Topla zima
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Re: Topla zima
Ta-ta tata tata tatatatatatata-tatatatata-pam-pa ram pam....Na mom licu pramen plavi,u mom oku noge boseee....
jastreb- Posts : 34059
Re: Topla zima
nis ,sakrit se u duboko tajno podzemno skloniste,sa 10tak vrhunskih pičaka i zivjeti skromno
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Re: Topla zima
Amerika smatra da može istodobno i protiv Rusije i protiv Kine.bogomdani wrote:niš Melk,jedimo i e-bimo sto vise mozemo...
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Topla zima
teoretski moze njukati obje drzavew,ali i biti razguzen do neprepoznatljivosti...u njukovom globalnom warfareu nema je bar jasno..melkior wrote:Amerika smatra da može istodobno i protiv Rusije i protiv Kine.bogomdani wrote:niš Melk,jedimo i e-bimo sto vise mozemo...
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Re: Topla zima
Bivši NATO šef Anders Fogh Rasmussen: "SAD mora biti svjetski policajac, svijetu treba još američkog intervencionizma, a Obama je bio preslab za akciju"
Bivši generalni tajnik NATO saveza, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, dao je ekskluzivni intervju za Sky News te se pritom osvrnuo na aktualna pitanja uključujući američke predsjedničke izbore koji će se održati u utorak.
U intervjuu je otkrio svoje militarističke stavove - rekao je kako vjeruje da je svijetu potrebno još američkog intervencionizma kako bi se "ostvario mir". Nadalje, rekao je kako SAD treba biti "svjetski policajac", a američkog predsjednika na odlasku, Baracka Obamu, kritizirao je tvrdeći kako "nije učinio dovoljno".
Podsjetimo, Rasmussen je vodio NATO od 2009. do 2014. U intervjuu je rekao kako je frustriran Obamom - "Mislim da predsjednik Obama nije bio dovoljno voljan upotrijebiti vojnu silu ili zaprijetiti vojnom silom kako bi se spriječili sukob u svijetu", rekao je Rasmussen otkrivši time na koji način doživljava svijet, u stilu "rat je mir".
Ne čudi stoga što je Rasmussen također izrazio "strah" oko moguće pobjede Donalda Trumpa - "Ako se bude vodio svojim izjavama, to će biti jako opasno po svijet", rekao je. Podsjetimo, Trump je rekao kako želi prekinuti s politikom intervencionizma te kako smatra da bi imao dobar odnos s Rusijom. Očito Rasmussen smatra kako je to "opasno po svijet".
Bivši generalni tajnik NATO saveza, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, dao je ekskluzivni intervju za Sky News te se pritom osvrnuo na aktualna pitanja uključujući američke predsjedničke izbore koji će se održati u utorak.
U intervjuu je otkrio svoje militarističke stavove - rekao je kako vjeruje da je svijetu potrebno još američkog intervencionizma kako bi se "ostvario mir". Nadalje, rekao je kako SAD treba biti "svjetski policajac", a američkog predsjednika na odlasku, Baracka Obamu, kritizirao je tvrdeći kako "nije učinio dovoljno".
Podsjetimo, Rasmussen je vodio NATO od 2009. do 2014. U intervjuu je rekao kako je frustriran Obamom - "Mislim da predsjednik Obama nije bio dovoljno voljan upotrijebiti vojnu silu ili zaprijetiti vojnom silom kako bi se spriječili sukob u svijetu", rekao je Rasmussen otkrivši time na koji način doživljava svijet, u stilu "rat je mir".
Ne čudi stoga što je Rasmussen također izrazio "strah" oko moguće pobjede Donalda Trumpa - "Ako se bude vodio svojim izjavama, to će biti jako opasno po svijet", rekao je. Podsjetimo, Trump je rekao kako želi prekinuti s politikom intervencionizma te kako smatra da bi imao dobar odnos s Rusijom. Očito Rasmussen smatra kako je to "opasno po svijet".
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Topla zima wrote:Bivši NATO šef Anders Fogh Rasmussen: "SAD mora biti svjetski policajac, svijetu treba još američkog intervencionizma, a Obama je bio preslab za akciju"
Bivši generalni tajnik NATO saveza, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, dao je ekskluzivni intervju za Sky News te se pritom osvrnuo na aktualna pitanja uključujući američke predsjedničke izbore koji će se održati u utorak.
U intervjuu je otkrio svoje militarističke stavove - rekao je kako vjeruje da je svijetu potrebno još američkog intervencionizma kako bi se "ostvario mir". Nadalje, rekao je kako SAD treba biti "svjetski policajac", a američkog predsjednika na odlasku, Baracka Obamu, kritizirao je tvrdeći kako "nije učinio dovoljno".
Podsjetimo, Rasmussen je vodio NATO od 2009. do 2014. U intervjuu je rekao kako je frustriran Obamom - "Mislim da predsjednik Obama nije bio dovoljno voljan upotrijebiti vojnu silu ili zaprijetiti vojnom silom kako bi se spriječili sukob u svijetu", rekao je Rasmussen otkrivši time na koji način doživljava svijet, u stilu "rat je mir".
