NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
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NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Long-time readers of Liberty Blitzkrieg will be no strangers to Bill Binney, one of the earliest NSA whistleblowers. Well before anyone had ever heard of Edward Snowden, in July 2012, I posted the following: NSA Whistleblower: U.S. Government Creating Dossiers on Millions of Citizens. In it, I noted:At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the U.S. This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.
- NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney
Mr. Binney thankfully has never stopped fighting for The Constitution that he swore to defend, unlike most other government officials who happily stomp all over the basic civil liberties enshrined in our founding document. He had some very choice words recently and it would be wise for all of us on planet earth to pay very close attention. We learn from the Guardian that:Bill Binney is no joke. He worked for the NSA for 30 years before resigning because of concerns he had regarding illegal spying on U.S. citizens in 2001. It seems that the claim I and many others have made for years, that the “War on Terror” is a gigantic fraud used to instill fear and further the creation of an unconstitutional surveillance state in America is absolutely true. The “terrorists” they have declared war on are the American people themselves.
Yep, as noted in the post: NSA Chief Admits “Only One or Perhaps Two” Terror Plots Stopped by Spy Program. Now back to the Guardian article.William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance.
“At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”
The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.
He praised the revelations and bravery of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and told me that he had indirect contact with a number of other NSA employees who felt disgusted with the agency’s work. They’re keen to speak out but fear retribution and exile, not unlike Snowden himself, who is likely to remain there for some time.
It shows that the NSA is not just pursuing terrorism, as it claims, but ordinary citizens going about their daily communications. “The NSA is mass-collecting on everyone”, Binney said, “and it’s said to be about terrorism but inside the US it has stopped zero attacks.”
Well, I question the entire ISIS story and personally wonder if the U.S. is not perfectly fine with what is happening over there as a justification to future crackdown on civil liberties in the name of “fighting ISIS.”“The Fisa court has only the government’s point of view”, he argued. “There are no other views for the judges to consider. There have been at least 15-20 trillion constitutional violations for US domestic audiences and you can double that globally.”
Binney recently told the German NSA inquiry committee that his former employer had a “totalitarian mentality” that was the “greatest threat” to US society since that country’s US Civil War in the 19th century. Despite this remarkable power, Binney still mocked the NSA’s failures, including missing this year’s Russian intervention in Ukraine and the Islamic State’s take-over of Iraq.
Now watch this interview of Bill Binney from 2012:With evidence that there could be a second NSA leaker, the time for more aggressive reporting is now. As Binney said: “I call people who are covering up NSA crimes traitors”.
"Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal"
shaby- Posts : 284
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Mene to uopće ne čudi. Google ( i ne samo on) skenira naše mailove, Facebook radi potajno psihološke testove na korisnicima...etc...etc...
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
90% onih koje špijunira NSA nisu njeni ''legitimni ciljevi'' već nedužni internet korisnici
Ostale vesti, 09.07.2014, 08:28 AM
Ostale vesti, 09.07.2014, 08:28 AM
NSA prikuplja daleko više sadržaja iz komunikacija običnih korisnika, kako Amerikanaca, tako i onih koji nisu građani SAD, nego što je to slučaj sa njenim “legalnim ciljevima”, stranim državljanima koji su predmet namenskog nadzora NSA.
Ovo je otkrila četvoromesečna istraga koju je sproveo Vašington Posttokom koje je analizirana ogromna kolekcija komunikacija koje je presretala američka Nacionalna agencija za bezbednost (NSA).
Devet od deset naloga koji su pronađeni u sačuvanim presretnutim komunikacijama, koje je bivši saradnik NSA Edvard Snouden dostavio Postu, ne pripadaju ciljevima čiju komunikaciju NSA planirano nadzire, već je reč o komunikacijama koje su “uhvaćene u mrežu koju je agencija postavila za nekog drugog”, navodi Vašington Post.
Mnogi od njih su Amerikanci. Skoro polovina prikupljenih fajlova sadrži imena, email adrese i druge informacije na osnovu kojih se lako zaključuje da pripadaju američkim državljanima ili stanovnicima SAD. To znači da je NSA jasno znala čije podatke prikuplja, iako agencija tvrdi suprotno.
