Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
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Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
The Onion je dao neke od najboljih komentara :D
Aides Request John Bolton Please Stop Setting Fire To Middle East Tactical Map
The OnionYesterday 12:35pm
WASHINGTON—Saying his outbursts have hindered their ability to hold constructive military strategy sessions, top Pentagon aides have repeatedly asked National Security Advisor John Bolton to stop setting fire to their Middle East tactical map, sources confirmed Wednesday. “We keep trying to lay out troop deployment options for Mr. Bolton, but it’s difficult when he just barges in, pours lighter fluid all over the map, and flicks a lit match on top,” said Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, who acknowledged this was hardly the first time Bolton had destroyed a tabletop display of the region while screaming, “Burn, motherfuckers, burn!” “He’s the one who requested a more robust military plan, but it’s hard to brief him when you’re looking at a bunch of melted blotches and you can’t tell what’s Syria and what’s Iran. He even burned up the components on the map representing our own troops. Honestly, it’s hard enough getting through meetings with a guy who stops up his ears and screams anytime the word ‘Iraq’ is mentioned.” At press time, President Trump had reportedly viewed the remnants of the map and signed off on Bolton’s plan.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Alkar Donald Trump u ništa
Neće se sad ništa događat jer su za deset dana eu izbori , sad će on malo tu sankcije , šuplja priča i tako to i čeka da mu Iran popuši kurac.
Neće se sad ništa događat jer su za deset dana eu izbori , sad će on malo tu sankcije , šuplja priča i tako to i čeka da mu Iran popuši kurac.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaepikur37 wrote:Boje se.
red wolf-
Posts : 15947
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Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
iman osjećaj da Trump sluša i anketne kuće.Hektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:trump se boji izbora 2020 eto čega. irana se ne boje- neka hektorović objasni, irance bi, da rusi 2015 uletili u siriju, satrali kanibali sa jna oružjem i turskim/arapskim TOW projektilima iza 1980, kada su ih rasturali po siriji da Rusi nisu uletili
Trump jednostavo ne vjeruje u ratove, on zbilja nije lagao u kampanji...
Dok je Bolton za rat, bilo gdje, bilo kad, u bilo koje doba dana.
Trump nije Bush pa da zbilja posluša Boltona.
Ostaje prijetnja eskalacije koja će prisiliti Trumpa da promjeni mišljenje kako nebi ispao slab.
Recimo USA ankete govre da javnost sa jedne strane podržava oštru retoriku prema Venezueli i Iranu, ali nije na strani ratova. I tako se Trump ponaša. Sankcije i izolacija i špijuni a ništa ratovi.
Treba dobiti 2020 izbore, ako ne napravi neki sjebani rat , dobija sigurno.
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Ima još do izbora. Ne znaš ni tko mu je protukandidat. Ne znam ni ja al ako bude Ray Mabus ...Trumpu dajem 0% šanse.AssadNaPodmornici wrote:iman osjećaj da Trump sluša i anketne kuće.Hektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:trump se boji izbora 2020 eto čega. irana se ne boje- neka hektorović objasni, irance bi, da rusi 2015 uletili u siriju, satrali kanibali sa jna oružjem i turskim/arapskim TOW projektilima iza 1980, kada su ih rasturali po siriji da Rusi nisu uletili
Trump jednostavo ne vjeruje u ratove, on zbilja nije lagao u kampanji...
Dok je Bolton za rat, bilo gdje, bilo kad, u bilo koje doba dana.
Trump nije Bush pa da zbilja posluša Boltona.
Ostaje prijetnja eskalacije koja će prisiliti Trumpa da promjeni mišljenje kako nebi ispao slab.
Recimo USA ankete govre da javnost sa jedne strane podržava oštru retoriku prema Venezueli i Iranu, ali nije na strani ratova. I tako se Trump ponaša. Sankcije i izolacija i špijuni a ništa ratovi.
Treba dobiti 2020 izbore, ako ne napravi neki sjebani rat , dobija sigurno.
RayMabus- Posts : 184137
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:iman osjećaj da Trump sluša i anketne kuće.
Recimo USA ankete govre da javnost sa jedne strane podržava oštru retoriku prema Venezueli i Iranu, ali nije na strani ratova. I tako se Trump ponaša. Sankcije i izolacija i špijuni a ništa ratovi.