Ne čudi stoga što je Rasmussen također izrazio "strah" oko moguće pobjede Donalda Trumpa - "Ako se bude vodio svojim izjavama, to će biti jako opasno po svijet", rekao je. Podsjetimo, Trump je rekao kako želi prekinuti s politikom intervencionizma te kako smatra da bi imao dobar odnos s Rusijom. Očito Rasmussen smatra kako je to "opasno po svijet".
DIREKTOR FBI-ja James Comey u nedjelju je poručio američkom kongresu kako nedavna provjera novo otkrivene elektroničke pošte nije promijenila zaključak te agencije da ne postoji osnova za kazneno gonjenje Hillary Clinton zbog njezine upotrebe privatnog servera.
U pismu upućenom kongresu Comey je istaknuo kako je agencija dovršila provjeru novootkrivene elektroničke pošte, te da se time "nisu promijenili njihovi zaključci koje su o državnoj tajnici Clinton izrekli u srpnju".
"Istraživačka skupina FBI-ja danonoćno je radila na procesuiranju i provjeri velike količine elektroničke pošte s uređaja zadobivenog iz nepovezane kaznene istrage", napisao je Comey u pismu.
"Tijekom procesa smo provjerili sve poruke koje je Hillary Clinton primila ili poslala dok je bila državna tajnica", dodaje Comey.
Pismo koje je poslao Kongresu prije tjedan dana, u kojem objavljuje da je FBI otkrio novu elektroničku poštu Hillary Clinton, vratila je neizvjesnost u utrku za Bijelu kuću koju vodi protiv Donalda Trumpa.
"Veoma sam zahvalan profesionalcima u FBI-ju koji su u kratkom vremenu obavili vrlo kvalitetan posao", zaključio je Comey.
Jennifer Palmieri, direktorica komunikacija Hillary Clinton, rekla je kako joj je "drago da je ta stvar riješena".
Donald Trump je tijekom svog skupa u Minneapolisu izrekao svoje klasične tvrdnje o Clinton, ne spominjući već objavljene vijesti o Comeyevom pismu.
"Hillary Clinton će još dugo, dugo vremena biti pod istragom", rekao je Trump, nakon čega su njegovi pobornici počeli uzvikivati "Zatvorite ju!".
melkior- Posts : 17503
Re: Topla zima
Juccer bas citao to i nisam mogao vjerovati..Kuja se lišo provukla,samo da Trump ne pobjedi..
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Re: Topla zima
[size=17]DC Whispers - NOVEMBER 7, 2016 6 Comments
Internal polling data is showing a remarkably strong trend in Donald Trump’s favor over the last week. So much so, Team Trump has been quietly coming to terms with the remarkable prospect of this country’s first 3rd Party candidate winning the presidency.
(That’s right, Donald Trump is as much a 3rd Party/Independent candidate as he is a Republican.)
Call it, “cautiously optimistic” which is far better than the mood inside Team Trump just a month earlier when the same internal polling data was showing Hillary Clinton building what many thought might be an insurmountable advantage.
Word is, the Clinton campaign has all but given up on Ohio, and near to doing the same in Florida, with North Carolina looking suspect for Team Clinton as well.
First, the black vote is down considerably over 2012 numbers – numbers many of the Mainstream Media polls have been using as a template for their polling samples. Hillary Clinton was never going to get out the black vote like Barack Obama, and yet the polling firms continued to sample as if she were which resulted in Hillary polling better than she actually is.
Second, the white voter turnout is said to be up – BIG-TIME, and Trump leads among white voters over Hillary – BIG TIME.
Third, Trump continues to show well among independent voters.
Fourth, Trump is doing better among female voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.
Lastly, Trump is doing better among Hispanic voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.
Moving on from North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio (three HUGE Trump wins if this internal polling data holds) there is the battle for Pennsylvania, a state that has long been considered Republican “fools gold” as it draws in a Republican presidential candidate’s time and resources, only to end up voting Democrat.
This time might be different, and here’s why. Outside of Philadelphia, Trump is polling extremely well. So well in fact, he might just overcome the Philly deficit and win the state – and Team Hillary knows it and is in a panic to add resources there to prevent that from happening. This resource shift has then made the Clinton campaign more vulnerable in places they never, until quite recently, thought they would be:
Virginia and Michigan.
The Trump campaign is said to be feeling increasingly confident they will get a win in at least one of those two states, though in the last 48-hours, some are thinking a 2/2 outcome is not only possible – but probable. There has been an upsurge in the old Reagan Democrats voting bloc who are showing seriously motivated enthusiasm for Donald Trump. It has been more than three decades since this segment of the Democrat Party has been so willing to vote for the Republican ticket, and though not as numerous as they were in the 1980’s, could still prove pivotal in securing Trump victories in historically blue states.
NOTE: Trump’s last-minute move into Wisconsin is strategic. We won’t say more than that for now. Let’s just see if the strategy works.
Working in Hillary’s favor is her formidable ground-game, and the Mainstream Media. The ground game will push to get votes out in critical districts in order to secure victory in the state should it be a close election, or, in some cases, make certain the means by which election fraud can be successfully carried out.