Kada je reč o podacima koje je NSA prikupila od svojih pravih ciljeva, oni često imaju veliku obaveštajnu vrednost. Primera radi, među podacima koje je analizirao Post, nalaze se i informacije od tajnom nuklearnom projektu u inostranstvu, identiteti agresivnih uljeza u američke kompjuterske mreže, informacije koje otkrivaju dvoličnost saveznika i druge.
Još jedan primer koji navodi Post, iako na zahtev CIA ne navodi detalje da ne bi ugrozio istragu, je praćenje komunikacije više od 50 naloga tokom nekoliko meseci, koje je NSA dovelo do bombaša Muahameda Tahira Šazada i Umara Pateka, koji su 2011. uhapšeni u Pakistanu. Patek je već bio osumnjičen za teroristički bombaški napad na indonežanskom ostrvu Bali 2002. godine.
Materijal u koji je Post imao uvid uključuje 160000 presretnutih emailova i poruka, kao i skoro 8000 dokumenata prikupljenih sa 11000 online naloga u periodu od 2009. do 2012. godine.
Komunikacije 10000 ljudi koji nisu bili na spisku ciljeva koje je NSA planirano špijunirala, su presretnute i sačuvane, a taj materijal sadrži gotovo voajerske detalje, kao što su oni o ljubavnim vezama, raskidima, nedozvoljenim seksualnim vezama, psihičkim problemima, zatim, razgovore o politici i religiji, finansijskim problemima i izneverenim nadama vlasnika naloga koji uopšte nisu bili "legitimni ciljevi" NSA.
Tu je i skoro 5000 fotografija koje su presretnute na isti način, što ovo narušavanje privatnosti internet korisnika od strane NSA čini još ozbiljnijim.
Prema američkom zakonu, NSA može da nadzire komunikacije samo stranih državljana koji žive u inostranstvu.
NSA je odbila da potvrdi ili opovrgne autentičnost sadržaja koje je Snouden dostavio Postu.
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
ma u pravu si,ali gle mene spijuniraju skoro svi,a pri tome ne mislims amo na ljude nego i puno mocnija bica,samo imaju jedan problem,a to je da mogu biti unisteni,a pri tome mislim i ta mocnija bicaTrinity wrote:Mene to uopće ne čudi. Google ( i ne samo on) skenira naše mailove, Facebook radi potajno psihološke testove na korisnicima...etc...etc...
mislim mene mogu recimo ubiti,ali me ne mogu zaustaviti,jer recimo ako ja pokrenem nesto oni to ne mogu zaustaviti,necu reci sto oni znaju,a ljudi sto reci oni su smrtni,kao i ja sada kadke stoka sitnog zuba bi se reklo
da cilj je porobiti ljude,recimo oduzeti im slobodnu volju,nesto slicno,da budu robovi,da se poklone luciferu,vragu,sotoni itd,e vidis ja imam jedan problem ja bi njega recimo unistio i to mi je jedna od opcija
jer tko napada jedne neka i sam bude unisten,to je pravedno
Trinity gledaj ljudi su samo oruđe,msilim na te trule sitne duse koje rade za slo,ali gle foru,"oni"ptri tome mislim na lucifera i pale anđele,pa oni ce pobiti i jedne i druge,boli njih neka stvar bi se reklo ako ih ovi sluze,jer kada umru imaju nihove duse,a onda vjecno su robovi,da busde jasnije koliko to moze biti,pa recimo daako Biog dopusti to moze znaciti i recimo milijarde milijardi godina
dakle cilj je porobiti ljude,oduzeti im njihove duse,to jest na neki nacin njih
pa receno je pise u biblije tijelo ce umrijeti ali duh nece,nego se ide recimo na SUd Bozji,ali ako si dao svoj duh,susu necastivom,e onda si u banani,jer ovih sto godina sto se recimo zivi je kap u moru na ono sto ce biti kasnije,dakle na vjecnost
Posts : 573
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
daj ti meni reci nesto,zar stvarno mislis da su ljudi izmislili taj plan?Trinity wrote:Mene to uopće ne čudi. Google ( i ne samo on) skenira naše mailove, Facebook radi potajno psihološke testove na korisnicima...etc...etc...
