Trump jebe ne vadi
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Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Jes, jes, jebe Čramp, ni pokojni Bata živojinović mu nije ravan. Al' znaš kako ide ona narodna: - Čramp koji puno laje: - Saću da te karam, slabo ubada. Pogledaj mu samo pelagiju Melaniju kako je od muke u grču zagrizla čeljust, pa reci da jadna žena ne pati od kronične nejebice :Dmarcellus wrote:
najbolji trenuci iz kampanje i šire
Oh_Femder- Posts : 4103
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
OTKRIVAMO Dogovor Beograda i Prištine o telekomunikacijama postignut na POTPUNO NEOČEKIVAN NAČIN
Poslednji sastanci nisu bili u Briselu, već su se više svodili na stalne kontakte elektronskom poštom i telefonom. Tako su usaglašavani stavovi i to se intenziviralo naročito prethodna dva-tri dana - kaže izvor "Blica" iz pregovaračkog tima.
Dogovor je tako, praktično postignut putem mejla.
Kao međugradski poziv
Kako navodi, sporazumom i zaključcima koji su postignuti, sačuvana je imovina "Telekoma Srbija", i to je jedna od dve najvažnije stvari. Druga je, kaže on, to što se bez obzira na pozivni broj, Kosovo se ne tretira kao nezavisna država.
sad moze i @ , ne mora u brisel !
Poslednji sastanci nisu bili u Briselu, već su se više svodili na stalne kontakte elektronskom poštom i telefonom. Tako su usaglašavani stavovi i to se intenziviralo naročito prethodna dva-tri dana - kaže izvor "Blica" iz pregovaračkog tima.
Dogovor je tako, praktično postignut putem mejla.
Kao međugradski poziv
Kako navodi, sporazumom i zaključcima koji su postignuti, sačuvana je imovina "Telekoma Srbija", i to je jedna od dve najvažnije stvari. Druga je, kaže on, to što se bez obzira na pozivni broj, Kosovo se ne tretira kao nezavisna država.
sad moze i @ , ne mora u brisel !
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Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
provocator wrote:Mislim da je inkar u pravu. Clintonica je osvojila više glasova i popušila izbore.
I Al Gore isto
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Signez cette pétition
Adressée à President of the United States
Put Donald Trump's face on Mount Rushmore
Joshua K no, NJ
Donald Trump is the personification of the American dream. He is a true patriot and successful businessman. Every day, he offers ordinary Americans hope to make America greater than ever before. In the political field, he has been doing things that have never been done before. He has single handedly reshaped American politics forever and political analysts will be studying Trump's campaign many years from now. It is our wish that Mr. Trump's face be put on Mount Rushmore under the following conditions:
Article. I.
Section. 1.
Donald Trump's face shall be put on Mount Rushmore after he has served a full term, 4 years, as president. To avoid the powers to be attempting to stall the construction infinitely, a time constraint of 20 years after the end of Donald Trump's presidency is set in place. That is, specifically, the construction must begin by 20 years after the end of Donald Trump's presidency. The construction must be finished within a time span of 5 years after it begins.
Section. 2.
In the event that the project does not begin 20 years after the end of Donald Trump's presidency, but exceeds that time frame: if the current president is of the Republican party, then $500,000,000 of government spending must be cut and that money evenly redistributed to registered Republican and/or conservative voters. If the current president is a Democrat, then he/she must resign or be impeached and replaced by the most recent election's Republican nominee. If the replacement is no longer living, then he/she will be replaced by the most recent election's second Republican choice which is determined by delegate count.
The government spending which is allowed to be cut in order to compensate for the $500,000,000 are Obamacare, Planned Parenthood and/or other abortion clinics, environmentalist research, funding to Islamic groups, and welfare programs.
Once these penalties have been fulfilled, there will be a 4 year extension on the project.
If the project does not begin after the 4 year extension, then the same penalty applies and the process repeats.
Section. 3.
The penalties listed in section 2 apply in the event that the project has started but takes longer than 5 years to complete.
Section. 4.
Donald Trump must fulfill his promise of securing the American boarder before his face be put on Mount Rushmore. In order to meet the requirements of securing the American boarder, the wall he builds must stop a significantly larger amount of illegal immigrants compared to before it was built. Trucks filled with drugs can not drive over this wall. The Mexican government must also pay for the wall.
Article. II.
Section. 1.
Donald Trump's face must have the same size, quality, and craftsmanship as the other faces on Mount Rushmore. There must be no insincere tricks to fulfill the demands of this petition. For example, carving a tiny face that no one can see would be an insincere trick. Anyone who attempts to perform such tricks must be publicly put in medieval-type stocks for one whole week in a crowded New York City street. If Donald Trump so wishes, the location of the stocks could be in front of, by, or near one of his buildings such as Trump Tower with a maximum distance of 100 yards. A guard must always be near the person or people; multiple guards may take turns looking after said person or people.
The person or people who is/are put in the stocks must be supplied with basic human needs such as 3 daily meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with a minimum of 400 calories per meal. The meals will be offered blended and poured in a cup on a table in front of the person. There will be a bendy straw in the cup so the person can drink from it. 16.9 fluid ounces of water will also be offered with each meal in the same fashion as the food. If the person refuses to eat for more than 48 hours, forced feeding by a feeding tube is required.