Treba dobiti 2020 izbore, ako ne napravi neki sjebani rat , dobija sigurno.
Putin sluša anketne kuće, kod Trumpa je sve to više organski, spontano.
Bolton pokušava bar neki rat pokrenuti, prvo Venezuela, sad Iran, bit će još na kraju neko rokanje po Assadu.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Assad je uvijek lutka za iživljavanje.. jebiga.. ali sa druge strane Assad može biti zadovoljan, 2015 je bio pripremao podmornicu za Pyongjang, dok nisu došli Rusi, tako da par krstarećih raketa i avio bombi što od amerike što od izraela(najviše izraela) što od britanaca što od turaka, mu dođe kao prosječnom Hrvatu wc školjka nakon jutarnje kave.. obavi se i ide se dalje :DHektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:iman osjećaj da Trump sluša i anketne kuće.
Recimo USA ankete govre da javnost sa jedne strane podržava oštru retoriku prema Venezueli i Iranu, ali nije na strani ratova. I tako se Trump ponaša. Sankcije i izolacija i špijuni a ništa ratovi.
Treba dobiti 2020 izbore, ako ne napravi neki sjebani rat , dobija sigurno.
Putin sluša anketne kuće, kod Trumpa je sve to više organski, spontano.
Bolton pokušava bar neki rat pokrenuti, prvo Venezuela, sad Iran, bit će još na kraju neko rokanje po Assadu.
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Assad je uvijek lutka za iživljavanje.. jebiga.. ali sa druge strane Assad može biti zadovoljan, 2015 je bio pripremao podmornicu za Pyongjang, dok nisu došli Rusi, tako da par krstarećih raketa i avio bombi što od amerike što od izraela(najviše izraela) što od britanaca što od turaka, mu dođe kao prosječnom Hrvatu wc školjka nakon jutarnje kave.. obavi se i ide se dalje :D
Rusi prže sve što gmiže po Idlibu, Erdogan: "Assad je kriv, pokušava nas udaljiti od Rusije" :D :D
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Spreaking of the devil, upravo je dobio odlikovanje u Izraelu :D
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
a pratim malo, iako začuđujuće kanibali se dosta dobro drže s obzirom da ih prži ruska avijacija, a sa druge strane assad ima puno više oružja i infrastrukture.. izgubili su par sela, ali nanose gubitke assadovoj vojsci, ofenziva se ispuhala već , i stala je.. očiti dokaz kako je i dalje vojska Sirijske države poprilično disfunkcionalna, mislio sam da su se popravili, oni čak i uz pomoć ruske avijacije i ruske države u vidu oružja, obuke, i dalje muku muče da osvoje par sela za koje plate sa +100 mrtvih i uništenim tenkovima i tehnikom.. ali i par sela je par sela, nije niti to loše..Hektorović wrote:AssadNaPodmornici wrote:Assad je uvijek lutka za iživljavanje.. jebiga.. ali sa druge strane Assad može biti zadovoljan, 2015 je bio pripremao podmornicu za Pyongjang, dok nisu došli Rusi, tako da par krstarećih raketa i avio bombi što od amerike što od izraela(najviše izraela) što od britanaca što od turaka, mu dođe kao prosječnom Hrvatu wc školjka nakon jutarnje kave.. obavi se i ide se dalje :D
Rusi prže sve što gmiže po Idlibu, Erdogan: "Assad je kriv, pokušava nas udaljiti od Rusije" :D :D
vjerojatno Assad na juriš ionako gura sunitske regrute, tako ako izginu sunitski muslimani protiv sunitskih islamista, to je za njega dvije muhe jednim udarcem.. ako je pametan to bi radio.. regrutiraš sunite muslimane iz teritorija kojeg drži(a on drži 2/3 populacije) i šalješ ih u juriš na druge sunite muslimane, a štediš svoje alevite i lojalne manjine(tipa kršćane)
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
the army has recently strengthened itself with former rebels and new conscripts from Deraa and East Ghouta. To test the loyalty of these new forces, the regime tasked them with storming Tal Othman and Qalaat al-Madiq.
lol kako sam rekao, poslali bivše pobunjenike i mobilizirane sunite na sunite..
the army has recently strengthened itself with former rebels and new conscripts from Deraa and East Ghouta. To test the loyalty of these new forces, the regime tasked them with storming Tal Othman and Qalaat al-Madiq.
lol kako sam rekao, poslali bivše pobunjenike i mobilizirane sunite na sunite..
