Twin Peaks (2017.)
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ithildin wrote:Vegvísir wrote:Ithildin wrote:Hmm, ima teorija prema kojoj je Twin Peaks bio, zapravo, Bijela loža, jer W. Earl (kad je spominje) govori o njoj u perfektu.
Kao nekakav davno izgubljeni raj? Da, moguće... Ja sam nekako zamišljala da obje lože postoje istovremeno u Twin Peaksu (možda čak i na geografski istom prostoru) samo na različitim razinama (nad)realiteta.
Tren, pronašla! :) Baš spominju taj dio o Bijeloj kao Twin Peaksu i navode Earlovo spominjanje u perfektu..
Dosta smisleno i koherentno zvuči objašnjenje.
Međutim, ono što me i dalje muči tu je da premda Windon Earle o njoj govori u perfektu, na dnu stranice mi je zapelo za oko da je Hawk spominje u prezentu.
"My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the spirits that rule man and nature here reside. There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge ... the shadow-self of the White Lodge. The legend says that every spirit must pass through there on the way to perfection. There, you will meet your own shadow-self... But it is said, if you confront the Black Lodge with imperfect courage, it will utterly annihilate your soul."
E sad, Hawk svoje informacije je crpio narodnom predajom, kao što je i Earle svoje crpio kopajući i istražujući (možda i iz istih izvora?) Također se spominje relacija Major Briggs - Windom Earle, kao krajnja suprotnost dvaju crno-bijelih likova; jednog potpuno čistog i neiskvarenog, a drugog krajnje zlog. Odmah mi tu na um pada ona gore postavljena slika Major Briggsa na prijestolju u Edenlike okruženju. Je li on prošavši kroz Black Lodge probio svoj put i do White Lodge? Kao što mi smisleno zvuči prvo objašnjenje, jednako tako mi je uvjerljivo i postojanje White Lodge. Intrigira me takav koncept.
P.S. Sve mi se čini da ću svakako morati ponovno pogledati Lost Highway, zainteresirala me vaša rasprava.
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Vegvísir wrote:Ithildin wrote:Vegvísir wrote:Ithildin wrote:Hmm, ima teorija prema kojoj je Twin Peaks bio, zapravo, Bijela loža, jer W. Earl (kad je spominje) govori o njoj u perfektu.
Kao nekakav davno izgubljeni raj? Da, moguće... Ja sam nekako zamišljala da obje lože postoje istovremeno u Twin Peaksu (možda čak i na geografski istom prostoru) samo na različitim razinama (nad)realiteta.
Tren, pronašla! :) Baš spominju taj dio o Bijeloj kao Twin Peaksu i navode Earlovo spominjanje u perfektu..
Dosta smisleno i koherentno zvuči objašnjenje.
Međutim, ono što me i dalje muči tu je da premda Windon Earle o njoj govori u perfektu, na dnu stranice mi je zapelo za oko da je Hawk spominje u prezentu.
"My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the spirits that rule man and nature here reside. There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge ... the shadow-self of the White Lodge. The legend says that every spirit must pass through there on the way to perfection. There, you will meet your own shadow-self... But it is said, if you confront the Black Lodge with imperfect courage, it will utterly annihilate your soul."
E sad, Hawk svoje informacije je crpio narodnom predajom, kao što je i Earle svoje crpio kopajući i istražujući (možda i iz istih izvora?) Također se spominje relacija Major Briggs - Windom Earle, kao krajnja suprotnost dvaju crno-bijelih likova; jednog potpuno čistog i neiskvarenog, a drugog krajnje zlog. Odmah mi tu na um pada ona gore postavljena slika Major Briggsa na prijestolju u Edenlike okruženju. Je li on prošavši kroz Black Lodge probio svoj put i do White Lodge? Kao što mi smisleno zvuči prvo objašnjenje, jednako tako mi je uvjerljivo i postojanje White Lodge. Intrigira me takav koncept.
P.S. Sve mi se čini da ću svakako morati ponovno pogledati Lost Highway, zainteresirala me vaša rasprava.
