Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
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Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
I to mi je ta EU military sad kad je Britanija izašla ?
Nemoj molim te.
Zbog mnogobrojnih problema sa raznolikom flotom transportnih aviona i njihovom nedovoljnnom dostupnošću, RV Francuske je bilo prinuđeno na načini jedan neobičan korak.
Kako je preneo francuski blog Air&Cosmos u operativnu upotrebu vraćen je jedan oldtajmer, transportni avion Noratlas 2501 evidencijskog broja 105 a za potrebe početne obuke padobranaca.
Več skoro nedelju dana ovaj avion je skoro svaki radni dan leteo za potrebe padobranskih jedinica gde su mnogi pripadnici ovog roda imali svoje prve skokove. Letovi su izvršavani sa aerodroma Biatric-Parma a na svakom letu je u avionu bilo oko 30 vojnika.
Ovaj primerak Noratlasa 2501 imao je svoj prvi let daleke 1956. godine a pre nekoliko godina je restauriran i vraćen u letno stanje u sastavu asocijacije ljubitelja avijacije u Merinjaku. Pri tom avion ima status istorijskog spomenika.
Noratlas 2501, proizvod nekadašnje firme Nord, imao je svoj prvi let 10. septembra 1949., uveden je u naoružanje 12. juna 1953 a od 1949. do 1961. proizvedeno je 425 aviona.
Iz RV Francuske povučen je 1989. a u svetu su ga koristila Ratna Vazduhoplovstva Angole, Čada, Džibutija, Grčke, Izraela, Mozambika, Nemačke, Nigera, Nigerije, Portugala, Ruande i Ugande.
Koristilo ga je i nekoliko civilnih kompanija iz Alžira, Dominikanse Republike, Ekvadora, Francuske, Nemačke i Zaira.
I pored toga što RV Francuske poseduje 9 teških A400M (naručeno 50), 42 srednja C-160R, 12 srednjih C-130H i H-30 (naručena 4 C-130J) i 27 lakih CN235-200/300 broj operativnih transportnih aviona je veoma mali.
Flota A400M je malobrojna, ovaj novi tip aviona ima tehničkih problema, još uvek je u razvoju i nije zvanično uveden u naoružanje a za sada ima ograničene opcije i sposobnosti kada je u pitanju desantiranje ljudstva.
Herkulesi imaju problema sa motorima, C-160 su stari i malo ih leti, flota CN235 je prenapregnuta a deo aviona se nalazi stacionirano van Francuske.
Nemoj molim te.
Zbog mnogobrojnih problema sa raznolikom flotom transportnih aviona i njihovom nedovoljnnom dostupnošću, RV Francuske je bilo prinuđeno na načini jedan neobičan korak.
Kako je preneo francuski blog Air&Cosmos u operativnu upotrebu vraćen je jedan oldtajmer, transportni avion Noratlas 2501 evidencijskog broja 105 a za potrebe početne obuke padobranaca.
Več skoro nedelju dana ovaj avion je skoro svaki radni dan leteo za potrebe padobranskih jedinica gde su mnogi pripadnici ovog roda imali svoje prve skokove. Letovi su izvršavani sa aerodroma Biatric-Parma a na svakom letu je u avionu bilo oko 30 vojnika.
Ovaj primerak Noratlasa 2501 imao je svoj prvi let daleke 1956. godine a pre nekoliko godina je restauriran i vraćen u letno stanje u sastavu asocijacije ljubitelja avijacije u Merinjaku. Pri tom avion ima status istorijskog spomenika.
Noratlas 2501, proizvod nekadašnje firme Nord, imao je svoj prvi let 10. septembra 1949., uveden je u naoružanje 12. juna 1953 a od 1949. do 1961. proizvedeno je 425 aviona.
Iz RV Francuske povučen je 1989. a u svetu su ga koristila Ratna Vazduhoplovstva Angole, Čada, Džibutija, Grčke, Izraela, Mozambika, Nemačke, Nigera, Nigerije, Portugala, Ruande i Ugande.
Koristilo ga je i nekoliko civilnih kompanija iz Alžira, Dominikanse Republike, Ekvadora, Francuske, Nemačke i Zaira.
I pored toga što RV Francuske poseduje 9 teških A400M (naručeno 50), 42 srednja C-160R, 12 srednjih C-130H i H-30 (naručena 4 C-130J) i 27 lakih CN235-200/300 broj operativnih transportnih aviona je veoma mali.
Flota A400M je malobrojna, ovaj novi tip aviona ima tehničkih problema, još uvek je u razvoju i nije zvanično uveden u naoružanje a za sada ima ograničene opcije i sposobnosti kada je u pitanju desantiranje ljudstva.