AssadNaPodmornici- Posts : 22332
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
AssadNaPodmornici wrote:a pratim malo, iako začuđujuće kanibali se dosta dobro drže s obzirom da ih prži ruska avijacija, a sa druge strane assad ima puno više oružja i infrastrukture.. izgubili su par sela, ali nanose gubitke assadovoj vojsci, ofenziva se ispuhala već , i stala je.. očiti dokaz kako je i dalje vojska Sirijske države poprilično disfunkcionalna, mislio sam da su se popravili, oni čak i uz pomoć ruske avijacije i ruske države u vidu oružja, obuke, i dalje muku muče da osvoje par sela za koje plate sa +100 mrtvih i uništenim tenkovima i tehnikom.. ali i par sela je par sela, nije niti to loše..
vjerojatno Assad na juriš ionako gura sunitske regrute, tako ako izginu sunitski muslimani protiv sunitskih islamista, to je za njega dvije muhe jednim udarcem.. ako je pametan to bi radio.. regrutiraš sunite muslimane iz teritorija kojeg drži(a on drži 2/3 populacije) i šalješ ih u juriš na druge sunite muslimane, a štediš svoje alevite i lojalne manjine(tipa kršćane)
Nije niti blizu intenzitet Ruske zračne operacije kao 2016-18... Ovo je sad polagano, bez žurbe. A Arapi ko Arapi, drljavo ratuju čim nema Wagnerovaca i SSO u prvim redovima da čiste teren uz pomoć Ruskih jurišnih helikoptera.
A drugo, Surovikin nije više glavkom u Siriji, sad operaciju vodi Serdykov.
Hektorović- Posts : 26373
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
SAA je već u poziciji da se može igrati sa kanibalima ka mačka s mišem. Nima žurbe, osvoji se jedan grad, pa ih namirno puste da polete u kontru i pri tome izgube pun kurac ljudstva.
Iak je Idlib daleko najjače uporište, činjenica je da SAA danas ni ista ona SAA od pri 4-5 godina.
Iak je Idlib daleko najjače uporište, činjenica je da SAA danas ni ista ona SAA od pri 4-5 godina.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10397
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Ćifutski mediji napravili detaljnu analizu kakvim sve proxy snagama Iran raspolaže u slučaju rata...
Suština je u tome neprestani ratovi u regionu, od invazije na Irak, prek rata ćifuta sa Libanonu, pa sve do ovog rata u Siriji, učinili pro-iranske snage jačim i uticajnijim neg ikad ranije...
[size=54]In a war with US, Iran could have these proxies fighting by its side[/size]
BEIRUT (AP) — In the event of war with the United States, Iran “will not be alone.”
That message was delivered by the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group to a mass rally in Beirut in February marking the 40th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. “If America launches war on Iran, it will not be alone in the confrontation, because the fate of our region is tied to the Islamic Republic,” Hassan Nasrallah said.
From Lebanon and Syria to Iraq, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, Tehran has significantly expanded its footprint over the past decade, finding and developing powerful allies in conflict-ravaged countries across the Middle East. Hezbollah is one of the most prominent members of the self-styled “axis of resistance,” armed groups with tens of thousands of Shiite Muslim fighters beholden to Tehran.
Iran has used such groups in the past to strike its regional foes, and could mobilize them if the latest tensions with the United States lead to an armed conflict — dramatically expanding the battlefield.
Here’s a look at Tehran’s allies in the Mideast:
In a paper for the Brookings Institute earlier this year, former US Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman described the group as revolutionary Iran’s “most successful export” and Tehran’s “multi-purpose tool.”
Hezbollah was formed to combat Israel following its invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It waged an 18-year guerrilla war against Israeli forces, eventually forcing them to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000. Six years later, it battled Israel to a bloody stalemate in a monthlong war.
Today, the group has an arsenal of tens of thousands of rockets and missiles that can reach deep into Israel, as well as thousands of highly disciplined and battle-hardened fighters. Hezbollah has fought alongside government forces in Syria for more than six years, gaining even more battlefield experience and expanding its reach.