The second thing in Hillary’s favor will be the Mainstream Media. Look for the networks to engage in the same exit polling Republican voter suppression coverage they’ve utilized for the last few election cycles. They will announce Clinton’s state victories ASAP, while delaying the announcement of those states going to Trump. Yes, they do this and are happy to admit to it off the record. They want the appearance of a Clinton blowout as soon as possible to then push down Trump turnout in yet-to-vote states on Election Day – especially in places like Nevada and Colorado that might be Hillary Clinton’s firewall should the night be less than dominant for her early on.
The good news is that Team Trump is at this very moment, based on their own internals, looking upon a potential 300+ electoral map for Donald Trump.
The bad news is that Team Hillary knows that with a handful of states still very close, it may have the (nefarious) means at its disposal to make it probable the outcome favors them, and they will then be looking at the 300+ electoral final count.
If Donald Trump is to win at all, he must win BIG.
Team Trump now thinks they have a legitimate shot at doing just that.
Call it, “cautiously optimistic”
[size=17]DC Whispers - NOVEMBER 7, 2016 6 Comments
Internal polling data is showing a remarkably strong trend in Donald Trump’s favor over the last week. So much so, Team Trump has been quietly coming to terms with the remarkable prospect of this country’s first 3rd Party candidate winning the presidency.
(That’s right, Donald Trump is as much a 3rd Party/Independent candidate as he is a Republican.)
Call it, “cautiously optimistic” which is far better than the mood inside Team Trump just a month earlier when the same internal polling data was showing Hillary Clinton building what many thought might be an insurmountable advantage.
Word is, the Clinton campaign has all but given up on Ohio, and near to doing the same in Florida, with North Carolina looking suspect for Team Clinton as well.
First, the black vote is down considerably over 2012 numbers – numbers many of the Mainstream Media polls have been using as a template for their polling samples. Hillary Clinton was never going to get out the black vote like Barack Obama, and yet the polling firms continued to sample as if she were which resulted in Hillary polling better than she actually is.
Second, the white voter turnout is said to be up – BIG-TIME, and Trump leads among white voters over Hillary – BIG TIME.
Third, Trump continues to show well among independent voters.
Fourth, Trump is doing better among female voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.
Lastly, Trump is doing better among Hispanic voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.
Moving on from North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio (three HUGE Trump wins if this internal polling data holds) there is the battle for Pennsylvania, a state that has long been considered Republican “fools gold” as it draws in a Republican presidential candidate’s time and resources, only to end up voting Democrat.
This time might be different, and here’s why. Outside of Philadelphia, Trump is polling extremely well. So well in fact, he might just overcome the Philly deficit and win the state – and Team Hillary knows it and is in a panic to add resources there to prevent that from happening. This resource shift has then made the Clinton campaign more vulnerable in places they never, until quite recently, thought they would be:
Virginia and Michigan.
The Trump campaign is said to be feeling increasingly confident they will get a win in at least one of those two states, though in the last 48-hours, some are thinking a 2/2 outcome is not only possible – but probable. There has been an upsurge in the old Reagan Democrats voting bloc who are showing seriously motivated enthusiasm for Donald Trump. It has been more than three decades since this segment of the Democrat Party has been so willing to vote for the Republican ticket, and though not as numerous as they were in the 1980’s, could still prove pivotal in securing Trump victories in historically blue states.
NOTE: Trump’s last-minute move into Wisconsin is strategic. We won’t say more than that for now. Let’s just see if the strategy works.
Working in Hillary’s favor is her formidable ground-game, and the Mainstream Media. The ground game will push to get votes out in critical districts in order to secure victory in the state should it be a close election, or, in some cases, make certain the means by which election fraud can be successfully carried out.
The second thing in Hillary’s favor will be the Mainstream Media. Look for the networks to engage in the same exit polling Republican voter suppression coverage they’ve utilized for the last few election cycles. They will announce Clinton’s state victories ASAP, while delaying the announcement of those states going to Trump. Yes, they do this and are happy to admit to it off the record. They want the appearance of a Clinton blowout as soon as possible to then push down Trump turnout in yet-to-vote states on Election Day – especially in places like Nevada and Colorado that might be Hillary Clinton’s firewall should the night be less than dominant for her early on.
The good news is that Team Trump is at this very moment, based on their own internals, looking upon a potential 300+ electoral map for Donald Trump.
The bad news is that Team Hillary knows that with a handful of states still very close, it may have the (nefarious) means at its disposal to make it probable the outcome favors them, and they will then be looking at the 300+ electoral final count.
If Donald Trump is to win at all, he must win BIG.
Team Trump now thinks they have a legitimate shot at doing just that.
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Topla zima
svijet ošo u qrc,,zene rulaju najmocnijim drzavama svijeta,Moškije na aparatima i u podredjenom polozaju....
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Re: Topla zima
ona britanska kraljica npr je mozda najbogatija bestija na svijetu
И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming-
Posts : 9181
Re: Topla zima
ne nuzno..ionako moljakaju svake godine nes vise love za Kraljevsku obitelj..
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