Posts : 573
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Posts : 573
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Nikad dovoljno psihijatara.Iknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Guest- Guest
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
nejdi psihijatru covjece imas ljude za to,a ako imas nekoga sa razvijenuim Umom,moze ti pomocivon_Starhemberg wrote:Nikad dovoljno psihijatara.Iknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
ajmo biti i iskreni smjer psihijatrije je samo kao kap u moru u odnosu na Um
Um je more,a psihijatrija kap,dakle uzaludno potraziti pomoc od kapi kada se mozes okupati u Umu
ako nisi znas americki psihijatri su u proslom stoljecu proglasili homoseksualnost normalnim stanjem
dakle o psihijatrima ide ona poznata odvjetnicka zavrsna misao,i rest my case
covjece ti si kao studirao povijest,navodno rpedajes povijest puno si kniga modza procitao,daj mir eci sto ti uopce znas o povijesti,kada ne citas sa razumijevanjem
akoc es raditi na razvitku svoga Uma nece tit rebati skoro nikakva pomoc,bar stos e tice mentalnsog stanja,do onda ostal budalast ako ti je to cilj,ionako vecina ljude je takva a kuda mali ivo ,tuda i ti kako vidim
ps,meni te zao koliko si nisko u svojoj spoznaji u odnosu na mnoge ljude
Posts : 573
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
I kažeš crni kriv?Iknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Misliš da ljudi ne mogu doći na takvu ideju?
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
ma mozda ne bi mogli,zato je mozda i napisana Biblija da ljudi vide istinu da znaju protiv koga se bore dakle ne protiv krvi i mena nego duha koje nije smrtan,ali se zato moze unistiti,hehehheTrinity wrote:I kažeš crni kriv?Iknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Misliš da ljudi ne mogu doći na takvu ideju?
Posts : 573
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
ZbljuvIknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Ovdje koda sam u Grimmove price zalutala
A politički kao neki forum
Sora- Posts : 23839
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Sora wrote:Zbljuv
Jel to onaj višak ženstvenosti što te krasi?
Inače, di si ? Da daš političku i svaku drugu ozbiljnost ovom forumu?
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
[size=16]NSA Employees Rotinely Pass Around Intercepted Nude Photos
"You've got young enlisted guys, 18 to 22 years old. They've suddenly been thrust into a position of extraordinary responsibility where they now have access to all of your private records," he said in the video interview.
"During the course of their daily work they stumble upon something that is completely unrelated to their work in any sort of necessary sense – for example, an intimate nude photo of someone of in a sexually compromising situation, but they're extremely attractive. So what they do? They turn around in their chair and show their co-worker."
“The co-worker says: ‘Hey that's great. Send that to Bill down the way.’ And then Bill sends it to George and George sends it to Tom. And sooner or later this person's whole life has been seen by all of these other people. It's never reported.”
When Guardian's Alan Rusbridger asked Snowden, “You saw instances of that happening?”
Snowden responded positively saying, “Yeah.”
“It's routine enough, depending on the company that you keep, it could be more or less frequent," Snowden says. "These are seen as the fringe benefits of surveillance positions."
The person’s whose private life has been exposed never know about it, because the internal auditing procedures at the NSA are incredibly weak that there is no comeback of those intercepted naked photos.
“The fact that your private images, records of your private lives, records of your intimate moments have been taken from your private communications stream from the intended recipient and given to the government without any specific authorization without any specific need is itself a violation of your rights,” he added and questioned, “Why is that in a government database?”
Edward Snowden said cloud storage service Dropbox is "hostile to privacy," and called for more companies to offer services that prevent government snooping.
Snowden spread light on the cloud storage provider company, Spideroak, which offers greater protection to its users. The only fact behind it is that the company stores all the users data for backups, but in an encrypted form. So, its employees do not have access to the encrypted user data. Also if the government ask for user data, the company cannot hand over any meaningful or decrypted content.
Snowden calls Dropbox, a "PRISM wannabe." He asserted that the cloud storage Dropbox has recently appointed former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to its board of directors, who Snowden said is “hostile to privacy” and described her as "the most anti-privacy official you can imagine."
Accountants, lawyers, and doctors should all level up their skills, Snowden said, and journalists in particular should be aware that a single slip up could compromise their sources.
Snowden addressed a number of things, noting that if he ended up in US prison facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, he could “live with” that. He again dismissed any claim that he was or is a Russian spy or agent, describing those allegations “bullshit.”