On the issue of going to the bathroom, the person or people can choose between diapers or a portable camping-type potty. If the person/people choose diapers, then 2 changes are allowed per 24 hours. If the person chooses a portable camping-type potty, then one emptying and cleaning is required per 24 hours.
Those who pass by may throw tomatoes and other foods at said person. Hard or sharp objects that can cause injury are not allowed. The point of the stocks is humiliation, not injury. If injury is caused, the guard on duty will apprehend the assailant and the victim can press charges for assault.
In the off chance that the person is aroused by public humiliation, then he or she will be locked in a jail cell for 3 weeks with a single song playing continuously. This song can be Justin Bieber's "Baby", Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball", or Rebecca Black's "Friday".
Section. 2.
Donald Trump's face will be directly to the right of Abraham Lincoln's.
Section. 3.
Donald Trump's eyes will be made of high powered, fully functional, laser beams that are able to shoot down enemy planes, missiles, and people attempting to damage his face in any way.
Article. III.
Section. 1.
On the day that the construction is completed, every single media outlet must give a tearful and sincere apology for their unfair treatment of Donald Trump. Anyone who refuses to do so will resign and can not get another job in the media again. Salon and the Washington Post must shamefully end their publications, apology or not. Any media outlet that Donald Trump forgives will be allowed to stay in publication. Any media outlet that he does not forgive will be allowed a 2 week extension to try and plead for his forgiveness. If their apologies are still unsuccessful, then they must end their publication and they cannot create another.
Any illegal activities to try and coerce Donald Trump into an apology, such as sending death threats, will be charged with triple the maximum penalty for the crime. No plea bargains or any form of lowering the penalty.
Section. 2.
The day that the construction is completed will be marked as a holiday and celebrated each year as Trump Day. On Trump Day, all those who voted for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton must go to a local Christian Church and give a donation of 100 US dollars. After the donation is given, the donator will say respectfully to the pastor, priest, or minister "God bless America and Merry Christmas!" even if Christmas is not near.
Those who refuse to celebrate Trump Day will be deported to Syria and other parts of the Middle East.
(If you wish to add any sections or revisions, please write them in the comments below or private message me. I will give you full credit if I choose to use them.)
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Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
eto odmah novih radnih mjesta
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Eva wrote:Amerika je izvorno crvena.dudette wrote:
...tak je, a svi ostali su imigranti. Skup sa Trumpom.
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marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
marcellus wrote:crveno je u SAD boja republikanaca
ma znam.......ali i starosjedioca indijanaca, koji Trumpu na izjave o izgonu imigranata sigurno odgovaraju pitanjem...kad krećeš?
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Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Noor wrote:marcellus wrote:crveno je u SAD boja republikanaca
ma znam.......ali i starosjedioca indijanaca, koji Trumpu na izjave o izgonu imigranata sigurno odgovaraju pitanjem...kad krećeš?
a on im odgovara, "vidite kako ste vi prošli jer ste dozvolili nekontroliranu imigraciju? E meni se ne ide u rezervat za bijelce..."
marcellus- Posts : 46005
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
I Rusiji nekad komunista i sada oligarha. To je kao SDP HDZ mix, nije ni čudno da se tak dobro kuže Putin i Trump.marcellus wrote:crveno je u SAD boja republikanaca
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Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Borbeno kršćanstvo, kršćanstvo koje ne dvoji u sebe.Iknar je gay wrote:Kršćanstvo kao temelj ? ne hvala,isto sranje kao islam.Ima Europa i starije tradicije od kršćanstva,ali ipak radije bih rigidni sekularizam.Regoč wrote:Vraga se podrazumieva. Kad su ju počeli oblikovati Schuman i Adenauer bila je kršćanska, u međuvremenu je postala leglo liberalizma i kojekakvih inih bolešćinah. Kršćanstvo kao temelj - apsolutno, sve drugo je usmjereno kulturi smrti i nestanku Europe.pizzon wrote:Regoč wrote:Ako kršćanstvo bude vezivno tkivo, u redu, ali poludjeli liberalizam moramo šutnuti kao što smo šutnuli totalitarizam.pizzon wrote:ko veruje da ce eu kao projekat nestati,
da ce eu od zajednice drzava evrope
postati evropa iz I polovine 2o. veka,
tesko se vara.
eu ce biti, upravo zbog svega ovoga,
sto se naslucuje ili nam predstoji,
jos snaznije integrisana. povezana snazno
sa amerikom & v.b. sa jedne strane,
i rusijom, odnosno evro-azijskom unijom
sa druge strane, pre svega ekonomski.
ceo taj deo sveta imace usaglasene
vojno politicke ciljeve i prilicno jedinstveno
nastupati pred ostatkom sveta.
paa, ocekujem, msm, da se to podrazumeva, inace !?
Posts : 35954
Age : 106
Lokacija: : Doma
Re: Trump jebe ne vadi
Trump radi više za crnce time što ujedinjuje sve Amerikance, nego oni koji bi ih izdvajali i koristili kao mamac. Puno cranaca, hispanaca i drugih manjina je toga svjesno pa zato i podržavaju Trumpa.
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