Točno. S pravom si se upitala.. :) Malo sam čitala dalje što piše na ovoj stranici i naišla sam na pojašnjenje Earlovog znanja. Vrlo zanimljivo!
Windom Earle
Recall the importance of the substance Haliperidol. Haliperidol is used by Gerard to keep Mike from inhabiting his body -- it is the 'cure' for his 'mental illness'. Apparently Haliperidol prevents spirit possession. Windom Earle also used Haliperidol after killing Caroline, and it is suspected that he did so to fake his own insanity. But I think that he too was actually using Haliperidol to avoid possession. When Earle first came to TP as part of Project Bluebook, the WL spirits recognised that his heart was pure (although there was no way of knowing what was actually in his heart), and so they originally tried to possess Earle and use Earle to find out about the BL. Earle was then being inhabited from time to time by a WL spirit. This involvement gave Earle a great deal of knowledge about the Lodges, but he decided that he wanted to enter the BL for himself in order to gain its power. To stop the WL spirits from entering his body he began to use Haliperidol. It looked to others as though the Haliperidol was causing him to act insane, but in fact the Haliperidol was simply allowing his natural evil and insanity to express itself. In fact, Earle is still using Haliperidol to this day, as implied by the fact that he injects the Major and Leo with it. After their failure with Earle, the WL spirits began to focus on the other member of the Bluebook team with a pure heart -- the Major.
The Owls are not what they seem, as is repeated in the series. I propose that they are actually servants of the Lodges. Initially, the Owls worked for the WL spirits, and their job was to scout for love. It is possible that they are also able to collect love and transform it into water. I don't believe that these actually are Owls, rather they are servant spirits (also known as 'familiars') that take possession of the Owls. There are still some Owls working for the WL, but most have been taken over by BL spirits now, and their role is to scout for and harness fear rather than love. The Owls do not create fear, but they seek it, and either report back to the spirits or harness the fear for them. When Earle learns that fear opens the gateway to the BL (ep28) he exclaims "Of course! These night creatures that hover on the edge of our nightmares are drawn to us when we radiate fear, their bread and butter!" I think here he is referring specifically to the Owls as the night-time creatures on the edge of our nightmares. Note that Owls do appear several times as visions in nightmares (eg. to Coop in ep9). Recall also that: the Log Lady heard the same Owl call on the night her husband died and on the night Laura died (ep24), an Owl watches as Leo terrorises Shelley in ep21, when Coop and the others visit the Log Lady (in ep5) she takes them inside and says "The Owls won't see us in here", then the log tells the story of what happened on the night Laura died : as there were screams in the darkness "the Owls were flying" and "the Owls were near". The reason I believe that there are still some WL Owls is that the Owls are linked to the abduction of Major Briggs. The Owl appears to Coop in the woods (ep17) and the Major remembers a giant Owl that is "big enough to cloud [his] mind and memory" (ep20). If the Major is being abducted by WL spirits, then they too seem to take the form of Owls. The Major describes the Owl image as 'disturbing', but he doesn't seem to fear it in the way that people who have visions of BL spirits do.
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ja sam pogledao Lost Highway prije 15 godina na vhs-u ali ga se sjećam ko da sam ga gledao jučer, a ponovno ga više nikad neću pogledati jer nisam mazohist
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Jednom? Prije 15g? You know nothing, Jon Snow.. :-P
I ne plasi Veg umisljenim traumama. :-D
I ne plasi Veg umisljenim traumama. :-D
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Očito sam ga trebao pogledati 10 puta i u bilježnicu zabilježiti svaku scenu, pa sve to proučavati godinama
A vjerujem da mi se ne bi svidio ni sada,15 godina kasnije. I tada sam bio dovoljno zrel za prosuđivanje kvalitete filma
Evo, da ne bi ispalo da baš mrzim sve u vezi ovog filma, recimo da mi je soundtrack od Lost Highway dobar. Dajem mu solidnu četvorku.