"I'm not going to presume to know what a jury would think, or to say what they should or should not think. But I think it's fair to say that there are reasonable and enduring questions about the extent of these surveillance programs, how they should be applied and that should be the focus of any trial," he said.
The 31-year-old former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor [url=http://thehackernews.com/search/label/Edward Snowden]Edward Snowden[/url] has warned that during surveillance, among other things, NSA system administrators also intercepted and routinely passed the nude photos of people in "sexually compromising" situations among other NSA employees.
In a video interview, NSA whistleblower speaks with the Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger and reporter Ewen MacAskill in Moscow, which was then published by the Guardian on Thursday.
he NSA’s spokesperson said such activity wouldn’t be tolerated, but didn’t explicitly deny the Snowden’s claim.
The 31-year-old former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor [url=http://thehackernews.com/search/label/Edward Snowden]Edward Snowden[/url] has warned that during surveillance, among other things, NSA system administrators also intercepted and routinely passed the nude photos of people in "sexually compromising" situations among other NSA employees.
In a video interview, NSA whistleblower speaks with the Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger and reporter Ewen MacAskill in Moscow, which was then published by the Guardian on Thursday.
he NSA’s spokesperson said such activity wouldn’t be tolerated, but didn’t explicitly deny the Snowden’s claim.
“NSA is a professional foreign-intelligence organization with a highly trained workforce, including brave and dedicated men and women from our armed forces,” said spokesperson Vanee Vines by email. “As we have said before, the agency has zero tolerance for willful violations of the agency’s authorities or professional standards, and would respond as appropriate to any credible allegations of misconduct.”
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
ma stvarno a ja mislio kada pricam sa tobom da gledam film"glup gluplji" a onda skuzim pa oni tamo glume,to su glumci,a ti si kako se kaze zaistacSora wrote:ZbljuvIknar wrote:pa Lucifer naravno,dakle pali anđeo,Trinity wrote:A tko drugi?
ljudi su samo sluge koji to provode
Ovdje koda sam u Grimmove price zalutala
A politički kao neki forum
Posts : 573
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
We all are aware of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance program to track non-Americans. Thanks to former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who provided confidential documents about the widely spread surveillance programs conducted by the government intelligence agency such as NSA and GCHQ.
A recent story about NSA surveillance broke when a German public broadcaster ARD published that the Agency is using its surveillance program XKeyScore to target users who use encryption and traffic anonymizing software, including Tor Network for anonymous Web browsing and Linux-based Tails operating system in an effort to keep tracks of people outside the US.
XKeyScore is a powerful NSA surveillance program that collects and sorts intercepted data, which came to limelight in documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden last summer, but the greater detail in an investigation conducted by American security expert and Tor Project member Jacob Appelbaum, Aaron Gibsom, and Leif Ryge shows that how the agency monitors people trying to protect their privacy online, may have not come from the documents Snowden provided to journalists.
A recent story about NSA surveillance broke when a German public broadcaster ARD published that the Agency is using its surveillance program XKeyScore to target users who use encryption and traffic anonymizing software, including Tor Network for anonymous Web browsing and Linux-based Tails operating system in an effort to keep tracks of people outside the US.
XKeyScore is a powerful NSA surveillance program that collects and sorts intercepted data, which came to limelight in documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden last summer, but the greater detail in an investigation conducted by American security expert and Tor Project member Jacob Appelbaum, Aaron Gibsom, and Leif Ryge shows that how the agency monitors people trying to protect their privacy online, may have not come from the documents Snowden provided to journalists.
Tor network offers users browse the Internet anonymously and is mostly used by activists, journalists to conceal their online activities from prying eyes. Whereas, Tails is a live media Linux distro designed boot into a highly secure desktop environment and is different because it is aimed at the privacy conscious “normal user” rather than government workers.
The documents for the NSA’s XKeyscore Internet surveillance system also indicate that the NSA was apparently capturing the traffic of anyone reading a wide range of articles on Linux Journal website and gathering up information of the visitors.
The documents provided by Snowden on X-Keyscore last year indicated that the surveillance program allowed NSA officials to obtain a person's phone number or email address, read the content of email, and track full Internet activity including browsing history without bothering the need of any warrant.