At home, the group’s power exceeds that of the Lebanese armed forces, and along with its allies has more power than ever in the parliament and government.
Despite the rhetoric, Hezbollah says it is not seeking another war with Israel, and it is not likely to join in any regional confrontation — at least not in the early stages — unless provoked. Hezbollah has lost hundreds of fighters in Syria, exacting a heavy toll on the Shiite community from which it draws most of its support.
Saudi Arabia views the Houthis as an Iranian proxy, and along with Western nations and UN experts has accused Tehran of providing arms to the rebels, including the long-range missiles they have fired into Saudi Arabia. Iran supports the rebels but denies arming them.
The Houthis have given up little ground since the coalition entered the war, and have targeted the Saudi capital, Riyadh, with long-range missiles. Earlier this week they claimed a drone attack that shut down a major oil pipeline in Saudi Arabia, which responded with airstrikes on Yemen’s rebel-held capital that killed civilians.
The groups include Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Kataeb Hezbollah and the Badr Organization, all three led by men with close ties to Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force and the architect of Tehran’s regional strategy.
The militias fall under the umbrella of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, a collection of mostly Shiite militias that were incorporated into the country’s armed forces in 2016. Together they number more than 140,000 fighters, and while they fall under the authority of Iraq’s prime minister, the PMF’s top brass are politically aligned with Iran.
US forces and the PMF fought side-by-side against Islamic State militants after Iraq’s parliament invited the US back into the country in 2014. But now that the war is largely concluded, some militia leaders are calling on US troops to leave again, threatening to expel them by force if necessary. This week, the US ordered all nonessential government staff to leave Iraq, amid unspecified threats in the region said to be linked to Iran.
Iran has long supported Palestinian terror groups, including Gaza’s Hamas rulers and particularly the smaller Islamic Jihad group.
Hamas fell out with Iran after the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, losing millions of dollars in monthly assistance. The group today is in a severe financial crisis; its employees and public servants in Gaza have not been paid full salaries in years.
Tehran is said to have continued its military support to Hamas’s armed wing, but the group appears to get most of its aid from Qatar, making it less likely that it would rally to Tehran’s side in a regional conflict. Islamic Jihad, another Sunni militant group, is seen as much closer to Iran but still not as deeply intertwined as Hezbollah or other groups.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza during a bout of fighting with Israel earlier this month. Israel accused Islamic Jihad of triggering the violence, which was the worst since a 2014 war. The movement did not deny the Israeli accusations.
Suština je u tome neprestani ratovi u regionu, od invazije na Irak, prek rata ćifuta sa Libanonu, pa sve do ovog rata u Siriji, učinili pro-iranske snage jačim i uticajnijim neg ikad ranije...
[size=54]In a war with US, Iran could have these proxies fighting by its side[/size]
Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad in Gaza have arsenals of rockets aimed into Israel, while tens of thousands of Shiite Muslim fighters across region are beholden to Tehran
BEIRUT (AP) — In the event of war with the United States, Iran “will not be alone.”
That message was delivered by the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group to a mass rally in Beirut in February marking the 40th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. “If America launches war on Iran, it will not be alone in the confrontation, because the fate of our region is tied to the Islamic Republic,” Hassan Nasrallah said.
From Lebanon and Syria to Iraq, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, Tehran has significantly expanded its footprint over the past decade, finding and developing powerful allies in conflict-ravaged countries across the Middle East. Hezbollah is one of the most prominent members of the self-styled “axis of resistance,” armed groups with tens of thousands of Shiite Muslim fighters beholden to Tehran.
Iran has used such groups in the past to strike its regional foes, and could mobilize them if the latest tensions with the United States lead to an armed conflict — dramatically expanding the battlefield.
Here’s a look at Tehran’s allies in the Mideast:
The terror group, whose Arabic name translates into “Party of God,” was established by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard during Lebanon’s civil war in the 1980s. Today it is among the most effective armed groups in the region, extending Iran’s influence to Israel’s doorstep.In a paper for the Brookings Institute earlier this year, former US Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman described the group as revolutionary Iran’s “most successful export” and Tehran’s “multi-purpose tool.”