A vjerujem da mi se ne bi svidio ni sada,15 godina kasnije. I tada sam bio dovoljno zrel za prosuđivanje kvalitete filma
Evo, da ne bi ispalo da baš mrzim sve u vezi ovog filma, recimo da mi je soundtrack od Lost Highway dobar. Dajem mu solidnu četvorku.
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Jee, vidis da ima nesto pozitivno. :-D Ma soundtrack je uvijek dobar. :-) Sto je samo napravio od Orbisonovih njeznih balada. :-) Kako ih dobro uklapa u filmove..
Nego, u LH-u najdrazi mi je cover T. Buckleya od This Mortal Coila. Draguljcic! :-)
Nego, u LH-u najdrazi mi je cover T. Buckleya od This Mortal Coila. Draguljcic! :-)
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ovo je isto lijepo i smirujuće.
A ovo je ja mislim i najbolji "normalni" film od Davida
A ovo je ja mislim i najbolji "normalni" film od Davida
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Vegvísir wrote:
Da, bas je ovo jedna od scena u kojoj osjecamo razaranje iluzije. Ljubavna balada koristi se u zlokobnom kontekstu, a playback taj predstojeci horor dodatno naglasava. Zamijeti kako u MD-u imamo dvostruku opsjenu. Pjevacica na spanjolskom, playbackom, izvodi Crying dok "mrtva" lezi na podu.
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Deda(Richard Farnsworth) iz The Straight Story je stvarno bio odličan glumac.
Blue Welvet ću morati ponovno pogledati jer sam ga gledao davno, ali mi se i ko djetetu svidio
A Mullholand Drive ima valjda najbolju ljubavnu scenu ikada u kojem su dvije žene. Stvarno me se dojmila
Blue Welvet ću morati ponovno pogledati jer sam ga gledao davno, ali mi se i ko djetetu svidio
A Mullholand Drive ima valjda najbolju ljubavnu scenu ikada u kojem su dvije žene. Stvarno me se dojmila
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ithildin wrote:
Baš čituckam malo po ovoj stranici, sviđa mi se
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Vegvísir wrote:Ithildin wrote:
Baš čituckam malo po ovoj stranici, sviđa mi se
Drago mi je. :-) Procitah onu knjigu. Najdraza mi je analiza Plavog barsuna, te usporedba Divlji u srcu i Straight Story..
Evo jednog clanka. :-)
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ne znam jesi li vidjela, ali od sinoć je Twin Peaks na HRT3, oko 23:45, a repriza je ujutro oko 8:00.
Hvala na linku, baš čituckam!
Hvala na linku, baš čituckam!
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Vidjeh! Bas nakon Star Treka. :-) Ali pogledala sam ono nedavno repriziranje pa mi se ne da opet. Inace, ujutro je takodjer repriza. :-D
Fora su mi takvi clanci. Divim se, katkad, koliko znaju biti bogati detaljima i potpuno zanimljivim i smislenim tumacenjima. Cesto pomislim da nema loseg filma/serije, samo nemastovitih gledatelja. :-)
Jesi skicala True Detective, prvu sezonu? Druga sezona bila je svojevrsni hommage TP-u. :-) Tako je vidjeh.
Fora su mi takvi clanci. Divim se, katkad, koliko znaju biti bogati detaljima i potpuno zanimljivim i smislenim tumacenjima. Cesto pomislim da nema loseg filma/serije, samo nemastovitih gledatelja. :-)
Jesi skicala True Detective, prvu sezonu? Druga sezona bila je svojevrsni hommage TP-u. :-) Tako je vidjeh.
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Kak je vrijeme proletjelo. jos samo par mjeseci do izlaska nove sezone!
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
21.5 tek
Sad je trebala izaći nova sezona, a ne kad bude vani 25 lijepo vrijeme. Ugođaj bi bio bolji
Sad je trebala izaći nova sezona, a ne kad bude vani 25 lijepo vrijeme. Ugođaj bi bio bolji
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Re: Twin Peaks (2017.)
Ithildin wrote:Miguel Ferrer.. :( RIP
Jaoo, pa ja tek sad ovo vidim... RIP
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