The analysis of the top-secret source code for X-Keyscore the NSA uses to conduct internet surveillance indicates that the program targeted at least two German Tor Directory Authority servers, one based in Berlin and the other in Nuremberg, as well as individuals using Tor.
It’s not just Tor and Tails the NSA is collecting data from. The report also reveals this code:
/*These variables define terms and websites relating to the TAILs (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) software program, a comsec mechanism advocated by extremists on extremist forums. */
$TAILS_terms=word('tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System') and word('linux' or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');
$TAILS_websites=('tails.boum.org/') or ('linuxjournal.com/content/linux*');
"Months of investigation by the German public television broadcasters NDR and WDR (ARD), drawing on exclusive access to top secret NSA source code, interviews with former NSA employees, and the review of secret documents of the German government reveal that not only is the server in Nuremberg under observation by the NSA, but so is virtually anyone who has taken an interest in several well-known privacy software systems," reads the ARD report.
However, the source code also reveals that the NSA has targeted a German student who runs a Tor node, under the XKeyscore program. Still, it is unclear how ARD obtained the NSA source code, and the broadcaster made no mention in its report of Snowden, or the documents he leaked.
In response to ARD's allegations relating to the details uncovered in the Xkeyscore source code, the NSA provided the following statement:
“NSA collects only what it is authorized by law to collect for valid foreign intelligence purposes - regardless of the technical means used by foreign intelligence targets. The communications of people who are not foreign intelligence targets are of no use to the agency.
“NSA collects only what it is authorized by law to collect for valid foreign intelligence purposes - regardless of the technical means used by foreign intelligence targets. The communications of people who are not foreign intelligence targets are of no use to the agency.
In January, President Obama issued U.S. Presidential Policy Directive 28, which affirms that all persons - regardless of nationality - have legitimate privacy interests in the handling of their personal information, and that privacy and civil liberties shall be integral considerations in the planning of U.S. signals intelligence activities.
The president's directive also makes clear that the United States does not collect signals intelligence for the purpose of suppressing or burdening criticism or dissent, or for disadvantaging persons based on their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
XKeyscore is an analytic tool that is used as a part of NSA's lawful foreign signals intelligence collection system. Such tools have stringent oversight and compliance mechanisms built in at several levels. The use of XKeyscore allows the agency to help defend the nation and protect U.S. and allied troops abroad. All of NSA's operations are conducted in strict accordance with the rule of law, including the President's new directive.”
Posts : 12923
Yehudi- Posts : 14715
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Everything you need to know about the NSA and Tor in one FAQ
Documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden have revealed that the National Security Agency has powerful capabilities to identify and spy on users of the Tor network, three of my colleagues report. But what's Tor? How do the attacks work? And what does all this mean for Internet security? Read on to find out.
What's Tor?
Tor originally stood for The Onion Router. It's a worldwide network of servers designed to help users browse the Web anonymously, along with software to access the network.
The open-source software was developed 11 years ago with funding from the U.S. military, but no single person or organization controls the network as a whole.
How does it work?
The Tor service disguises a user's identity by bouncing traffic among several different Tor servers, or nodes. The packets are encrypted in a way that ensures that each link in the chain only knows about the links immediately before and after it. As a result, when a packet emerges from the Tor network, no one can figure out who sent it.
That sounds really complicated. Can ordinary users use it?
To make the system easier to use, the Tor project provides the Tor Browser Bundle. That's a version of the Firefox Web browser that's been pre-configured to send all of its traffic through the Tor network. So to anonymize your traffic, all you do is download the Tor version of Firefox and use it like you would an ordinary Web browser. No special configuration or technical knowledge is required.
That sounds really easy. Why doesn't everyone do that?
Encrypting your packets and bouncing them around the Internet isn't costless. All that extra work means that browsing the Web via Tor feels sluggish compared to using a conventional browser.
If anonymity is important to you — say, you're a dissident in a repressive country, a corporate whistleblower or the owner of a Bitcoin-based drug marketplace — that extra sluggishness is well worth the trouble. But for most of us, the anonymity of Tor is overkill, so we don't use it.
And that's a good thing, because the Tor network has limited capacity. Tor nodes are donated by governments, institutions and private individuals who want to promote privacy. There's never quite enough to go around, so the network is often congested.
Is the Tor network secure?