Herkulesi imaju problema sa motorima, C-160 su stari i malo ih leti, flota CN235 je prenapregnuta a deo aviona se nalazi stacionirano van Francuske.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
Nekoliko desetaka borbenih aviona Mirage 2000D iz sastava Francuskog ratnog zrakoplovstva provest će modernizaciju, odnosno MLU (mid-life upgrade), a nositelji projekta su Dassault Aviation i MBDA. Ugovor o modernizaciji obuhvaća 55 zrakoplova, a nalog je izdala francuska Agencija za vojne nabave, DGA.
Nadogradnja će uključivati modernizaciju avionike, ugradnju automatskog topa za napade na zemaljske ciljeve te zamjenu prethodne generacije raketa Magic.
Dodatne pojedinosti o modernizaciji nisu dostupne. Mirage 2000D prvi je put ušao u uporabu Francuskog ratnog zrakoplovstva još 1993. Nadogradnja će omogućiti operativnost avionima do 2030. godine i kasnije.
Izgleda da se pripremaju za neko malo vece shranje.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
Francuzi vec dvadesetak godina iznajmljuju od amera transportne avione. Pa i od Rusa,Ukrainaca itd....u Afriku su im Rusi prevozili opremu i slicno. Nije problem jos transport ljudi. Ali transport opreme je golem problem. A najveci problem je njihovo odbijanje kupovine strane opreme tog tipa. Naime kad god se to dogodilo u proslosti izbio je skandal jer smatraju nacionalnom sramotom kupovanje skupe vojne opreme van zemlje. (Iako ih razvoj dodje jos skuplje, pogotovo ako ne uspiju to nekome i prodati).
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Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
Dok sve obave muja ce biti cca 50%RayMabus wrote:Nekoliko desetaka borbenih aviona Mirage 2000D iz sastava Francuskog ratnog zrakoplovstva provest će modernizaciju, odnosno MLU (mid-life upgrade), a nositelji projekta su Dassault Aviation i MBDA. Ugovor o modernizaciji obuhvaća 55 zrakoplova, a nalog je izdala francuska Agencija za vojne nabave, DGA.Nadogradnja će uključivati modernizaciju avionike, ugradnju automatskog topa za napade na zemaljske ciljeve te zamjenu prethodne generacije raketa Magic.Dodatne pojedinosti o modernizaciji nisu dostupne. Mirage 2000D prvi je put ušao u uporabu Francuskog ratnog zrakoplovstva još 1993. Nadogradnja će omogućiti operativnost avionima do 2030. godine i kasnije. da se pripremaju za neko malo vece shranje.
Kom obojci kom opanci
Posts : 18912
Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
Pa sad.....Francuzi od svih vojnih sila imaju definitivno najbolji score u borbi s Islamistima :) barem ako je suditi po Africi u zadnjih 3 desetljeca. Shema je sto kad oni idu u operacije protiv istih, zabrane televizijskim kucama da se zadrzavaju na podrucju operacija i tako. Pa onda nema slika i snimaka iz tih podrucja....samim time niti nekih dokaza o potencijalnim....nedaj boze prekoracenjima ovlasti ili pravila ratovanja i slicno.
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Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
On 1 April 2016, ADS confirmed that it was working to resolve manufacturing faults affecting fourteen propeller gear boxes (PGBs) produced by TP400 supplier Europrop International (EPI) in the first half of 2015. The gearboxes are made by Italian supplier Avio Aero, owned by General Electric. The issue involved a specific heat treatment process in manufacturing that adversely affected the strength of the ring gear; no other PGBs before or since were affected and the units involved either have been or are being changed. Airbus noted that "pending full replacement of the batch, any aircraft can continue to fly with no more than one affected propeller gear box installed and is subject to continuing inspections." Another PGB issue involves cracking of the input pinion plug, which in some cases can result in the release of small metallic particles into the oil system, where they are detected by a magnetic chip detector. Only engines 1 and 3, which have propellers that rotate to the right, are affected. The European Aviation Safety Agency has issued an Airworthiness Directive mandating immediate on-wing inspection, followed by replacement if evidence of damage is found, or else return-to-service and continuing inspections.[41][42] On 27 April 2016, when delivering Q1 2016 financial results, Airbus warned there could be a significant cost in repairing the gearbox.[43] In June 2016, two German A400Ms – aircraft 54-01 (received in December 2014) and 54-02 (received in December 2014) – were temporarily grounded after inspections found heavy engine wear in the clockwise rotation PGBs after only 365 and 189 hours of operations respectively.[44] An interim fix for this PGB issue was certified in July 2016, which extends the inspection phase from 100 hours to 650 hours, with follow-up inspections every 150 hours, up from 20 hours.[45]
On 13 May 2016, Airbus confirmed that an unknown cracking behaviour that had already been identified during quality control checks in 2011 was found in an aluminium fuselage part of a French A400M; the issue did not affect flight safety and repairs could be incorporated into regular maintenance and upgrade schedules.[46][47] The aluminum alloy, known as 7X6, has been used in a number of frames in the aircraft’s centre; the alloy’s chemistry, along with environmental conditions, resulted in small cracks propagating into the frames. A decision has been made to exclude the material from MSN70 onwards, an aircraft that will emerge from the production line in 2017. A retrospective process to remove the material from aircraft already in service is now being defined. The swap could take up to seven months.[48]
On 29 May 2016, Airbus chief Tom Enders conceded in an interview published in Bild am Sonntag that some of the "massive problems" dogging the A400M were of the group’s own making. He said "We underestimated the engine problems" and "Airbus had let itself be persuaded by some well-known European leaders into using an engine made by an inexperienced consortium." Furthermore, it had let itself be roped into assuming full responsibility for this new type of turbo-prop engine, he continued. "These are two massive problems which we’re now paying for."[49] On 27 July 2016 Airbus confirmed that it had taken a $1 billion financial charge on the A400M programme, in the light of delivery problems and export market prospects. It noted that “Commercial negotiations with OCCAR and the nations are yet to take place with regard to the revised delivery schedule and its implications.”[50] Tom Enders commented “Industrial efficiency and the step-wise introduction of the A400M’s military functionalities are still lagging behind schedule and remain challenging.”
