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Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum

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Post by Kermit 28/11/2016, 16:29


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Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum Empty Re: Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum

Post by Kermit 28/11/2016, 18:51


Up To Eight Italian Banks May Fail If Renzi Loses Referendum

Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum Picture-5
[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Nov 28, 2016 4:50 AM



Just as we were concluding our write up on the return of Europe's solvency crisis, facilitated by Donald Trump's NATO funding demands and the end of the ECB's unprecedented can kicking exercise, the FT reported that as many as eight of Italy’s troubled banks "risk failing" if prime minister Renzi loses next weekend's constitutional referendum and ensuing market turbulence deters investors from recapitalizing them, citing senior bankers.
This particular rather adverse outcome is captured by the lower-right, glowing red box in the Danske Research flowchart shown below

[url=http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2016/11/06/italy referendum scenarios.jpg]Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum Italy%20referendum%20scenarios_0[/url]
Renzi, who has previous said he will quit if he loses the referendum although has since changed his tune, has championed a market solution to solve the problems of Italy’s €4tn banking system and avoid a vote-losing “resolution” of Italian banks under new EU rules. A resolution restructures and, if necessary, winds up a bank by imposing losses on both equity and debt investors, particularly controversial in Italy, where millions of individual investors have bought bank bonds.
The following chart from the ECB demonstrates why a bail-in of Italian banks would be the equivalent of political suicide: the vast majority of bail-inable Italian debt is held domestically, read savers and pensioners. Should they be impaired, it would lead to an overnight social crisis.

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Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum Empty Re: Novi udar za trule tkz. liberale: Italiji vrlo izgledno propada ustavni referendum

Post by Kermit 28/11/2016, 18:58

"All hope is not lost, however. The Economist, the once reputable economic and financial publication half-owned by the Rothschilds, has had a terrible track record of advising its declining readers on how to vote in critical political events: from urging a "Bremain" vote this past June, to begging for a vote for Hillary on November 8, the Economist has gotten virtually every major political event wrong. Which is why the fact that over the weekend the publication came out with an article "Why Italy should vote no in its referendum" may be the best hope Renzi has to remain in power."

Zanimljivo Economist (sa ovim opetovanim grozomornim uopćavanjem i đubretom od "članka") potpuno otpada od iole važnog novinarstva, analize, predivđanja bilo čega, apsolutno sve su promašili od Putina, Assada, Brexita, Iraka, Afganistana, Trumpa, Hillary, EU-a, krize kurca palca, a označavanje svih onih koji su protiv korupcije i za neki drugi put od dosadašnjg jako lošeg "populistima" je isto tako "lijek" iz Agencije

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Post by Guest 28/11/2016, 20:25

ne može Puti, ali može Njemačka razvaliti EU

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