As far as we know, yes. Even the NSA has struggled to spy on the network. "We will never be able to de-anonymize all Tor users all the time," a slide from a 2007 NSA presentation stated. "With manual analysis we can de-anonymize a very small fraction of Tor users." But at least as of 2007, the NSA didn't have any techniques that would allow them to target particular users on demand.
Then what's this about the NSA spying on Tor users?
Remember I said earlier that the most popular way to use Tor is to download the Tor Browser Bundle? Well, Web browsers are much more complicated than stand-alone Tor software. So while hacking the core Tor network has proven difficult, hacking a Tor user's browser is easier.
According to the Guardian, the NSA's attack works by "implanting malicious code on the computer of Tor users who visit particular websites." The malicious code is designed to target vulnerabilities that exist in the version of Firefox that's in the Tor Browser Bundle.
This sounds familiar. Wasn't the government accused of using a compromised server to serve malware to child pornography suspects in July?
Yes. The FBI recently admitted that it had taken control of Freedom Hosting, a company that provides Tor hidden services, in July. The server began serving malware that "exploited a security hole in Firefox to identify users of the Tor Browser Bundle." That apparently allowed the NSA to identify people who had been browsing a Tor hidden service for child pornography.
It looks like the compromise of Freedom Hosting was one use of the NSA's powerful capacity to attack users of the Tor Browser Bundle.
So this attack depends on the target visiting an NSA-controlled Web site?
Ordinarily it would, but according to Bruce Schneier, who has been working with the Guardian's investigative team, the NSA has the ability to impersonate Web sites it doesn't control to inject malicious code.
"The NSA places secret servers, codenamed Quantum, at key places on the internet backbone," Schneier writes. These servers intercept requests for legitimate websites and respond before the legitimate server can reply. The Quantum server's response redirects the target's browser to an NSA-controlled web server that sends the browser malware.
That sounds like a sophisticated attack. What kind of infrastructure is required to carry it out?
Executing this type of attack, known as "man in the middle," requires working closely with Internet backbone providers. Major telecommunications companies apparently allow the NSA to install equipment in their facilities and tap into the streams of data they transmit.
The NSA also has a secret network of sophisticated Web servers to deliver the malware, Schneier writes. Servers in this system, code-named FoxAcid, install malware capable of burrowing deep into the target computer, making it difficult to detect or remove. The malware can spy on the user and report back to the NSA with information.
Schneier reports that "By 2008, the NSA was getting so much FoxAcid callback data that they needed to build a special system to manage it all."
Could that same infrastructure be turned against people who aren't using Tor?
It seems that way. While the specific attacks disclosed today focused on users of the Tor Browser Bundle, the Quantum and FoxAcid program could be used to attack any user whose browser had vulnerabilities known to the NSA. And new browser vulnerabilities are discovered on a regular basis. In other words, there's a good chance the NSA could use systems like Quantum and FoxAcid hack into the computer you're using to read this right now if it wanted to.
Where can I read the NSA documents that Ed Snowden leaked regarding Tor surveillance?
We've got an annotated copy of two of the documents available here, here, and here. Additional documents are available from the Guardian here and here.
Documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden have revealed that the National Security Agency has powerful capabilities to identify and spy on users of the Tor network, three of my colleagues report. But what's Tor? How do the attacks work? And what does all this mean for Internet security? Read on to find out.
What's Tor?
Tor originally stood for The Onion Router. It's a worldwide network of servers designed to help users browse the Web anonymously, along with software to access the network.
The open-source software was developed 11 years ago with funding from the U.S. military, but no single person or organization controls the network as a whole.
How does it work?
The Tor service disguises a user's identity by bouncing traffic among several different Tor servers, or nodes. The packets are encrypted in a way that ensures that each link in the chain only knows about the links immediately before and after it. As a result, when a packet emerges from the Tor network, no one can figure out who sent it.
That sounds really complicated. Can ordinary users use it?
To make the system easier to use, the Tor project provides the Tor Browser Bundle. That's a version of the Firefox Web browser that's been pre-configured to send all of its traffic through the Tor network. So to anonymize your traffic, all you do is download the Tor version of Firefox and use it like you would an ordinary Web browser. No special configuration or technical knowledge is required.
That sounds really easy. Why doesn't everyone do that?