On 1 April 2016, ADS confirmed that it was working to resolve manufacturing faults affecting fourteen propeller gear boxes (PGBs) produced by TP400 supplier Europrop International (EPI) in the first half of 2015. The gearboxes are made by Italian supplier Avio Aero, owned by General Electric. The issue involved a specific heat treatment process in manufacturing that adversely affected the strength of the ring gear; no other PGBs before or since were affected and the units involved either have been or are being changed. Airbus noted that "pending full replacement of the batch, any aircraft can continue to fly with no more than one affected propeller gear box installed and is subject to continuing inspections." Another PGB issue involves cracking of the input pinion plug, which in some cases can result in the release of small metallic particles into the oil system, where they are detected by a magnetic chip detector. Only engines 1 and 3, which have propellers that rotate to the right, are affected. The European Aviation Safety Agency has issued an Airworthiness Directive mandating immediate on-wing inspection, followed by replacement if evidence of damage is found, or else return-to-service and continuing inspections.[41][42] On 27 April 2016, when delivering Q1 2016 financial results, Airbus warned there could be a significant cost in repairing the gearbox.[43] In June 2016, two German A400Ms – aircraft 54-01 (received in December 2014) and 54-02 (received in December 2014) – were temporarily grounded after inspections found heavy engine wear in the clockwise rotation PGBs after only 365 and 189 hours of operations respectively.[44] An interim fix for this PGB issue was certified in July 2016, which extends the inspection phase from 100 hours to 650 hours, with follow-up inspections every 150 hours, up from 20 hours.[45]
On 13 May 2016, Airbus confirmed that an unknown cracking behaviour that had already been identified during quality control checks in 2011 was found in an aluminium fuselage part of a French A400M; the issue did not affect flight safety and repairs could be incorporated into regular maintenance and upgrade schedules.[46][47] The aluminum alloy, known as 7X6, has been used in a number of frames in the aircraft’s centre; the alloy’s chemistry, along with environmental conditions, resulted in small cracks propagating into the frames. A decision has been made to exclude the material from MSN70 onwards, an aircraft that will emerge from the production line in 2017. A retrospective process to remove the material from aircraft already in service is now being defined. The swap could take up to seven months.[48]
On 29 May 2016, Airbus chief Tom Enders conceded in an interview published in Bild am Sonntag that some of the "massive problems" dogging the A400M were of the group’s own making. He said "We underestimated the engine problems" and "Airbus had let itself be persuaded by some well-known European leaders into using an engine made by an inexperienced consortium." Furthermore, it had let itself be roped into assuming full responsibility for this new type of turbo-prop engine, he continued. "These are two massive problems which we’re now paying for."[49] On 27 July 2016 Airbus confirmed that it had taken a $1 billion financial charge on the A400M programme, in the light of delivery problems and export market prospects. It noted that “Commercial negotiations with OCCAR and the nations are yet to take place with regard to the revised delivery schedule and its implications.”[50] Tom Enders commented “Industrial efficiency and the step-wise introduction of the A400M’s military functionalities are still lagging behind schedule and remain challenging.”
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Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
nevalja motor na novom avionu i talijani napravili loš prijenos, melje zupčanike, i 12 tona je pretežak
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Re: Francuska vojska na aparatima : Francuska vratila u aktivnu upotrebu oldtajmer transporter Noratlas 2501
EU militar od kurza. Idu napravit teški transporteri onda Talijani ne znaju napravit ležajeve da izdrže potrebno opterecenje nego puca.
RayMabus- Posts : 184105
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