.

osam puta devet = 72
Tko bi rekao. :^0

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by Trinity 6/12/2016, 19:05

tre911 wrote:
Triny wrote:
Starhemberg wrote:
Triny wrote:Da, zanimljivo, a to se redovito "zaboravlja".
Pa da, u knjizi Postanka stoji Hajde da napravimo...ne napravim...
I to na više mjesta, nešto kao „U početku stvori Bogovi nebesa i zemlju“...
To nisam vidio nigdje i stoji ovako.......U početku stvori Bog nebo i zemlju,........ no recimo kod kule babilonske stoji...hajde da siđemo i jezik im pobrkamo

Pos 11, 7

7Hajde da siđemo i jezik im pobrkamo, da jedan drugome govora ne razumije.«
Stoji jer je tako prevedeno.

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by Leviathan2 6/12/2016, 21:10

ja cijelo vrijeme govorim da ima vise bogova a oni uporno samo jedan je bog, jedan kurac, ima ih jos par komada, preostalo
al i njima ce svijeca dogorit uskoro,

Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRqnLHscWsIZTkjqYrSt1h-A1RiF9_dMbyrQ&usqp=CAU

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by Trinity 6/12/2016, 21:12

Uništit će se međusobno?
Tamo stalno neka borba, a mi nadrapamo.

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by red wolf 6/12/2016, 21:13

RayMabus wrote:Adonai i Jehova su vam dva Elohima koji u elohim parlamentu ( čisto da vam slikovito predočim nešto pa koristim taj izraz ) čine OPORBU.
red wolf
red wolf

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by red wolf 6/12/2016, 21:15

tre911 wrote:
Triny wrote:
Starhemberg wrote:
Triny wrote:Da, zanimljivo, a to se redovito "zaboravlja".
Pa da, u knjizi Postanka stoji Hajde da napravimo...ne napravim...
I to na više mjesta, nešto kao „U početku stvori Bogovi nebesa i zemlju“...
To nisam vidio nigdje i stoji ovako.......U početku stvori Bog nebo i zemlju,........ no recimo kod kule babilonske stoji...hajde da siđemo i jezik im pobrkamo

Pos 11, 7

7Hajde da siđemo i jezik im pobrkamo, da jedan drugome govora ne razumije.«
To su bili izvanzemaljci...
red wolf
red wolf

Posts : 15947

Lokacija: : Svemir

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Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme - Page 4 Empty Re: Kako je Tesla zamišljao naše vrijeme

Post by RayMabus 6/12/2016, 22:26

melkior wrote:

Nadalje, duša je emanacija Božjeg duha, dio njegova Bića koja je kao takva, već sama po sebi, besmetna jer je dijelom čistog Duha, koja se utjelovila.Stoga i te interpretacije Elohima kao zajedništva 72 božanskih entiteta nisu ništa drugo nego tek emanacije Jednoga Apsoluta. Biti jedan što jest u svemu što jest i spoznavati Sebe koji jest zapravo je kršćanska teološka neprevladana magija koja istodobno priznaje Boga kao jednog, ali to Jedno u Sebi opstaje upravo kreiranjem svega što jest (emanacijom, preslikavanjem). To je panenteizam, odnosno sve što jest proizlazi iz Jednoga koji jest, i njemu se vraća na višoj azini, oplemenjeno i obogaćeno, pri tome postaje ponovno dijelom Jednoga koji stvaranjem svega što jest, dakle, svemira, poznaje Sebe. To je unutarnja vječna dinamika tzv. Sv. Trojstva, u kojem je čitav svemir i živa bića tek posljedica postojanja i obogotvorenja samog Boga i Njegovog vraćanja Sebi.
Upravo to al taj JEDAN se nemješa nego ima te svoje emanacije koje rade upravo to : MJEŠAJU SE.

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