Encrypting your packets and bouncing them around the Internet isn't costless. All that extra work means that browsing the Web via Tor feels sluggish compared to using a conventional browser.
If anonymity is important to you — say, you're a dissident in a repressive country, a corporate whistleblower or the owner of a Bitcoin-based drug marketplace — that extra sluggishness is well worth the trouble. But for most of us, the anonymity of Tor is overkill, so we don't use it.
And that's a good thing, because the Tor network has limited capacity. Tor nodes are donated by governments, institutions and private individuals who want to promote privacy. There's never quite enough to go around, so the network is often congested.
Is the Tor network secure?
As far as we know, yes. Even the NSA has struggled to spy on the network. "We will never be able to de-anonymize all Tor users all the time," a slide from a 2007 NSA presentation stated. "With manual analysis we can de-anonymize a very small fraction of Tor users." But at least as of 2007, the NSA didn't have any techniques that would allow them to target particular users on demand.
Then what's this about the NSA spying on Tor users?
Remember I said earlier that the most popular way to use Tor is to download the Tor Browser Bundle? Well, Web browsers are much more complicated than stand-alone Tor software. So while hacking the core Tor network has proven difficult, hacking a Tor user's browser is easier.
According to the Guardian, the NSA's attack works by "implanting malicious code on the computer of Tor users who visit particular websites." The malicious code is designed to target vulnerabilities that exist in the version of Firefox that's in the Tor Browser Bundle.
This sounds familiar. Wasn't the government accused of using a compromised server to serve malware to child pornography suspects in July?
Yes. The FBI recently admitted that it had taken control of Freedom Hosting, a company that provides Tor hidden services, in July. The server began serving malware that "exploited a security hole in Firefox to identify users of the Tor Browser Bundle." That apparently allowed the NSA to identify people who had been browsing a Tor hidden service for child pornography.
It looks like the compromise of Freedom Hosting was one use of the NSA's powerful capacity to attack users of the Tor Browser Bundle.
So this attack depends on the target visiting an NSA-controlled Web site?
Ordinarily it would, but according to Bruce Schneier, who has been working with the Guardian's investigative team, the NSA has the ability to impersonate Web sites it doesn't control to inject malicious code.
"The NSA places secret servers, codenamed Quantum, at key places on the internet backbone," Schneier writes. These servers intercept requests for legitimate websites and respond before the legitimate server can reply. The Quantum server's response redirects the target's browser to an NSA-controlled web server that sends the browser malware.
That sounds like a sophisticated attack. What kind of infrastructure is required to carry it out?
Executing this type of attack, known as "man in the middle," requires working closely with Internet backbone providers. Major telecommunications companies apparently allow the NSA to install equipment in their facilities and tap into the streams of data they transmit.
The NSA also has a secret network of sophisticated Web servers to deliver the malware, Schneier writes. Servers in this system, code-named FoxAcid, install malware capable of burrowing deep into the target computer, making it difficult to detect or remove. The malware can spy on the user and report back to the NSA with information.
Schneier reports that "By 2008, the NSA was getting so much FoxAcid callback data that they needed to build a special system to manage it all."
Could that same infrastructure be turned against people who aren't using Tor?
It seems that way. While the specific attacks disclosed today focused on users of the Tor Browser Bundle, the Quantum and FoxAcid program could be used to attack any user whose browser had vulnerabilities known to the NSA. And new browser vulnerabilities are discovered on a regular basis. In other words, there's a good chance the NSA could use systems like Quantum and FoxAcid hack into the computer you're using to read this right now if it wanted to.
Where can I read the NSA documents that Ed Snowden leaked regarding Tor surveillance?
We've got an annotated copy of two of the documents available here, here, and here. Additional documents are available from the Guardian here and here.
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
Dakle, i TOR korisnici mogu biti nadzirani i praćeni by NSA.
Posts : 12923
Re: NSA Whistleblower Speaks: "The Ultimate Goal is Total Population Control"
kako ne kuzis vec jednomTrinity wrote:Dakle, i TOR korisnici mogu biti nadzirani i praćeni by NSA.
internet je vona tehnologija,vojska razvija tehnologiju radi pracenja recimo,cijeli internet se rpati,sve kuzis
ok NSA prati,ali je vazno za koga,to se treba pitati,tko stoji iza svega
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