Hezbollah was formed to combat Israel following its invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It waged an 18-year guerrilla war against Israeli forces, eventually forcing them to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000. Six years later, it battled Israel to a bloody stalemate in a monthlong war.
Today, the group has an arsenal of tens of thousands of rockets and missiles that can reach deep into Israel, as well as thousands of highly disciplined and battle-hardened fighters. Hezbollah has fought alongside government forces in Syria for more than six years, gaining even more battlefield experience and expanding its reach.
At home, the group’s power exceeds that of the Lebanese armed forces, and along with its allies has more power than ever in the parliament and government.
Despite the rhetoric, Hezbollah says it is not seeking another war with Israel, and it is not likely to join in any regional confrontation — at least not in the early stages — unless provoked. Hezbollah has lost hundreds of fighters in Syria, exacting a heavy toll on the Shiite community from which it draws most of its support.
The Houthis
Yemen’s Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, swept down from the north and captured the capital, Sanaa, in 2014. A Saudi-led coalition entered the conflict on the side of the government the following year. The war has since killed tens of thousands of people and generated the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.Saudi Arabia views the Houthis as an Iranian proxy, and along with Western nations and UN experts has accused Tehran of providing arms to the rebels, including the long-range missiles they have fired into Saudi Arabia. Iran supports the rebels but denies arming them.
The Houthis have given up little ground since the coalition entered the war, and have targeted the Saudi capital, Riyadh, with long-range missiles. Earlier this week they claimed a drone attack that shut down a major oil pipeline in Saudi Arabia, which responded with airstrikes on Yemen’s rebel-held capital that killed civilians.
Iraq militias
Iran has trained, financed, and equipped Shiite militias in Iraq that battled US forces in the years after the 2003 invasion and remobilized to battle the Islamic State group a decade later.The groups include Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Kataeb Hezbollah and the Badr Organization, all three led by men with close ties to Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force and the architect of Tehran’s regional strategy.
The militias fall under the umbrella of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, a collection of mostly Shiite militias that were incorporated into the country’s armed forces in 2016. Together they number more than 140,000 fighters, and while they fall under the authority of Iraq’s prime minister, the PMF’s top brass are politically aligned with Iran.
US forces and the PMF fought side-by-side against Islamic State militants after Iraq’s parliament invited the US back into the country in 2014. But now that the war is largely concluded, some militia leaders are calling on US troops to leave again, threatening to expel them by force if necessary. This week, the US ordered all nonessential government staff to leave Iraq, amid unspecified threats in the region said to be linked to Iran.
Gaza terror groups
Iran has long supported Palestinian terror groups, including Gaza’s Hamas rulers and particularly the smaller Islamic Jihad group.
Hamas fell out with Iran after the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, losing millions of dollars in monthly assistance. The group today is in a severe financial crisis; its employees and public servants in Gaza have not been paid full salaries in years.
Tehran is said to have continued its military support to Hamas’s armed wing, but the group appears to get most of its aid from Qatar, making it less likely that it would rally to Tehran’s side in a regional conflict. Islamic Jihad, another Sunni militant group, is seen as much closer to Iran but still not as deeply intertwined as Hezbollah or other groups.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza during a bout of fighting with Israel earlier this month. Israel accused Islamic Jihad of triggering the violence, which was the worst since a 2014 war. The movement did not deny the Israeli accusations.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10397
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
U biti, Ameri su sami sebe doveli u neizglednu poziciju. Rušenjem Saddama, Iranu su praktično otvorili vrata ka zapadu. Prvo je pa Irak, a fijaskom oko svrgavanja Assada u Siriji, omogućili su im praktično taj fatalni koridor Teheran - Bejrut.
Da su svrgnuli Assada, to bu bez sumnje bila velika pobida SAD-a, i značajna marginalizacija uticaja Irana.
Da su svrgnuli Assada, to bu bez sumnje bila velika pobida SAD-a, i značajna marginalizacija uticaja Irana.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
AlfaOmega- Posts : 10397
Re: Bolton počeo živcirat Trumpa
Pa dobro je da Trump ne zili rat. Amerikanci su zaglavili sa tim ratovima. Pored toga Trumpova politika je povratak kuci.
gargamel0101- Posts : 3558
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